
People hear that I am a horror writer and they think that I must be a monster, but actually I have the heart of a small child - I keep it in a jar on my desk. - Robert Bloch

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A Goth has been murdered

Started by Sick_Angel13, May 21, 2008, 02:14:00 PM

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Quote from: Kadesh on May 27, 2008, 05:45:21 PM
I believe the people that dress to impress (as the saying goes) are what you call 'posers.'

"posers" the right word for it, posers would do that or posers who do it to fit in a crowd.


 Fit into the crowd?? OMG.. Why would you want to do that?   *shudder*  Sounds like sheep.
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


Quote from: Kadesh on May 28, 2008, 04:16:25 PM
Fit into the crowd?? OMG.. Why would you want to do that?   *shudder*  Sounds like sheep.

Gosh that's only for someone who has socializing problems, I guess most like you won't understand, take for example a place like high school (where many cases like these happen) for being unpopular and an outcast are one of the main things feared by teens (you can see that a lot in movies "Speak" "Thirteen" etc) because everyone has their clan. And being poser is mainly the result of wanting badly to be accepted in a group.
Oh wait, just because I find it difficult to interact with others doesn't mean everyone else does. :doh: never mind.


Everytime I see this post and watch that video it pisses me off. I keep getting visions of myself busting up in the middle of that pathetic little mob and just tossing bodies  <^> Innocent death enrages me (just because I'm a vamp doesn't mean I don't value life)
Nothing brings you closer to reality
Than the taste
Of rejection


Quote from: Sick_Angel13 on May 28, 2008, 07:34:10 PM
Quote from: Kadesh on May 28, 2008, 04:16:25 PM
Fit into the crowd?? OMG.. Why would you want to do that?   *shudder*  Sounds like sheep.

Gosh that's only for someone who has socializing problems, I guess most like you won't understand, take for example a place like high school (where many cases like these happen) for being unpopular and an outcast are one of the main things feared by teens (you can see that a lot in movies "Speak" "Thirteen" etc) because everyone has their clan. And being poser is mainly the result of wanting badly to be accepted in a group.
Oh wait, just because I find it difficult to interact with others doesn't mean everyone else does. :doh: never mind.

"I guess most like you won't understand" ........ and exactly what am I supposed to be? Am I the preppy girl? The popular cheerleader? The Jock? fark NO! I'm the girl with her nose stuck in a book... shunned and made fun of because of the way she dressed... hated for being different. Like me? No, I highly doubt that.... and I could give a fark less.
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


Quote from: Kadesh on May 29, 2008, 12:56:48 PM
Quote from: Sick_Angel13 on May 28, 2008, 07:34:10 PM
Quote from: Kadesh on May 28, 2008, 04:16:25 PM
Fit into the crowd?? OMG.. Why would you want to do that?   *shudder*  Sounds like sheep.

Gosh that's only for someone who has socializing problems, I guess most like you won't understand, take for example a place like high school (where many cases like these happen) for being unpopular and an outcast are one of the main things feared by teens (you can see that a lot in movies "Speak" "Thirteen" etc) because everyone has their clan. And being poser is mainly the result of wanting badly to be accepted in a group.
Oh wait, just because I find it difficult to interact with others doesn't mean everyone else does. :doh: never mind.

"I guess most like you won't understand" ........ and exactly what am I supposed to be? Am I the preppy girl? The popular cheerleader? The Jock? fark NO! I'm the girl with her nose stuck in a book... shunned and made fun of because of the way she dressed... hated for being different. Like me? No, I highly doubt that.... and I could give a fark less.

Oh so you understand my point, I'm glad you do. 0:)


meh, we live in a world where people judge you by the way you look. so? just because its popular doesn't mean its automatically bad.

you can dress trendy and s**t and still like what you wear right? and even if you don't, you know your much better than those guys that "pose" for the masses, sheep. Leaders are those with thier own style, those that don't bow. those who stand with each other because they are equals, not because they are dressed the same.

