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My Shadow Experience

Started by NightSeeker, July 08, 2008, 01:12:23 PM

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My father and I moved to this town on my 4th birthday. We moved into an apartment with an 84-year-old woman and her 104-year-old (blind and half-deaf) mother, Anna. I really liked Anna. Within a year Anna died (she was the first dead person I'd ever seen. Anyway, I was moved into her room (my father never threw out the bed she died on). Shortly after moving into the room, I woke up suddenly. I didn't know what had awoken me, but I suddenly felt (I've never seen entities, only felt them) an unnerving, malvolent, dark presence at the foot of the bed. It felt tall, maybe seven feet, and thin, but with broad shoulders, and I could feel it staring at me. I was so afraid that I pulled the covers over my head. This happened on many nights for years. But sometimes I would feel another presence, a protective, comforting one that made me feel less afraid and drove the dark being away. I think the protective presence was Anna.  I moved out of the room when I was about 9. As far as I know, that was my first experience with the supernatural. I never felt the dark presence after that.  Now I've a few incidents with a few other entities, but those belong in the 'demon' section of the forum.
People are afraid to be open-minded because they're afraid their brains will explode from an overdose of Truth.


Hello Nightseeker, first I read it I thought that having seen a dead person for the first time could have something to do with the shadow experience, perhaps? Yet I'm glad to see that there's somewhat a kinder and protective force with you for comfort, that protective force can play an even more important role some day in the future.


Interestingly enough, I wasn't at all distressed at seeing a dead body (it was at a funeral parlor, open-casket). I touched her when noone was looking and noticed that she felt cold, but I thought  it looked like she was sleeping. I didn't feel fear looking at her, but a sense of peace that  she was home and that her spirit no longer occupied her body. That was abour 23 years ago. It was the same when my father died from cancer, I felt his spirit gone from the hospital room, leaving his body an empty shell. Anyway, since that shadow incident, I've learned how to defend myself from astral attacks and to shield myself and my residence.
People are afraid to be open-minded because they're afraid their brains will explode from an overdose of Truth.


Very interesting, my experience with touching a dead person for the time was very similar to yours. Mines occurred when my fiend died of cancer and nearly at the end of the funeral I approached to the open casket with everyone's eyes on me, and the sight wasn't pretty. Within a few months my healthy athletic friend became skin and bone with his cheeks sucked in and pale. And I placed my hand on his and I kissed him on the forehead, I wouldn't use the word "cold" to describe his skin but it was definitely lifeless. And about astral experiences I've never been through anything serious, actually I can sense auras but besides that I never had the need to defend myself.   


Consider yourself lucky, in that you've never had to defend yourself from something like that. It happened when I was 17 and 18 (three incidents), and the last one was the worst.  Hasn't happened since, and I'm 28 now.
People are afraid to be open-minded because they're afraid their brains will explode from an overdose of Truth.


Yes that's true, I've been lucky to be immune to astral attacks ... but I'm not immune to other things. By many stories I've heard of, these type experience had been described to me as unpleasant and it's good to know you've learned to defend yourself from it and managed to deal with your previous encounters -  some people just can't handle it at all.


The first 2 incidents, I repelled by instinct alone. The third was a bit of instinct, and more skills and knowledge I acquired. I was pretty much just starting out with more intermediate advanced meditation and mystical exercises. It was as if something sent them to test me &/or kill me before I got to far.  The last time was in a dream that wasn't a dream. An invisible air/wind elemental warrior on the Astral Plane.
People are afraid to be open-minded because they're afraid their brains will explode from an overdose of Truth.


 I know exactly what you mean by a dream but not a dream!! It's fabulous to finally have someone understand!! Below is a link to my non-dream. Feel free to post there or PM me with any questions comments.,4735.0.html
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...

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