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Started by NightSeeker, September 21, 2008, 08:52:41 AM

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   There's no need to apologize. It is the same thing, just a different manifestation of it.  I know exactly what you mean, it happens to me all the time. Something that someone says can trigger an 'Intuitive episode'.  It is often mistaken as reading between-the-lines, though the two are related.

    Reading between the lines, is more a pick up of visual and verbal clues, using tone, inflection and body language, to tell you that something is 'off' in a logical  and quantifiable manner.   'Knowing', on the other hand, goes a bit deeper. How deep depends on how open and aware you are to/of your abilities.  It can be anything from a chill/thrill up the spine to an automatic Understanding of either what will come next or what the end result will be.

    It is an example of how Claircognizance/Intuition is used on a daily basis.  I think Claircognizance and Clairsentience (Empathy) has the opportunity to be among the most powerful of abilities, because they, of all the varying Psi abilities are used the most in daily life.
Claircognizance is the wildest, most spontaneous of abilities by it's very nature, but it can be trained, if you take an organic/flexible/holistic, patient approach. In the beginning , the harder you try to pin it down, the more it will elude you. You will NEVER be able to MAKE it come. EVER.
But the more you learn to be open, relax and listen in meditation, the easier it will become to do so in practical daily living.

People are afraid to be open-minded because they're afraid their brains will explode from an overdose of Truth.



ya wanna know my theory: All of life's a story and we but subject to the arthour's whims

(btw: I was not being serious with that)
I have multiple personalities, one is a were-Sheepenguin, one is a fruit vampire, one likes to imagine cruel and unusal totures, that one's name is Bob the VI.



That actually relates to a theory/question that's been kicking around in my head for years.  The imagination is a powerful thing. When an author of fiction writes a book, they must create an entire World, if not a Universe, to support it.  When millions of people read the book, and for a time suspend their conception of reality, does that create enough energy to cause that Universe/World to begin to exist? Is there a Disc World Universe, or a Marvel Universe out there, because of it? And if so, how do we know that we're not in such a would certainly explain a few things.  Off topic I know, just something I had to get out there.
People are afraid to be open-minded because they're afraid their brains will explode from an overdose of Truth.


Ah those are the questions which the human mind is incapable of answering yet we most want to know, though I support that everything is a matter of perspective. . .
I have multiple personalities, one is a were-Sheepenguin, one is a fruit vampire, one likes to imagine cruel and unusal totures, that one's name is Bob the VI.



I don't know, claircognizance sounds a little too much like simple intuition, instinct or guessing to me. It's also seems like the kind of ability that everyone can claim they have, there are times in nearly every persons life where they simply know something.

Maybe this is a general trait but it could also be the most widely used psychic talent and most common psychic ability animals possess. 
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"


There is a very old axiom in the occult community : As above, so below.  Instinct is a lower, physical reflection of Intuition (claircognizance) and Empathy (clairsentience).  Where instinct gives vague feelings of that something is off, or wrong , or that a situation is dangerous, Intuition gives more specific info.
You won't just get a vague feeling about something, you will get spontaneous, specific information. It might be a large amount of specific details or one small detail that you wouldn't have been able to guess at.

You're right that it is the most common and widely used ability, everyone has it to some extent, but most people don't use it or listen to it, either their Intuition or their instinct.  Everyone has had Intuitive moments.  Some people have more access to it than others, though; that's part innate ability, part practice, and part training. 

And as for guessing...guessing is just grasping 'til you get lucky. 
People are afraid to be open-minded because they're afraid their brains will explode from an overdose of Truth.


Well then my guesses tend to be less about grasping until I'm correct and more along the lines of first time accuracy. So I guess maybe that's a sign of claircognizance.  :-P

I wonder if because this is such a common ability, that maybe we should measure how strong their claircognizance os or wether it is actually worth saying a person has this ability, based more on how much they depend on it?
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"


Quote from: Bo Sundin on January 25, 2009, 04:06:37 AM
I wonder if because this is such a common ability, that maybe we should measure how strong their claircognizance os or wether it is actually worth saying a person has this ability, based more on how much they depend on it?

    I think one kind of folds into the other. The stronger you are, the more you'll rely on it. The more you rely on it, the stronger you'll be. If you're anything like me, you'll find that your life goes so much smoother when you pay attention to and use/act on the info you're getting, than if you'd ignored it.