So are you a leader?  will you be deceived? do you show the world who you are? do people want to piss you off because they are too afraid to show themselves?

Will you shun and ignore them as you are shunned and ignored? will you educate them or will you hate them?
Will you act like a saint, an honorable warrior, or a common drunk?

Will you let them get to you?

ask yourself....... am i any different from those that i hate?

But are we making a statement when we look different? or are we being ourselves? do we dress differently so others will notice that we are different or do we wear what we wear because we like it because of how it looks?

This is what separates a king from a peasant, from a merchant, from a knight, from a priest.

the king leads, the peasant reveres and bows, the merchant asks for endorsements, the knight serves, and the priest begs.

The king is not a king because of his possessions or his position , he is king because he does not bow, because he serves as an example, as an ideal. as a symbol of his people, his will, and his justice.

Are you your own king or will you bow to others and give them kingship over yourself.

(note: we are not talking about god and religion here so do not bring them up. this is a bit of my own personal philosophy, my stand on religion has nothing to do with this. nor does this have anything to capitalsim or stuff like that)

((note 2: What REALLY i'm trying to say is if people like you, then they like you, if not then they can suck themselves off. and that kissing ass is for losers and sheep..... unless you like the taste of as in which case go for it!...sicko!))
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


 When I was in school, I'll admit I wanted to be 'normal.' To just be someone that went unnoticed and didn't get made fun of. But, now that I'm a woman... I'm perfectly happy the way I am. I don't dress the way I do because it's in style. I put it on because I like the way it feels.. I like the way it looks. If other people like it, than they just recognize what fabulous taste I have... if not... blow me.  :-D But this confidence has been hard-won... and some days I just don't have the energy to keep it up. I let everything go and just put whatevers closest on, not caring what it is. Those days are becoming fewer and farther between the more I learn about myself and the more I mature. (I say mature, because I'll never actually grow up. I refuse to.)
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


What does it mean to REALLY grow up anyway?.......... does it mean that we stop whining ever time we feel the need to do so? does it mean that we are free of childhood memories and immaturity? or is it just a phase?

we do get a second childhood ya know? :-D

The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts

Andrea Warfare

I'd rather stay a child,and keep my self respect,if being an adult mean being like you
*flicks off fashion critics and mindless robots who are in a constant craze to stay in the trend
We are all unique.You my dear are uniquely non-unique.


Why does everybody wanna fit in so badly? fitting in with a society of idiots is not the way to go...I guess the reason people try to fit in is so they can actually be somebody (even if it is just being a sheep)

Now me i got different motives, i hate society, and most of the idiots in it, I love not fitting in Gives me one more reason to say I dont give  a f***

I be the opposite from everybody, why? cuz its so much more fun being a "rebel" to the rest of our precious little society than a puppet that bends to everybodys will, Everybody trys so hard to fit in...Why try to change for somebody elses oppinion? I dont see why people try to be something there not, Around where i live there is Emos, Skaters, and wannabee Gangsters, Now im not any of those yet i love to skate, i sometimes get sad or mad over something, and i dress sometime wannabee-ish, But yet im opposite from all of those at the same time, i love dressing grungy on perpous, everybody looks at me and thinks to themselves why is he wearing that its out of style, and i reply well im wearing it cuz i dont wanna look like a fool and when you guys start dressing grungy ima start dressing differently, i like to be my own person, not a follower/sheep/puppet

So yall just got my view on everything shall i go into governmental stuff now? *<:)


 I agree completely, Strife!! I love being weird. Freaking people out is the best! It's the reason I ate a dog treat at work.... it freaks people out.  :-D
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


Ya see fitting in is overated i like to be the guy sitting in the corner listening to heavy metal while everybody is listening to hiphop crap

Andrea Warfare

Yeah I like to be the person listening to punk when everyone is listening to radio rock.
There aren't any punk kids in my town so the shock value is great.
We are all unique.You my dear are uniquely non-unique.


 But you're still identifying yourself with a group. What Strife and I are saying is we don't. We're not necessarily part of any labeled group. We're just us.
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...

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