
Tell us, pray, what devil
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UFO/Alien Stories

Started by Alien-Britt-44, May 17, 2008, 03:11:24 PM

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Do tell....

I will begin. I don't really have much to say though. I have reason to believe that I may have been abducted, but I also have reason to believe I haven't been so, I'm not sure. I would like to know others stories and input because it's a topic of my research and I'm very curious.

I have experienced numerous time lapses and I have seen lights in the sky.

There was just one and it was hovering. It was much too large to be lights from a helicopter or a radio tower and all it did was hover... It moved after a moment and I watched it until I couldn't anymore. (My skeptical Step Father was driving.) I'm not sure what it was or where it went, but my Uncle had seen it before. And it went toward the Airbase, I think.
Could it be a UFO, or a Secret Military Plane?

Feel free to tell your stories! I;m all ears!


This man came in contact with an alien
alien gave him seeds to plant and was speaking fast giberish
but the man understood the alien told him to plant them

he planted them and later was on newspaper for having HUGEEEEE vegetables

This happened in Mexico and my grandpa knew this man
hes dead now...

My dad once saw a long ufo  that was like a big pencil go across the sky

he sad it was moving slow and way after is passed he heard like a hugeee soundpass byy
*sounded like a big jet*
it was the ufo sound


I got a couple UFO/Alien stories. 

Once when I was in Elementry school age, I was at home and it was about time to go to bed.  I looked out the window to the South and I seen this bright white light in the sky.  It looked like it was pretty far up in the air but not as far as a plane.  I told my parents and we all watched it for a while.  They eventualy said it was time to go to bed.  But I got back up and looked out the window and it was still there.  It just kinda stayed in one spot for a lil while or for a sec and it would kinda swoop to another place, not real far.  I watched it for a long time but eventually had to go to bed because I had school the next day.  I wanted to watch it all night though. 

Another time I was young still, but I can't remember if I was in like sixth grade or Jr. high.  But I was asleep and I woke up all of the sudden.  I didn't open my eyes at first.  But I think I tried to open my eyes and it felt like I couldn't, like I was scared.  All I could see was the darkness from the back of my eyelids.  Then an Alien Head started to meterialize in my mind.  it started gettin closer and more vivid.  As it started gettin more clear the darikness started slashin red kinda like if you have a real bad headrush.  And I could feel my head shaking like I was shivvering like a bad dogg that knows he's in trouble or something.

Well finally I was able to snap out of it.  I'm not sure but I think it might have been 'sleep peralisis'.  Nothing else wierd like quite like that ever happened again though.  I mean I've had bad dreams and pretty wierd nightmares.  I even used to have wierd re-occuring dreams as a kid.  But nothing like this.

One other I can think of I seen with a few of my friends.  Lemme think of their names in my head real quick so I can tell you how many.  Ok, I think it was me and 3 other people.  We was all just chillin at my friends house.  Me and one of my friends were about to leave and we were sittin in the car.  Well my friend was sittin int he passenger seat and he was lookin up at the sky in the distens and he was like wth is that?  And we all looked up and saw like 5 bright ass orange lights in a triangle formation.  It was several miles away but it looked like it could have been as big as a building.  And the lights were rotating in mid air and after a second they all got real bright one by one and then dissapeared.  That is one of the weierdest things I have ever seen with a few people being there.
to each their own


I've never realy had lost time like that.  How long of a time period have you lost?

What did the lights in the sky you saw look like?  Did they look anything like that?   That one you saw kinda sounds like the one I seen when I was a kid.

Oh yeah I almost forgot.  My friend that saw it first, who was in the passenger seat next to me, his brother called me up on the cell phone one night and said he just saw the exact same thing.  He described it the same as what I remember seeing.  All that I saw was spotted over IND.

I did see one other thing before but I don't know what it was.  I guess I can say it was definately an Unidentified Flying Object.  I was the only one to see this though.  It was late at night and I was riding with some friends in thier car in the back seat late at night with my head against the window just lookin out at the dark.  All of the sudded I see this weird silver sphere appear out of the darkness and it looked like it was gonna crash through the window but it swearved away the last second.  I could just see it for a second; it was pretty dark.   But the silver sphere was oh say about the size of one of those little basket balls.   For like little kids and stuff.  hmm maybe a foot and a half in diamiter?  it wasn't too big.  Maybe just a foot.  Has anyone seen anything like that?

Quote from: Alien-Britt-44 on May 17, 2008, 03:11:24 PM
Do tell....

I will begin. I don't really have much to say though. I have reason to believe that I may have been abducted, but I also have reason to believe I haven't been so, I'm not sure. I would like to know others stories and input because it's a topic of my research and I'm very curious.

I have experienced numerous time lapses and I have seen lights in the sky.

There was just one and it was hovering. It was much too large to be lights from a helicopter or a radio tower and all it did was hover... It moved after a moment and I watched it until I couldn't anymore. (My skeptical Step Father was driving.) I'm not sure what it was or where it went, but my Uncle had seen it before. And it went toward the Airbase, I think.
Could it be a UFO, or a Secret Military Plane?

Feel free to tell your stories! I;m all ears!
to each their own


I've seen several ufo's, no time lapse though (yay).
Last one was several weeks ago & I was sitting outside talking with a few friends when I see a really fast light going down in the sky. At first I guessed it was a shooting star or somthing..then it made a right turn and sped out of sight im guessing a few hundred feet above earth.
"What the hell was that?"

Andrea Warfare

Mexhomie:This man came in contact with an alienalien gave him seeds to plant and was speaking fast giberishbut the man understood the alien told him to plant themhe planted them and later was on newspaper for having HUGEEEEE vegetables This happened in Mexico and my grandpa knew this manhes dead now...My dad once saw a long ufo  that was like a big pencil go across the skyhe sad it was moving slow and way after is passed he heard like a hugeee soundpass byy*sounded like a big jet*it was the ufo sound

That was a really cool story...

I've seen 3 lights make weird triangle movements in the sky and sped away one by one...
We are all unique.You my dear are uniquely non-unique.


Here's one from my grandma from when she used to live in Nova Scotia:

She was driving home one night. She lived by a lake, so she drove on a road that went along the shore, behind a line of trees separating the lake and the road. She saw a bright light over the lake. When she managed to see past the trees, she could see a luminous object floating over the water. Right after, it zoomed away, crossed the lake and was gone :|

This happened ten or fifteen years ago..
Seek not beauty in battle. Seek not beauty in death. Consider not your own life. If you wish to protect that which must be protected, then strike when your opponent's back is turned.

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