
The sleep of reason produces monsters (El Sueño de la Razon Produce Monstruos) - Francisco Goya

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Ereptile Dysfunction

Started by Nina, September 11, 2008, 06:50:01 PM

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Abductee interviews kind of creep me out.  I don't know how I would react if I was in that man's shoes...  But somehow I get the feeling that some (if not all) of it is exaggerated. 

Then again, I have had a few dreams about being abducted and woke up shaken and none of them involved any kind of sadistic or sexual nature, so maybe I'm wondering what it would have been like had they involved that?  *shudder*

I give my dreams too much credit *<:)


hahaha, sexducties. Sounds funny (sorry)
dauði er meta of hátt


I have never heard of a male abuctee for Reptileans. I thought that woman were the usual targets.


I've always been a firm believer of... don't ask for anything you want, you just might get it!   There's a lot of good and bad information out there and the gift of discernment will definitely come in handy for the long run!   Really right now,  there is so much information out there that it boggles the mind to no end!  The truth will prove itself out!  We'll see for sure when we get there!  But right now we have to walk the walk and talk the talk to all and any that might want to hear!

First you forget names, then you forget faces. Next you forget to pull your zipper up and finally, you forget to pull it down. George Burns


Haha, sorry, I had to leave a comment just for the title of this thread alone.  :roll:


**Aliens can be defeated, abductions can be stopped, these articles are from the views and experiences of those who are not claiming to be children of the Lord's..thus they are and do become the stomping ground for aliens. IF these things are happening to Christians, they can be stopped. The Lord will empower HIS people to overcome and defeat Satan and his forces, i.e. aliens. If they are in your bedroom at night ask the Lord to chain them and cast them into the abyss in Yahushua's Name. Ask the Lord to fry and destroy the equipment they are using against you in the Name of Yahushua. You don't have to take this crap from 'aliens' folks...the Lord is just a prayer away!! Simple Spiritual Warfare 101!!

:lol: Jesus Christ, are they serious? That has got to be the best thing I've ever read.


Im a believer, but this is just too funny!!!!  :-D :-D :-D


I guess someone took the sci-fi convention a little too seriously...
"What the hell was that?"

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