
What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark. It would be like sleep without dreams. - Werner Herzog

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angel/spirit guide encounters

Started by TheTerror, September 10, 2008, 02:02:17 PM

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ok  I dont know if this is in the  right place or non
or if there is already one

but here goes mine...
I was driving to redlobster ( 3 days ago)
and I ate. so I walk out to me car and got in, then I started it wouldnt go the first time.
second time...yes it started
I pulled out and it started to move at 90 miles per hour
there was two cars in front of me and the brakes werent working
well I swerved and missed the first but scraped the second
and I was going towards a wall at 90mph
well I was going and suddenly I saw a white women come in front of me car and me car just stoped ( thank goodness I was wearing a seatbelt)
I rock forward and me head hit the steering wheel and I blacked out .....when I awoke a guy was ppulling me out of the car cause it was it was smoking...I asked if the women was ok and he said " excuse me what women, dude are you ok, you stoped like 3 feet from the wall and your car has no scratches you are one lucky guy"

so there is one of me experiances
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here is one I got from me friend

he was in iraq and he was goin around the corner and shots started ringing in the air
he ducked back behind the corner

and used a mirror to look and see who was there it was no one and there was not any windows or ways out besides his way
he thoght maybe he was hearing things and started to go out when he saw a mine right where he was about to step
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Regina Terra

Are these events considered unusual amongst this field?
Gabriel, "Don't kill yourself for it would crush my angelic heart. I love you for who you are and I'm glad I met you. :]"

"I'm going to break him, and there will be blood."

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