
People hear that I am a horror writer and they think that I must be a monster, but actually I have the heart of a small child - I keep it in a jar on my desk. - Robert Bloch

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shadows here tonight

Started by bridigid, November 26, 2008, 08:07:52 PM

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 Several times while sitting here at the computer this evening I see and feel something *right here*

All I see is a shadow where one does not belong, with the lighting the way it is in this room.

The first time tonight it seemed to be leaning toward me from the side of the computer table.

The second time standing at the top of the stairway directly to my left.

And just a while ago I went downstairs  on my way outside (to have a needed cigarette), and when I was going through the door, there it was again to the right of me.Close enough to be called kissing distance.

I am not scared, but my dog got into a state. she was jumping and running around where I saw it.

If it wants to talk or have me listen, why is it silent?
It is like it was just watching me today for it's own reasons(that it kept to itself).




By the way it was talking to you. This is its form of communication.


the first time was on my left, leaning in.
the second was also on my left, a little farther away.
but the last time by the door, it was on my right.

this seemed a little different than the black shapes I saw often in TX.
Those would circle around me, moving in and out taunting me,
moving inwards.There was always more than one most of the time,
more like 6 to 8.

There was only one time I can remember that I blacked out,
but there may have been more times.


Wow. So it hasnt harmed you right?
dauði er meta of hátt


harm...there are so many types of harm..

No, I do not believe so.
I am starting to understand they have been around me a long time.
For what...I am clueless.
To observe me, or what goes on around me, or just to feed....

Can anyone tell me how to communicate with them?
They ARE trying to get my attention.

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