
What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark. It would be like sleep without dreams. - Werner Herzog

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Nightmare 911

Started by Kadesh, August 25, 2008, 04:29:55 PM

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Hi Chaos, this might not be the response that you thought you'd get but I have a question for you.

Imagine that you became lucid in the dream, what would you have done then?


I would have changed the entire dream. Instead of me driving an 18 wheeler to a building so I could fight an evil vampire, I would have been driving a black Viper to all the places that I'll probably never get to see in real life.


I never remember my dreams. Ever. recently Ive started having faint memories of them. All I remember is porcelin dolls, some of hem with their eyes burned out, thats it. That and a feeling of absolute terror. If you think you can help please private msg me.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope.


Ok, here's a strange one. I had a dream that I was in a room that was all red, and I was in a coven of vampires... In this dream I myself was one. The only other vampire of any significance in this coven was Jacob (i have no idea who this is)...Any way, the dream was that the coven had figured out a way to become stronger somehow, like some kind of drug or something, and the only way it could be given from one person to another was by biting. So I was standing there listening to the others in the coven talk about this, and all of a sudden Jacob came up and said that he had to bite me to make me a stronger vamp. I didn't want him too, so I tried to run from him, but he caught me and bit me, and I felt a firey sensation and then it went black for a while. My dream phased back in again and I was in a theatre (like play theatre) with my coven, and we were about to watch a show. Suddenly, the rest of my coven disappeared and it was just me and this other group of people a ways away in the theatre. Well, suddenly I realized that the other group was also a ccoven and we must have been enemies or something because one of their group smelled me and then started chasing me. We tore out of the theatre, and through this narrow tunnel, almost like it was a sewer or something. As I was running through the tunnel, the man chasing me shifted into a tiger, and was gaining speed fast. Suddenly I had a strange sensation, and realized that I had shifted into a wolf. I made it out of the tunnel just as the tiger slashed it's claws at me. I woke up yelling, like I was howling just as I dodged the tiger's claws. So... any ideas?

P.S. I am not a vamp in real life, I am a donor.
Cause I have nothing better to do.


 Have you watched any Vamp/Were movies lately or been discussing one or more??
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...

Andrea Warfare

I've had a nightmare in which I pull up in front of this two story house the top left light was on and the street name was snowgoose.In the dream I feel this intense fear I've never felt like I was going to die...strange thing is,I went to a town I had never been before and passed right by the house had a double take and reversed stared at the house the left light on top the snowgoose street sign the shape of the moon and felt that felt that fear all over agaian...did I see the future? I7m sure I did.How is this possible?Anyway...Its my worst nightmare because it became a reality and I don't know what it means...
We are all unique.You my dear are uniquely non-unique.

Mental Disorder this dream didn't happen to me but to my brother... I'll say it anyways.

There was some party in some freaky carnival. My brother walked past a "Thing" in a black coat saying to him ," Don't let the boy open the castle.". The boy was at a bowling minigame and won the castle. My brother tried to warn the boy but words wouldn't form. Suddenly he was in a classroom and the boy opened it. A huge beast with glowing red eyes and blood red skin pushed it's was out of the toy castle and killed little children around him. He hid under a desk and, of course, the beast found him. He woke up screaming and in terror of it for weeks.  :-P
"Behold, the imagination, the greatest thing mankind has, always remember it's your greatest weapon." - Me


Well, besides being on here, no, I hadn't been watching any movies or anything of that sort. Probably just being on here is making me wierder by the day  :laugh:
Cause I have nothing better to do.


This is not as much of a nightmare as it is a weird dream that i would like some input on and help explaining

ok so there burned down building and roosting on top of it there was a really tall bird like a Phoenix i was across from the building looking at it its feathers where all ruffled and torn and it was screeching at me from across the street


every single night i have the same dream but diffrent effect and im always floating  in the air...what i mean is in my dream im always falling 2 my death and when i wake up i fall back down on the not 2 sure what it means though :? :? :? :)zzz 0:)


I wouldn't call this dream a nightmare. It's not going to sound terrifying at all. Saying that though, the bad feeling I got throughout the dream was incredibly strong. I couldn't speak out of fear and woke up shaking and crying. I still feel marginally terrified whenever I think about it nearly a week later. (and that's quite a lot).

It began in a school I have never seen before. It was sort of like a kindergarten for older students if you can imagine that. A lot of art and basic music sing along classes. You know, more for entertainment than education. I was with a group of students (who I've never met before) and we were moving from lesson to lesson, talking, joking and generally having a good time. It's a beautiful sunny day, everything seems more colourful than normal. Every now and then a female creature appears. Her face is as if you've fused a woman's face and a deer's together. Kind of like this:

Except the nose and eyes are larger. Her eyes are more like a deers as well (larger pupils).

She has short brown hair and is wearing a black dress with a high collar and it goes right too her feet. Very modest.

