
I beheld the wretch - the miserable monster whom I had created. - Mary Shelley, Frankenstein (1818)

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People with Sacred Duties

Started by NightSeeker, December 16, 2008, 09:04:38 AM

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What makes u think they are not angelic?


If you can't beat 'em - join 'em.

Call me a monster and I'll grin.
Cal me a sinner and my grin will get grinner.


Okay. First, I'll assume that this 'person' is in a corporeal state.  So, onto the questions:

To what purpose/end do this person protect these people?

Are they being 'saved' for a greater (malvolent) purpose?

Is there a spiritual significance to the number 13? If so what?

What does interaction this 'higher being' feel like?

Are the 'owner' and the 'higher being ' the same entity? And are either one of them inhabiting a physical form?

What does the interaction with the 'guardian demon' feel like?

You can PM me the answers if you're not comfortable with giving them publicly.
People are afraid to be open-minded because they're afraid their brains will explode from an overdose of Truth.


Oh man, I hope this doesn't turn in to another discussion about 'angels'. We had that extremely long one before, and I do believe a lot of the same ideas would be thrown around.
"Intelligence is the flower of discrimination. There are many examples of the flower blooming but not bearing fruit."

"True warriors are humble men"


Quote from: Nina on September 24, 2011, 10:13:47 PM
Quote from: Thirteen on September 24, 2011, 05:41:37 PM
Quote from: Nina on September 24, 2011, 05:38:57 PM
What makes u think they are not angelic?

Angels aren't like this.

Like what exactly?

Let's just say that an angel wouldn't be under the control of a being that would hurt/punish said angel. I only say demon, because demon seems more suiting.
If you can't beat 'em - join 'em.

Call me a monster and I'll grin.
Cal me a sinner and my grin will get grinner.


It sounds like the 3 of us are talking about different Guardians. Though mine having striking similarities to Night's.

And Night, keep in mind what I had said was "original purpose" and that like all governments, the Council has changed over time. aliens were never really any of their concern, they aren't seen as a threat to balance.

As far as where I get my info from, well my grandfather is an Elder, and my ex wife is  a Guardian. I was her enforcers for our area. Still in a way, am. Likewise, where is your information from?


Quote from: Azurahn on September 25, 2011, 08:24:26 AM
It sounds like the 3 of us are talking about different Guardians. Though mine having striking similarities to Night's.

And Night, keep in mind what I had said was "original purpose" and that like all governments, the Council has changed over time. aliens were never really any of their concern, they aren't seen as a threat to balance.

As far as where I get my info from, well my grandfather is an Elder, and my ex wife is  a Guardian. I was her enforcers for our area. Still in a way, am. Likewise, where is your information from?

Yeah sounds like we're all talking about 3 different variations. I wonder how many more variations there are. I've gotten my info from personal experience, research, talking with other who also have these Sacred Duties.

Do the Duties of which you speak run through family-lines or bloodlines? I'd be interested in hearing more, if you're willing to talk some more about it.

And I apologize if I  came off a bit snotty.
People are afraid to be open-minded because they're afraid their brains will explode from an overdose of Truth.


There are exceptions to the rules, however it depends greatly on bloodline and that particular person's previous life/lives.

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