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Is everybody here a goth?

Started by Petling, August 19, 2008, 04:16:41 PM

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Andrea Warfare

Kadesh: "I'm not going to advertise for someone. If you want advertisement, you pay for it... not stamp it on my ass like I'm cattle. My clothes don't tell you how I vote, what my favorite color is, where I live, or what color smurf I ate for breakfast.... They're what I like, when I like it. Functional or dressy. Perfect for whatever need I have. I don't fit into a category and I'm damn glad. No, I don't know what all these styles are. I've seen the same things everyone else has, and they probably all look goth or skater punk to me. I wear my clothes... they don't wear me. And I'm done with my rant on "fashionista's"... there's another five seconds of your lives you'll never get back... and it's all MINE!!! *insert crazy laugh here.*   :wink"

Good to hear. That's what makes you,you. You choose to dress how you choose because it fits your needs/lifestyle as do I. I do label myself because I know who I am and what I stand for.This rebellion is what I believe in and represent on a daily basis and I see nothing wrong with being proud of who I am and knowing where I stand.If it weren't for people like you there wouldn't be people like me and vice versa,so it works out.My clothes are a direct banner of how I feel.For ex. I love the ol flick,"night of the living dead" and wear the shirt often because I love it and it looks cool and on top of that many like-minded people come up to me and converse about ol horror flicks.Its the same with the punk/oi style.If you weren't aware of the differences between the two you'd probably say that its punk.I'd like to think its my own style because the clothes that I fashion/alter are unique.
We are all unique.You my dear are uniquely non-unique.


 I have two t-shirts that I will never get rid of. One has a Simpson's character on it with his finger crammed in his nose, and it says "Pick Me"... the other has several of the Simpson's characters and it says "Nerds Rock".  As for the rest of my stuff... it varies. But I'm becoming more and more aware of myself as a woman and dressing appropriately. If I want people to take me seriously, I have to take myself seriously and present myself accordingly.   .... Sorry... been reflecting on myself a lot lately. It seems I grow up more and more every day. Not age wise, but more mentally and emotionally.
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


I agree, I feel like I'm growing up to. I think last year I posted on this thread going on about how I wished that it was socially acceptable for us to all be naked, all the time. Now I wear high heels on special occasions and hit the op shops on weekends, for new sewing projects.

So much more feminine nowadays and I feel a lot more aware of what is expected of me. Not to say that I don't continue to sit around in my own house wearing next to nothing or failing that my maternal knock-off pants with the huge elastic waist bands. Just not anywhere else anymore...
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"


 Couple quick questions......... what's "oi" and what's an "op shop"??

I think it would be like me telling you that the dress I just bought is very Sophia Loren...  *<:)
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


It's a second hand store, people donate clothes and others buy them for really low prices.

For instance the other day I got a dress for $2.50 and all it needed was a good portion chopped off the skirt, a few tuck ins and a really long wash. The cool thing is, you always find things with so much character that they seem to take on personalities of their own. Don't you have those kinds of shops in the US?
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"


 Yeah... we have those. From the dirty ones to the fairly nice ones. My favorite is called Goodwill. The jeans are already worn in. :-D
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...

Andrea Warfare

My favorite is the Family Thrift Store. They have tons of great clothes and vhs tapes
We are all unique.You my dear are uniquely non-unique.

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