
The irreligious poet is a monster. - Robert Burns

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Microkinesis (the hex)

Started by Levinthross, May 10, 2008, 04:39:42 AM

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microkinesis is the ability to shift the probability of an event happening for example a person who walks completely normal calls me a mother****** so i use by power, the probability of him tripping goes up which is something like if he had a 4/5 chance of not tripping i made it 2/5 so the possibilty is much higher and is most likely going to happen. I can use my power fairly easily because i dont have to do massive probability calculations  before i can use my power they help but there not necessary. (unlike some crimson coated members of the evil brother hood who shall remain un-named). but the draw back of my current skill level is that i can only affect objects in motion or being acted upon by a force outside of gravity. so far i can use mk to control wind intensity and flow. movement of sound waves light weight objects in motion and electricty. How do i move things that are staying still
the wind that chills the night, the fire's golden light
the oceans call to you, the earthen fated tune,
I am the ivy binding tight i hold the spells all through the night, i am
nightshade's fated swoon of deaths kiss and witches broom


If I could tell you how chances are I'd already be famous with this ability.  Sadly, I'm not famous.  :oops:
So all I can say is that the universe threw in very mysterious forces of energy to toy and practice with and learn from.
All I can say is practice, experimentation, and ambition/desire. I heard of a man toying with an object's atoms somehow
to make them move, but that method he didn't exploit. So just experiment and practice and see what you kick up.
It is better to conquer yourself than to win many battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.

The situation is a demonic paradox: we have toppled the system but we still carry its genes.


Demon is right. Practice makes perfect.


I'm wondering if I might have microkinesis. Because since i was 12 I have noticed that i can either make things happen or prevent them from happening. I don't know exactly how to control it but if I feel strongly about an event regardless of whether or not I expect the event, I can always control the outcome. But I want to know how to affect things that I don't feel as strongly about.
All light cast shadow, and where there is shadow there will allways be DARKNESS


I just want to give a little input here: you don't "have" such a thing; everybody can do it, given enough practice. It's a common misconception that psionics is something only a few are capable of, but I can tell you from firsthand experience, that's not the case. Some, like you, are "naturals"; they can do these things instinctively, usually becoming aware of it around puberty. (Which is also the reason for poltergeists; naturals who aren't aware of their ability affect their surroundings subconsciously, usually through psychokinesis, either macro or micro.) Just wanted to point it out :wink:

Now, onto the real subject:

Like Moloch said right before your post, practice makes perfect. Here's a basic microkinesis exercise lots of beginning psions use... Take two dice, and throw them. Your goal here is to make them land both on the same number. The number doesn't matter and you shouldn't be focusing on it; just focus on the fact that you'll get doubles.

When you've mastered that, you can try keeping only a single die and forcing it to land on a specific number. Some find that harder, that's why I suggest trying the other one before.

But really, it's whatever floats our boat. If you find the first one tougher and the other one easier, then by all means begin practicing with that. I suggest focal meditation too. Just light a candle or something that will attract your attention and keep you focused until you reach deep meditative states. At that point you should start feeling vibrations, hearing buzzing sounds or high frequencies, etc. Meditating like that will help you focus on an event later on. When you do these things, focus is usually the key. When focused, you can ignore outside influence and channel all your willpower into the task at hand.

But once again, whatever floats your boat; that's what works for most people. In my case, it doesn't help much, but I heard it works wonders with many. Everybody has a different ideal mindstate where it works better and learning to reach it is the real key to success in this area of expertise.

One last thing: don't get frustrated or discouraged if it doesn't work immediately; you're training your mind and as with anything else, you most likely won't see amazing results on your first try.

Hope it helped.
Seek not beauty in battle. Seek not beauty in death. Consider not your own life. If you wish to protect that which must be protected, then strike when your opponent's back is turned.


Thanks. that actually does help. I was starting to think that maybe i was crazy, because I've never believed in anything psychic before. I've always thought that the reason things happen the way they happen around me had to do with magic. Mainly because when i was 15 i went to a group home. While i was there my case manager gave me an old spell book that she claimed she used when she was my age. The only things i was ever good at with "magic" was making it rain or storm on command, summoning breezes or gust of wind, and putting people back into my life that i didn't want to let go of yet. I no longer try to retrieve people from my past, as i have learned that it only causes more pain since they left for a reason. But as for the whole weather thing, I haven't tried it in like 5 years and I don't know how to get back in the state of mind i was in back then. I've been told over the years that if i meditate then i will be able to harmonize with the natural energies of the earth, and use "magic" better. But whenever I looked on-line for magic that could reproduce the effects that I've had, i always run into some stupid WOW guild site. So now that i know that I'm not crazy and that I'm psychic instead of a "fairy" like my friends call me, then I'm gonna give the dice thing a try tonight and see what happens.
All light cast shadow, and where there is shadow there will allways be DARKNESS


Psionics and Magic is truly a different thing but similar in a way that both uses energy from within and without, uses concentration and focus, but different in how they use it like no spell and symbols, and with spell and symbols. I do want to point out that psionics is lifeward and best if used positively. Like Kube pointed out, we all have the ability, its just that we are not aware of it yet.

