
The artist must bow to the monster of his own imagination. - Richard Wright

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Keep things real

Started by nynke, December 04, 2008, 02:01:14 PM

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Quote from: nynke on December 07, 2008, 09:05:17 AM
Yeah... only also keep in mind for the ones who are deaf or blind.

People naturally substitute and make up for a loss of one sense with an increase in their abilities with another.

Daef people learn how to read peoples lips for example, and do not rely on the sound of peoples voices to get a feel of their moods, with an increase in the ability to read peoples body language. And don't forget, Beethoven was comletely deaf when he wrote his last symphonies, yet they are just as beautiful, if not better than his earlier ones.

Blind people make up for this with increased touch (using the cane), have you ever tried to "feel" the shapes of brail? It is practically impossible for "normal" people, and use their hearing more effectively. Both blind and deaf people have incredible senses of smell that far surpass that of "normal" people.

These are examples of why the loss of a sense is not really a limitation as it results in vastly improved abilities in the others, this is especially true when it comes to developing the sixth sense/ESAs/PSI abilities. This also shows how underdeveloped most "normal" peoples 5 senses are and how much work, and therefore improvement, is not only possible, but indeed untapped within us all.

This is what I mean by saying working on improving the senses we have as much as possible. Do this and the doorway to the sixth sense becomes much closer and easier to open and then eventually pass through.



If you distill the essence of what you are saying arn't you just talking about training to focus attention?


Quote from: oldbill4823 on December 07, 2008, 03:46:41 PM
If you distill the essence of what you are saying arn't you just talking about training to focus attention?

Yes, focussing your attention through your 5 senses and the better you get at this helps you to become more aware of your "sixth sense", so to speak.

Then it is a matter of learning to focus through that to increase your PSI abilities.



Ok, can you give us a concrete exercise?


Quote from: oldbill4823 on December 08, 2008, 12:36:37 AM
Ok, can you give us a concrete exercise?

You can do it everywhere, try to focus on something to hear then focus on somethign to see etc. etc.
But best works if your forced to do so like ehm... working with animals really takes all your senses.


My suggestion would be a one week exercise.

Find somewhere natural as far away from humans as you can, even if it is just a nice quiet place in a park or if you have a nice garden or something like that. Do the best you can for where you are.

Then go there for 1 hour each day for 7 days, at the same time. Dusk is a good time as nature is going through its natural routine, birds singing and all of that. Then sit there and be silent for that whole hour, watching, listening and feeling intently on what is happening around you, concentrating as much as you can. Over those seven days you will notice patterns, the same birds doing their same routine, the sound of other animals, even dogs barking at similar times. You will feel the warmth of the sun change as it goes down, the breese getting cooler etc. Do this in a watchful state of meditation and you will start to notice amazing things, relationships in familys of birds, insect patterns, there will be many more things going on than you ever realised before.

During the seven days of doing this, go home to your room afterwards, lie down and meditate on everything that happened each day for an hour, going through as much of it all in your mind as you can.

Then on the 8th day, do the same thing, meditating in the same natural spot during the same hour. Afterwards, instead of going home and to your room to meditate on it, head straight into town or other place as crowded with people as you can.

After you have completed all of this and find yourself in a crowded place on the 8th day you will be absoluely amazed!

You will hear and see peoples thoughts, know what people will say befoire they say it, know what people will do before they do them. You will see a whole lot of human "animals" interacting in ways that even they do not realise. You will be practically bombarded with new sensations and feelings.

This will open the door to your ESPs.

It will feel like a revelation to you, and will only be the beginning of developing your PSI abilities in whichever way you want, preferably starting in the area that you notice the most at first, your natural strongest ability.

From there you can take things wherever and however far you like.



any chance you could change the color of your text MK? it hurts my eyes. . .
I have multiple personalities, one is a were-Sheepenguin, one is a fruit vampire, one likes to imagine cruel and unusal totures, that one's name is Bob the VI.



One week... it's a possebility, but I think it's more efefctive to do it slower, and keep repeating it.
Like your going to train your muscles for a week very intense, and then after that week you do nothign about it anymore then all your efford is gone.
So I think it's easier to start right away in a crowded area, since that is a place everybody can go too.


One week is the minimum ammount of time that you would need to start to notice the difference, and of course the longer you can keep it going the better! From my experience, just sending people into a crowded environment without any preperation at all, does not help a majority of people, as they do not notice any differerence to their normal lives at all. It is sort of like they are just doing the same things they normally do and are in the habit of not noticing anything more. Of course people that already have ESP skills that are well developed can go staight in. But for normal people they need to learn to connect with this first before they can notice any change.

All the best of luck to anyone who decides to work on connecting to your PSI skills in this way!!



Ok ok, first off  :focus: because I started it by the fact of the fluff talk here and then.
Why not make a thread about it.
beside this I'm also missing the psiball part and how meditation affects the use of psi and the amount of psi you can use.


Quote from: Vivid777 on December 07, 2008, 01:29:53 PM

Quote from: nynke on December 07, 2008, 09:05:17 AM
Yeah... only also keep in mind for the ones who are deaf or blind.

People naturally substitute and make up for a loss of one sense with an increase in their abilities with another.

Daef people learn how to read peoples lips for example, and do not rely on the sound of peoples voices to get a feel of their moods, with an increase in the ability to read peoples body language. And don't forget, Beethoven was comletely deaf when he wrote his last symphonies, yet they are just as beautiful, if not better than his earlier ones.

Blind people make up for this with increased touch (using the cane), have you ever tried to "feel" the shapes of brail? It is practically impossible for "normal" people, and use their hearing more effectively. Both blind and deaf people have incredible senses of smell that far surpass that of "normal" people.

These are examples of why the loss of a sense is not really a limitation as it results in vastly improved abilities in the others, this is especially true when it comes to developing the sixth sense/ESAs/PSI abilities. This also shows how underdeveloped most "normal" peoples 5 senses are and how much work, and therefore improvement, is not only possible, but indeed untapped within us all.

This is what I mean by saying working on improving the senses we have as much as possible. Do this and the doorway to the sixth sense becomes much closer and easier to open and then eventually pass through.


So............... how would a blind dog smell?
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


With his nose? and I thought I said  :focus:


And the topic being not to fake it? I thought we've pretty much covered all that topic has to offer really. . .
I have multiple personalities, one is a were-Sheepenguin, one is a fruit vampire, one likes to imagine cruel and unusal totures, that one's name is Bob the VI.


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