
I think you have to know who you are. Get to know the monster that lives in your soul, dive deep into your soul and explore it. - Tori Amos

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The Elk Hotel

Started by defron, August 14, 2008, 09:25:53 AM

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 Daddy? What?

And where is this Elk Hotel??? I wanna go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


ya I'd love to talk to those demons
dauði er meta of hátt


 What the hell are you talking about? They said it was haunted... not posessed..
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


Sometimes demons can be bound to a specific area such as a house. Thats why when they are driven out (depending on what kind of demon it is) They will find something or someone else to inhabit until they find a new territory. For the real exorcism and cleansings a storage artifact must be brought to hold the demon or else it will just return. What you do with it afterwards is unknown to me.
Nothing brings you closer to reality
Than the taste
Of rejection


 But they're claiming a 'haunting' not a 'posession'. Unless they're mixed up about it... But the place doesn't sound at all scary to me. And I still wanna go!!!!!!!!!
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...

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