
What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark. It would be like sleep without dreams. - Werner Herzog

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Your favorite occult movies

Started by CMontar, May 03, 2003, 07:46:43 AM

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Hey, just wondering if anyone has any occult-related movies to recommend. Some of my favorites are:

1. [b]The Ninth Gate [/b]- This movie is so cool. It may put a few people to sleep at first, but if you really watch it, it's awesome. It's about a man who deals in acquiring rare books, and then selling them to a rare book dealer. He happens to be commissioned to discover the authehticity of a certain book called The Nine Gates of the Kingdom of Shadows, and all sorts of weirs stuff happens to him from there on. It's great, because while it is a movie dealing with demons, and the occult, but it is almost believable, unlike most others. This is my favorite movie of all time.

2. Lost Souls - It's about the Antichrist. Basically, a teacher from a church or something goes about trying to convince a man that she suspects is the Antichrist, that he is indeed the Anitchrist. Most people do not seem to agree with me when I say it is a good movie, so you may not either. It's very interesting though. I can't say too much without spoiling it though.

This is all I can remember at the moment. Surely you all have more?


i personal love the devils avocate but thats just me.
P.S. not just because of the nudity
You can run and you can hide
But some day you the demons will find

Icabod Crane

I like the 9th gate too, Roman Polanski is one of my favorite director and Johny Depp is probably one of the best monstrous actor.

I got the pictures of the movie inspired from the Apocalypse and I will put them online with the Apocalypse section ...

Watch : "Sleepy Hollow" :shock:  with the (also great) Christopher Walken :


I liked the movies

1987 "The Believers" with Martin Sheen

And last but not least Wes Cravens 1988 movie "Serpent and the Rainbow"
with Bill Pullman

Favorite quote "I want to hear you scream!"

Quotei personal love the devils avocate but thats just me.
P.S. not just because of the nudity

Can't go wrong with Pachino 8-)
What do you want, you moon-faced assassin of joy?

We walk in the dark places no others will enter. We stand on the bridge and no-one may pass. We live for the One, we die for the One


The Devil's Advocate and Lost Souls scared the h outta me. I actually left the theater and prayed on the way home!!!! lol
One of the scariest movies I ever saw was FALLEN starring Denzel Washington. There are actually spirits attached to that movie. Don't watch it alone at night. If you do, be prepared for visitations!!! :evil:  :twisted:  :x  :P

Devious Viper

If you watch it, you have to pass it to someone else and let tem watch it within seven days, otherwise your phone rings and......


Hey, Voo, my avvys free for cocktails next Friday

~ Viper ~


Sigmata, The Exorcists(both new and old), End of Days, and Constatine are a couple of my Favorite occult type movies :crazy:

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