At first I see her out of the corner of my eye and don't think much of her. As the dream goes on she appears more often and at times I can see her following us and not just flashes of her form. I ask the other students about her. Apparently I'm new at the school and I'm wondering if maybe she is a local animal or resident. They don't know anything about her and don't seem to care that she's hanging around. But that feeling of foreboding is getting stronger and stronger. I find that the more I try and look at her the harder it is to speak. There is this power emanating from her and it's just burning away all my thoughts. That power terrifies me just as much as her form. Something's just not right about her. (it's hard to explain sorry)

In the last scene we are sitting in an art class and the teacher is talking about different printing techniques. The room is very open, windows all along one wall and I'm admiring the view. Joking about the woman and how she must be retarded for following us around all day and never speaking. She walks up to one of the windows and suddenly I am completely overwhelmed with fear. I just want to run. She lifts up one hand and it's just one huge finger and she beckons to come with her. I try to speak and in the end force myself to say no (out of pride eugh) and give her the jog on gesture with a rasberry thrown in for good measure.

Then she walks off and I feel myself forced to get up and follow. My heart is beating so fast and everyone else is ignoring me. I just don't seem to care that they exist anymore. I follow her out of the classroom into the too-colourful world. She looks back at me as she enters a blue cubby house. Inside it's massive, we talk and then I wake up.

When I sit up I get this terrible image of her face suddenly coming at me with a mouthful of sharks teeth (grinning and with white all around her eyes now) and I burst into tears. Now I keep imagining she's standing just behind me, or watching me in the darkest parts of rooms. I keep checking my windows because I'm certain she was just there, making that come here gesture with her hand sized finger.

It's completely irrational but I think if I could get some closure as to what the dream might mean I may stop imagining her in real life.

Nearly all my dreams since have been based around me in difference world cities trying to get away from her and holding meetings with groups of people I don't know trying to work out who she is. Obviously she's got my subconcious occupied. 
She says that all energy is only borrowed; at some point you have to return it.


Have you considered maybe that this being could be your spirit guide? Many guides do emanate a great amount of power, the ability to awaken spiritually is a powerful thing...

As spirit guides manifest in dreams or can only be seen by you in the waking world, they can take any form. They are in essence created from your own personal code, they are your symbol.

Firstly, to tackle that terrifying image of her coming at you with shark teeth. Many people experience 'after-thoughts' as they are waking up. Maybe she was happy to finally catch you but in your mind you were still experiencing the fear that a spiritual journey would consume you and in turn kill your current self. Death is quite a common symbol for change and revolution, not just the end. It doesn't have to be a bad thing. She was happy at devouring your current state, why can't you?

Are you at a point in your life where material security is the number one priority? If so, this could explain the fear you feel when you see this woman. You don't feel ready to commit to a spiritual path, you need to focus on other things, such as 'survival'. Fear is an emotional thing. The existence of irrational fears proves that they do not stem from reason. Generally a person fears something that has touched them personally and in a negative way. You experience this 'spiritual distraction' as negative because at this point in your life 'spiritual awakening' factors in as a waste of time I guess so your conscious state is trying to get away from her. Which would explain why you felt fear when she preoccupied your mind and even more strongly when you woke up.

Thinking is a conscious process on any level, the dream itself belongs to the subconscious. You accept a dream as reality because at that point in time there is no other world to compare it to. Unless you learn to dream lucidly. In a lucid dream you refuse to accept the image created by your subconscious and instead choose to consciously create the dream world around you. You can do this because of the conscious state of your mind. You still think in the same way (consciously) in dreams as when you are awake. But I digress.

That your dreams are generally centered around this spirit guide or finding her suggests that on some subconscious level you understand that following this spirit guide is important. However, you are still running away from her consciously. I say this because even in dreams you don't just run away from something for no reason, there is a thought process behind it.

It's true that she is occupying your subconscious. This is because subconsciously you have accepted her. Now you have to accept her guidance on a conscious level as well. That you are arranging meetings with people in the dream state, in order to find her is a massive step forward. Maybe when you next find yourself running from her try to turn and face her. Maybe after a while you'll be able to overcome that conscious part of you which refuses to acknowledge her and be able to ask her what her purpose is.

You can do this by learning how to lucid dream:

Not in order to recreate the dream but so you can have complete control over your own actions.

Good luck.
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"

ivy bloodsworth

my friend ha had this wierd dream off and on in the past 6 years in which she is being chased by a group of yetes they chase her all over america untill the only state left is new york. everyone she has ever known is dead exept her father but soon the yetes caught up and killed him too. she hides in the sewer and when they find her they rape her and then kill her. she is very tramatised over this and i was wondering what your thoughts are over this. and if you could help me help her forget this nightmare.
Can't beat me. I've got the beat!


i always have a dream that i am running in jungle n someone is following me n throwing things at me.i feel if i would stop that person would kill me.but the worst part is this that if something hits it gives a wound n when i wake up i am literally wounded n bleeding.please please help me.i have this dream every second night.
I can see every monster as they come in.

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