
Homo homini monstrum - Victor Hugo, (The Hunchback of Notre-Dame)

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Empaths: Traits and Survival, Gift or Curse?

Started by Sick_Angel13, August 23, 2008, 02:19:34 PM

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most scientist say it's natural instinct for women who are close to have synchronized menstrual psychics goes with the whole hunter gatherer
the wind that chills the night, the fire's golden light
the oceans call to you, the earthen fated tune,
I am the ivy binding tight i hold the spells all through the night, i am
nightshade's fated swoon of deaths kiss and witches broom


Does that carry over to pregnancy?  Because my roommate is pregnant, so if I get those symptoms again... Yeeeah...  I'd like to know :roll:


When you put it like that its quite possible.


I just don't want to go through the stress that I went through a month ago because I really thought I was pregnant.  I had every symptom known to man for the pregnancy.  After I freaked out, I learned my friend that I had been with almost every day was the pregnant one, and my symptoms didn't end until... well... she miscarried :cry: and after that all the cramps and stuff she was having I got too. 




My Mom had a miscarriage, it was just horrible.


Quote from: Petling on August 26, 2008, 01:49:56 PM
Oh, that is awful, sorry to hear that.
Quote from: Nina on August 26, 2008, 01:50:49 PM
Im sorry for your friend..... :cry:

Don't worry about it.  I'm sorry, too, but with her health it probably would have had to have happened anyway.  If she even survived the pregnancy she wouldn't have survived the birthing process...


Dont know what happened to the discussion in this thread, but it looks like many of you need to learn grounding and protection rituals - which is a way of harnessing your own energy, and repelling that of others.  Blocking is good, as most of us learn to do so anyway...but a need for control is necessary - no matter what you choose to do with your abilities.

Mediation can also be of great benefit...
I Know What I Am and I Know What I Am Not


Shielding is a good form of temporary protection and blocking, as it works both ways. People are shielded from the emotional energy you project and you don't get theirs. Usually setting up a mental shield is quite intuitive though, if you don't feel comfortable being confined by it or the shield doesn't feel personal then usually it isn't as strong.

My form of shielding is a reflective egg that I build around myself layer by layer, using a light that comes from within my own body. This way I feel safe within, while all the external energies are being reflected back towards the projector of them. This also means my shield doesn't absorb the energy and I feel less weighed down. Before using this form of shielding, I followed a friends advice which was, build up a second skin with spikes coming from all angles. But I felt like I needed to sustain it constantly and I had this constant feeling that something bad was about to happen (build up of negative outside energies I suppose). 

Unless someone has a suggestion of a way to shield/block that works for most people? Wyson, what methods can you suggest?
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"


You could always try to make a reflective filter shield layer that takes some of the energy that bombards you, absorbs it and cleans/filters out the negative influences.  The clean energy would work to bolster your shields (esp. during an attack), while the 'dirty' energy gets reflected back the way it came. Think teflon-coated mirror.
People are afraid to be open-minded because they're afraid their brains will explode from an overdose of Truth.


I know you posted this quite a while ago, but there are ways to protect yourself from all of these things that you are considering a burden.  Please go to to the FAQ page where there is a question about keeping oneself energetically clean.


In if I recall correctly the forth book of the "Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever" series by Donaldson was a chapter in-titled "The Empath",  while being a tale an story I found the chapter extremely profound.  Has been many a year since I first read the chapter - Empathy is a gift, however it comes with a price.. I find comfort in the Wisdom that "I will not give you more then you can bear", inherently forms the realization of "Being" able to carry the burden for the strength has already been provided... When all else seems lost --- I remember "Footprints".  You may wish to check it out... I would love your thoughts on it... X
The Man who exists in the greateast Darkness is he who dwells closest to the Light with he's back turned.


I believe i'm empathic.  It doesn't get to me unless its something i can't control..  Just last week i went grocery shopping with my parents and all the people around me with their shopping carts and talking i felt anxious and nervous and almost scared. 

My heart was beating and i had to excuse myself form the store.  Most of the time i smoke (Bad habit but whatever)  I can focus on the smoke and hear the burning at the tip and just relax but i was outside and couldn't deal with it.  I walked out to the middle of the parking lot sat on my car and called one of my close friends and i finally started to relax. 

For me music has a soohing effect, that and poetry/free writing/song writing.  It allows me to get all that pressure bottled up out.  I feel over emotional at times but can't help it and i'm the type of person that people come to unload all their problems too.  So i have my own issues plus everyone elses and its hard to deal with.  I'm also easy to agree with and identify with which makes me always right in a situation even if i'm wrong..

Being empathic is more of a burden but it makes you more able to feel what others are going through and help them.  You basically take their bad feelings from them and harbor them on yourself and keep on going.. Sucks..  I find shutting myself away and pretending to be socially awkward helps though.


How awful! I hope someone in your family can help direct you toward a less emotional path. This almost sounds like an anxiety disorder.
Quote from: Zeppelin on November 09, 2010, 04:38:45 PM
I believe i'm empathic.  It doesn't get to me unless its something i can't control..  Just last week i went grocery shopping with my parents and all the people around me with their shopping carts and talking i felt anxious and nervous and almost scared. 

My heart was beating and i had to excuse myself form the store.  Most of the time i smoke (Bad habit but whatever)  I can focus on the smoke and hear the burning at the tip and just relax but i was outside and couldn't deal with it.  I walked out to the middle of the parking lot sat on my car and called one of my close friends and i finally started to relax. 

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