
I beheld the wretch - the miserable monster whom I had created. - Mary Shelley, Frankenstein (1818)

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the people in my house

Started by lynnriddle, August 10, 2008, 11:17:41 AM

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It  started when me and my mom frist moved  into this house  i was watching hannah my nise  inmy bed room she was standing in front of my bed i was at the computer ad i saw alittle girl with blonde hair  it was like she was trying to read the screen then i reaised it wasnt my nse when i  looked at her she vanished.. she had a bonet on her hed but i could see her hair in this white skirt or dress..

then afew months ago i was working on the computer on one of my stories ..i saw a girl in what looked like a sheet it had been made into adress her hair was shhort and black i felt sadness from tells me i'm nuts idonno  ..i think i sense the ghost i hear conversation in my room at night when i'm all alone..i'm kinda scared


um don't be scared just ask it to go away
or them
if they don't look bad and they aren't hurting you I don't see why you are scared
but I am scared of cameras so it's ok
dauði er meta of hátt


 Do you feel there's a threat coming from either of them? If it's only sadness, then maybe they're reaching out to you for help or company. Have you ever had an experience like this before?
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...

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