
I beheld the wretch - the miserable monster whom I had created. - Mary Shelley, Frankenstein (1818)

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Started by Mr. Kreepy, December 22, 2008, 08:56:54 PM

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Mr. Kreepy

I've noticed that when working on shielding or doing various little psychic experiments or even simply meditating, I have an extremely hard time concentrating. It doesn't matter what I do, I just can't get "in the zone". It's gotten to the point where I've all but given up trying to do anything at all because I simply CANNOT concentrate or clear my mind.
Anyone have suggestions on what I could do that would help me concentrate and get rid of this problem?


That, oh KreepKreep, is something you're just going to have to practice.  Here is something I learned that may help with that focus.

Practicing visualization.  Stare at an object and only at that object.  Learn the details about it; pick it up and look at it if you want.  When you think you have the image in your head, close your eyes and recreate it in your mind.  Start for short periods of time and extend it.  Create your own goals, but maybe going for about 10 seconds to 15 to 30 to a full minute.  It doesn't necessarily work for everyone, but it's worth a shot.


Quote from: Mr. Kreepy on December 22, 2008, 08:56:54 PM
I've noticed that when working on shielding or doing various little psychic experiments or even simply meditating, I have an extremely hard time concentrating. It doesn't matter what I do, I just can't get "in the zone". It's gotten to the point where I've all but given up trying to do anything at all because I simply CANNOT concentrate or clear my mind.
Anyone have suggestions on what I could do that would help me concentrate and get rid of this problem?

This can become a problem if one turns to, or lives within the dark side of the force!

If you feel this may be an issue, try filling your life with love and joy. Making daisy chains and helping old people cross the road and things like that. Fill your life with love and acceptance and the concentration, yes, it will come to you!!


Mr. Kreepy

Vivid, what exactly are you referring to when you say "the dark side of the force"?


The energies involved in some types of psychic exercises can be quite negative, which is what I was referring to as "the dark side" in my pathetic attempt at humour. Things such as psychic vampirism can result in build ups of negative energy that have to be released to keep a clear mind. If you are not in the mood for daisy chains, a swim at the beach, or even a walk in the forest or something like that is fine!

The other main concentration killer is sleeping problems/imsomnia, which can leave you unable to concentrate at all. Finding ways to sleep in these circumstances is very important.

Good Luck!!!



I like the Yoda.

But I do agree with MK.  You need to be rested well.

Mr. Kreepy

You guys are very right. Rest certainly helps.
I've also been talking with someone about this in private, and I've ascertained that thinking about sex helps me focus. Fiery, wild, primal sex.
Hell, all along I was trying to get that out of my mind to help myself focus. Who woulda thunk the exact thing I was trying to avoid thinking about was the thing that would help me concentrate? :laugh:

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