I would like to share with you a personal experience of mine when I was still a neophyte:
When I was 12 I was wondering why keep starting at the sky and something missing keeps bothering me until one night when all is dark and quiet I looked outside the window and asked myself "why is there a lot of living and non-living?" then there out of nowhere I stood up from bed then looked right at my own face in the mirror and smiled, then I realized that everyting surrounding me is also surrounding them and vice versa.

You will be able to see without eyes, hear without ears, speak without voice, smell without nose, and feel without touch. Occuring in time we all know that we will be, we influence others even with no effort at all.

What ever you feel comfortable using, use it.


Well when i thoght i was using magic i used spells at first, but i eventually got the book taken away. So after that i just kinda focused on what type of effect i desired and that's what i got.
All light cast shadow, and where there is shadow there will allways be DARKNESS


Well last night i finally got a chance to try the dice exercise. I was at a friends house and i told him i needed two 6 sided dice. Well once he got me the dice i wasn't sure exactly i was supposed to do, so i just started tossing the dice. At first i wasn't really focusing on doubles as much as just thinking doubles, but once i managed to clear my mind so that i could be in my (think-without-thinking) zone. I noticed that i no longer found it difficult to get the doubles, but as soon as i started thinking again the doubles stopped. I eventually decided that we (me + my two other friends) should all give it a go. So at first I'm only trying to focus on doubles and nothing was really happening. Then i managed to get back into my zone and thats when i noticed that ALL of us were rolling doubles. Then once again i started trying to overthink things and then we started getting normal rolls. After that i decided that  i was done for the night.
All light cast shadow, and where there is shadow there will allways be DARKNESS


Wow good job (to the three of you,) results on the first try don't happen so often. (or so I've heard) Getting in that zone is really what makes it tough and although it's different for everyone, that's why focal meditation can help. Once you're in trance or whatever mindstate you use to do it, then it's a lot easier and just comes naturally.
Seek not beauty in battle. Seek not beauty in death. Consider not your own life. If you wish to protect that which must be protected, then strike when your opponent's back is turned.


 I've been able to control the wind (the more I concentrate the more control I have) since I was about 6 or 7. Now I have a name to put on it....I was fine calling it wind-kenesis though haha (haven't done much research on the topic  :doh: ). There's also been instances when I've made my computer click on things without touching it (not purposely though). I'm going to try the dice thing later tonight. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!   :-D
As long as you are learning, you are an apprentice.

rave phillaphia

Quote from: Levinthross on May 10, 2008, 04:39:42 AM
microkinesis is the ability to shift the probability of an event happening for example a person who walks completely normal calls me a mother****** so i use by power, the probability of him tripping goes up which is something like if he had a 4/5 chance of not tripping i made it 2/5 so the possibilty is much higher and is most likely going to happen. I can use my power fairly easily because i dont have to do massive probability calculations  before i can use my power they help but there not necessary. (unlike some crimson coated members of the evil brother hood who shall remain un-named). but the draw back of my current skill level is that i can only affect objects in motion or being acted upon by a force outside of gravity. so far i can use mk to control wind intensity and flow. movement of sound waves light weight objects in motion and electricty. How do i move things that are staying still

Thank you for giving this a name. I know someone very close to me who can manipulate events that are suppose to happen like this. I get visions of things to come and he always changes them, even slightly. I don't think he knows he does it but it is like he is outside the bounds of destiny laws. I don't know if he can affect obejects. I can affect objects but no people like that. The objects that are staying still have a lot of potential energy, when things are in motion they have kenetic energy so it is easier to manipulate that energy than potential, probably because once an object is at rest it wants to stay at rest. I think maybe you would have to manipulate to change it to kenetic energy so.... work on it? I am really not sure I haven't gotten to that point unless it was an accedent and then it just vanished never to be seen again so be careful and don't try doing it on something you love or it can do what I have done on accedent.


you are correct recently ive been trying to relate physics to magic and having alot of success however on microkinesis specifically as far as it goes for me the events which happen after i focus on a object rarely follow what i want but always turn to be unexpected and kube i was quite sure that the teen poltergheist phenomena was a result of emerging telekinetic powers not mircokinetics i can see how they could be intimately connected but dont such phenomena occur because of hormiones and unresolved emotional problems gather in the subconscious and use the individuals telekinetic power as a outlet?
the wind that chills the night, the fire's golden light
the oceans call to you, the earthen fated tune,
I am the ivy binding tight i hold the spells all through the night, i am
nightshade's fated swoon of deaths kiss and witches broom

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