
It is perfectly monstrous the way people go about nowadays saying things against one, behind one's back, that are absolutely and entirely true. - Oscar Wilde

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Twilight (2008)

Started by Loki, November 24, 2008, 09:48:31 AM

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Wait, wasn't there a bloody angel around a few years ago? y'know................ b4 i got here?
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


"It's a vampire book, written by a mormon, who had never seen a vampire movie or read a vampire story, and it's written for 13 yr olds. And people are complaining that it's poorly written? Someone get the "obvious" sticker." -Waycos, a member of the LICD Forum.

Well, that explains the utterly unfathomable atrociousness of this story in my mind.

And another thing... That stupid cunt that wrote those just rehashed a more emo version of Anne Rice, and then fagged that up even more into some New Age trash version of Vampirism where everyone is all nice, no one ever gets hurt, or drinks blood, and fluffy bunnies fall out of everyone's ass.


I read the books and I will admit there was a LITTLE more to it than that... Did anyone ever read Wuthering Heights?  My favorite book.  Anyway... Meyer incorporates that into Twilight (but it is never mentioned in the stupid movie) and the series kind of reflects Bella as Catherine and Edward and Jacob as Linton and Heathcliffe.

Bella's favorite book is Wuthering Heights and she makes a few references of it to Edward of it in New Moon, I think (I don't have the books with me, so I can't say).

...There is a happy ending in the Twilight series, though, where basically everyone gets what they want.  That's disappointing.  It's also disappointing that it seems to me (in my opinion) her only original thought was sparkly vampires who, when "vegetarian" have golden eyes.


As another person once put it so succinctly - "Vampires... do not... glitter."


The only thing I liked about the twilight series was how well she got across that vampires are predators and humans their prey. Of course it is a fictional story and that must be taken into account but the underlying theme of the first book at least was quite interesting. It was just a shame the movies didn't touch upon it at all really and sort of missed the underlying point.

The whole, carnivorous plant idea was great. The different traits of these fictional vampires all linking back to the purpose of attracting and killing human beings:

1) diamond like skin
2) phenomenal beauty
3) physically advanced
4) highly intelligent
5) very physically similar to humans

I actually didn't really pick up on the love story part, I was to caught up in thinking about how those who claim vampirism in real life have specific traits that would single them out as predators designed to consume human blood. It was quite an interesting book I'll have to admit even if the whole concept isn't new I just hadn't really thought about it before reading Twilight  :|
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"


Speaking of all this, one of the comics I wanna do someday is like Mad Max with demons and monsters...

I don't wanna have all the vampires be inherently handsome, but one of them DOES look like Shin from Fist of the North Star.

:gun:     <^>


I used to be a twilight fan but after I watched the movie I hated it. Now I can't stand twilight.
Suicide girl takes her last breath, consumed by darkness and by death. And so it is the tragic end, of the wicked girl with the twisted grin.

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