
People hear that I am a horror writer and they think that I must be a monster, but actually I have the heart of a small child - I keep it in a jar on my desk. - Robert Bloch

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Do you believe in faeries?

Started by mindylive, March 31, 2008, 09:24:54 AM

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Regina Terra

I used to get faerie rings in my old home. Everyone just told me it was nothing more than one giant fungi whose roots grow in a circle to sprout as many mushrooms as possible. Still never went near it though, didn't want to piss anything off.

Of course, weird thing is, my dog LOVED to eat those mushrooms. Makes me wonder if she was getting high. :?
Gabriel, "Don't kill yourself for it would crush my angelic heart. I love you for who you are and I'm glad I met you. :]"

"I'm going to break him, and there will be blood."


Insanity is a fun state of mind. I can amuse myself and have my friends wanting to get me a straight jacket and a padded room.

Team Squidward

There's no such thing as faeries.

*Tinkerbell dies* lol.

But, yeah, that could just be the shape of the wood. And it's more likely to be a woodland spirit, like a Dryad then a faery, if anythinh at all.


Fairies and nature spirits are the same thing.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope.


I do believe in fairies, i just haven't seen one yet....... :-)
I am the spirit of the wolf, the fire of it's heart.

Sometimes life seems too quiet
Into paralyzing silence
Like the moonless dark

-Sorrow by Flyleaf


i so think fairies are real even though my boyfriend tells me im crazy lol but i have a question of my own who thinks you really can enter a fairy realm through a a circle of mushrooms?


Reckon you could bro but you'd need a lot more stuff than just the fae circle...
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"



It is possible to enter the fae realm through a circle but it is very much advised AGAINST doing so. The rules don't apply over there, once you are in they can do pretty much whatever they want & you may not be able to get back out.


I think I believe in faeries... Not sure :| But if they're the same as nature spirits, then yeah, I do.

Never saw one, though  :cry:
Seek not beauty in battle. Seek not beauty in death. Consider not your own life. If you wish to protect that which must be protected, then strike when your opponent's back is turned.


Faeries are real. You don't have to believe in them or not. Besides we are just humans right? What could we ever do for them, but invade the world. I've seen to many things in my life and I know they're all quite real. Now most of you are going to want proof, and I have to tell you I don't have any. Kinda puts a hole in my arguement, but when you see a large animal in you backyard that goes in to the forest and it stands up on its hind legs and waves at you before it disappears into the trees? You tell me. Now, the picture I liked, I would have like it more if he would have blinked though for the camera.
Monsters we are lest monsters we become.


Monsters we are lest monsters we become.


I believe that faeries may exist however I doubt that they would take the form of an animal on hind legs waving at you. That just doesn't sound like the fae. I don't know if I've seen fae either because every experience can be justified; bells? well there are a lot of kids on bikes where I live. Flashes of light? This is Queensland and it is known for it's incredible amounts of sun. Things missing? Someone else probably borrowed them or I just didn't leave them where I thought. Little men crawling over my bed at night? I'm probably sleeping with my eyes partly open. People fading into walls or hedges? Probably some gap there I didn't see or I wasn't looking properly. Girls with dripping hair and dress hems? Probably came from a pool somewhere. Thumping windows? The wind. People at windows? Stalkers. Milk and honey dissapearing? Someone obviously can't get their own drink or need to up serotonine levels in order to sleep. Shadowy figures in bedroom at night? Note; shadows. People with strange features? Birth defects.

Until an experience happens that I can't deny is the work of Fairies I'll remain uncertain of their existence outside of Tir Nan Og.
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"


Quote from: Ryobi on August 15, 2009, 09:25:57 PM
I believe that faeries may exist however I doubt that they would take the form of an animal on hind legs waving at you. That just doesn't sound like the fae. I don't know if I've seen fae either because every experience can be justified; bells? well there are a lot of kids on bikes where I live. Flashes of light? This is Queensland and it is known for it's incredible amounts of sun. Things missing? Someone else probably borrowed them or I just didn't leave them where I thought. Little men crawling over my bed at night? I'm probably sleeping with my eyes partly open. People fading into walls or hedges? Probably some gap there I didn't see or I wasn't looking properly. Girls with dripping hair and dress hems? Probably came from a pool somewhere. Thumping windows? The wind. People at windows? Stalkers. Milk and honey dissapearing? Someone obviously can't get their own drink or need to up serotonine levels in order to sleep. Shadowy figures in bedroom at night? Note; shadows. People with strange features? Birth defects.

Until an experience happens that I can't deny is the work of Fairies I'll remain uncertain of their existence outside of Tir Nan Og.

I agree with your choice to be skeptical until fairies can be proven to exist but this seems like a lot of evidence pointing to a small number of possibilities. And if the methods of historians are anything to go by, a lot of evidence that on its own could point to a whole range of possibilities can be narrowed down to even one option the more evidence you collect.

You're probably thinking too narrow mindedly on this one. What other stuff have you written off as nothing?
She says that all energy is only borrowed; at some point you have to return it.

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