    I think the only way to measure claircognizance, is to keep track of instances, what info you've received, and  afterward, how accurate the info was.  Of course, sometimes, you'll only find out about the accuracy of the information weeks, month, or even years later.

People are afraid to be open-minded because they're afraid their brains will explode from an overdose of Truth.


I agree but it seems sort of pointless to simply diagnose wether someone has claircognizance or not because more than likely they do.

As for the suggestion, maybe I will try to record the information, however at the moment I'm having just as much trouble distinguishing between events in dreams and those I've experienced in real life, to actually sort out the information I find and label it as claircognizance might end up being a bit impossible.  A bit of order would help a lot though.  :-D

Has this method worked for you for a while?
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"



          Yeah, a little order probably would help  :-D

Quote from: Bo Sundin on January 26, 2009, 01:49:56 AMHas this method worked for you for a while?

       It did years ago, when I was first starting out.  I made note of the instances, frequency, accuracy and outcome (when I could).  I'm a Skeptic , in the Ancient Greek sense, so I don't believe (or disbelieve) anything until I have researched, experimented and experienced it for myself. After I objectively proved it to my own satisfaction, I just went with the flow.


People are afraid to be open-minded because they're afraid their brains will explode from an overdose of Truth.


So NightSeeker, I've been recording the information and found a few things that seem pretty consistent.

All the events are related to the time in some way such as 'this will happen at this time', 'they'll turn up at this time' and that the times I give are usually accurate to a few minutes. The time element is always clear and concise, everything else can be warped and hazy but the time will be right there, in front of me. In fact, it's the reason I don't carry a watch, I know what time it is most of the time. The other thing is that it's nearly completely uncontrollable and unable to be predicted (save 3 incidents).

It did work, at the same time I've been keeping a record of dreams and now there's a bit more order to it all. This claircognizance thing is pretty strange, it does seem to play a pretty big role in my life. I just wonder how strong it really is.

Do you find that most of what you just 'know' surrounds a certain thing (like time)?

When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"


Ryobi, I'm glad that I could be of some help to you. I know how much I stumbled my way through things alone when I first started. I literally had no one to turn to and no conception of where to go. I figured I'd help people to at least find a good, solid starting point. 

Keep up with the journaling, it'll help you spot longer term trends, strengths and weaknesses (which can be bolstered).

For me,  my instances of knowing are more tuned to probabilities and final outcomes. I can 'know'  2 or 3 most probable outcomes and find the one that is most likely to occur, because I 'know' certain information about the people/situation that are involved. Only rarely do I hear a voice (usually I only hear one announcing the next President...or more rarely a football game  :roll: ), usually the information just pops into my head, like a light bulb suddenly turning on.

Now that you've found some level of consistency, you should try focusing on the time you hear/know, later.  Next time you meditate, hold a time from a recent occurance in your mind.  Relax, and hold it in your mind, but don't concentrate on it. If you get a digital recorder, you can dictate your experience without having to break the meditation or risk forgetting something vital. And remember, even the smallest, seemingly inconsequential thing can be vital. The meaning could be literal or it could be metaphorical.  Transcribe what you have recorded, and as you do so keep yourself open to either of those possibilities. You can even use this as an exercise to help you think symbolically. Take the most obvious elements of the session and do two interpretations of it, keeping in mind the context to the session/experience. One interpretation literal, the other symbolic. 

You don't have to keep this up past the point where you feel you have become better at initiating an occurance, but it wouldn't hurt to continue it. Your choice.

As for strength, the general rule with all Psi abilities are that they will be as strong as you allow them to be. Don't fight it, you'll only hurt yourself in the end.  Don't force it, you'll weaken your ability to direct it. A lot of what holds people back is fear. Fear of the Unknown.  EVERYONE has abilities, but most people seemingly don't because they are too rooted in what they can physically preceive (the 'if I can't see it , hear it or touch it it's too scary, so I won't even acknowledge the possibility that it exists' mentality). What Humans know about the Cosmos/Life couldn't even fit on half of a head of a pin. The Unknown is an integral part of Life, and to turn away from that is to turn down the greatest adventure you could possibly ever experience. Embrace the Unknown (with due caution, preparation, and respect ), and you'll find that the only limits there are to what you can do, have been placed there by you. (I'll step down from my pulpit now  *<:) )
People are afraid to be open-minded because they're afraid their brains will explode from an overdose of Truth.

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