
I think you have to know who you are. Get to know the monster that lives in your soul, dive deep into your soul and explore it. - Tori Amos

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Started by rats_dance, March 13, 2008, 12:45:42 PM

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I was wondering what colors have significance in Magic, all Magic.( I don't Use a K in Magic because I am an english dictionary freak)


I used to know all of them. Colors can represent emotions, forces in nature, and have the capability to influence thought and mind set. I would recommend looking at a candle craft book. Or a good Wicca beginners book. Be careful though. Not all books in the area of magic are truthful. Choose wisely. Don't go for a book because it's pretty, or seems mysterious. Read through it a bit, and when in doubt, throw it out!!^^ I would seriously reccomend books, and not the enet too. It e-net is not a great place for somethings, and Monstrous is an exception in a lot of areas. Blessed be and may the answers you be truthful and useful.
Monsters we are lest monsters we become.

Vince_03 is the most powerful coclor there is
what doesn't kill you makes you stronger


I disagree. Black is the absence of color, of light, and life. IT is powerful only because it must balance out white which holds every color in itself. Everything has a balance, or it adapts to balance out. Power would not exsist without weakness, and darkness would not exsist without the absense of something, but that something is light.
Monsters we are lest monsters we become.


Celtic is right. While "Black" magic is certainly more seductive; it is only seductive because of the siren song of self gratification it weaves over the uninitiated. White magic isn't necessarily that great either though; but then I'm biased as I was once a practitioner of dark arts. By the way, I'm not certain where the Light is concerned, but I do know that the habits and thoughts you learn when you delve into the darkness never truly leave you. Choose wisely what path you will walk, for it may be the only path you ever see again...


actually, black is a neutral color. any energy can use it,either good or bad. when it is used, it's powerful. that's why most magic stuff are colored black or any dark color
what doesn't kill you makes you stronger

rave phillaphia

ok scientifically black takes all the energy and white repels energy. But besides that fact colors depends on everything (time, energy, wants & needs) depends on what system you do and what the colors means to you in truth.

Black is so not neutral gray is black and white are full of energy. magic stuff is not mainly black i mean there is a equal balance like a black handled knife and a white handled knife.


Quote from: rave phillaphia on March 16, 2008, 07:12:34 PM
ok scientifically black takes all the energy and white repels energy. But besides that fact colors depends on everything (time, energy, wants & needs) depends on what system you do and what the colors means to you in truth.

Black is so not neutral gray is black and white are full of energy. magic stuff is not mainly black i mean there is a equal balance like a black handled knife and a white handled knife.
Very true! Rave is correct. The colors are how you see them for what they are and what they truely are.
Monsters we are lest monsters we become.


All magic is what you make of it. If you have a certain color you can do with it what you want, there is a basics to color magick I will post it here. But keep in mind that if a spell you are doing or a ritual which calls for a red candle but you only have a white one, you can use the white one, real magic comes from need want and desire, and focus so any color will do. But here is the way of the colors


    * The Goddess
    * Higher Self
    * Purity
    * Peace
    * Virginity
    * (substitutes any other color)


    * Binding
    * Shape shifting
    * Protection
    * Repels Negativity

    * Special Favors
    * To Influence Friendships

    * The Goddess
    * Astral energy
    * Female energy
    * Telepathy
    * Clairvoyance
    * Intuition
    * Dreams

    * Third Eye
    * Psychic Ability
    * Hidden Knowledge
    * To Influence People in High Places
    * Spiritual Power

    * Element of Water
    * Wisdom
    * Protection
    * Calm
    * Good Fortune
    * Opening Blocked Communication
    * Spiritual Inspiration

    * The Element of Earth
    * Physical Healing
    * Monetary success
    * Mother Earth
    * Tree and Plant Magic
    * Growth
    * Personal Goals

    * Affection
    * Romance
    * Affection
    * Caring
    * Nurturing
    * Planetary Good Will

    * Element of Fire
    * Passion
    * Strength
    * Fast action
    * Career Goals
    * Lust
    * Driving Force
    * Survival
    * Blood of the Moon

    * General Success
    * Property Deals
    * Legal matters
    * Justice
    * Selling

    * Professional Growth
    * Business Fertility
    * Career Maneuvers
    * Passion
    * Money Goals

    * The God
    * Promote Winning
    * Power of the Male
    * Happiness
    * Money

    * The Element of Air
    * Intelligence
    * The Sun
    * Memory
    * Logical Imagination
    * To Accelerate Learning
    * To Break Mental Blocks

As for Black- Black is a really good color for purifying, and also used allot in hexes but I warn you everything you do comes back to you 3 fold so I do not encourage anyone to go running around performing hexes. However if you feel you are cursed Black is good to use in spells to remove a curse.

And it is neutral as said before. White on the other hand can be used for anything at all!

Blessings in dark and light


I have read somewhere that yellow is also a color for wealth, Red for war among other things.

Tell me my lady, do you dabble in chaos magic?
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


no... I don't do any magic right now.


I am sorry for the misunderstanding that i seem to have created.

That question was for her MDness.

I am known as raziel and it is a pleasure to meet you...... ratty. :lol:
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


Nice to meet you Raz.

I am not sure. I have not so much studied Chaos Magick. I read allot. Thats about all, study some herb craft, and slightly study candle magick. But I read all the time. there is so much to read.

Yellow can be used in the place of gold and copper for wealth

And Red can be use in any of the fiery passions, such as you said WAR, anger and hatred and is used allot in hexes

But as said White can be used in place of any other color just need a bit of something of the color you need to charge the spell.

however that being said all magick performed is only what comes from you, you can replace almost all of what you need with what you have, so long as the spell and the energy is there.

Always willing to learn more Raz. I shall go and study your chaos magick and anything you can tell me will be helpful
Blessings in dark and light


i do not do magic as it is too dangerous should i ever harness its power.(AKA: i have not the patience nor the control, nor the devotion to learn, nor to power my spells. and i do not wish to utilise any god or demon for aid. I have prayer if need be.... plus the material cost is virtually non existant.  :-D

People would be dying and/or in emotional anguish. Starvation and disease would follow.

Yet  I would suffer the most as i have a soft heart. And the suffering of others( i mean the irreversable kind) pains me.
(3 fold rule.....i heard that it is a uniqely wiccan ideal.)

also a word of warning about chaos majick......... it is a magick that is reliant on the user's capacity on achiving gnosis........... a state of mind...... it is  ..... wise to be careful when you delve into this. otherwise have fun searching for the truth.
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts

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