
I think you have to know who you are. Get to know the monster that lives in your soul, dive deep into your soul and explore it. - Tori Amos

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has anyone heard of this?

Started by bloodsuckerj, January 02, 2009, 08:03:34 PM

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i heard their are four from miachile himself. please excuse my spelling. also gabrial maybe there are like u say but time have changed snice the time the old testament was written and there are a few mistake in the bible as i rember like for instance god said n promised in his heart that he would bring the destruction of man again yet in revaltions it says he will relsaes hell on the world and everyone will die but those faithful will be resuration is that not a contradiction to what it say eariler?


I cannot even reply to your post because I have no idea what you are trying to say.

-Alexander du Galle
No matter how fast light travels it finds the darkness has always arrived first, and is waiting for it.  -Terry Pratchett


Alexander, be a bit more respectful of other members.  Thanks!

Now, J, if you would please reword what you were trying to say it may be a bit more helpful to understand what it is you are asking.


god is going to destroy mankind right and they will all be resurtd who ever belives in him but ealier in the bible he said he would never do that again after the great flood and he made a vow not to so why is he going to? why is he going back on his word? and i know to of the arcangels they well one is me friens the other i don't know to well


Quote from: bloodsuckerj on January 21, 2009, 08:40:47 AM
god is going to destroy mankind right and they will all be resurtd who ever belives in him but ealier in the bible he said he would never do that again after the great flood and he made a vow not to so why is he going to? why is he going back on his word? and i know to of the arcangels they well one is me friens the other i don't know to well

he vowed to not kill anyone and the rainbow was his promise. his symbol of the covenant................ we didn't up hold our part of the bargain now did we *<:)? and with all of this weather crap flying around, we might kill the rainbow, hence killing ourselves by freeing him from his promise. *<:)

but back then They also thought the world was flat and that rain came from the abyss that was all water and held back by the "ceiling" of the sky.

Yeah............ real accurate
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts



Quote from: bloodsuckerj on January 21, 2009, 08:40:47 AM
god is going to destroy mankind right and they will all be resurtd who ever belives in him but ealier in the bible he said he would never do that again after the great flood and he made a vow not to so why is he going to? why is he going back on his word? and i know to of the arcangels they well one is me friens the other i don't know to well

Correct me if Im wrong, But I think G-d says he will not destroy the humankind again, but he said he will not do it with rain... he doesn't say he would not do it with something else.
All That Is Now, All That Is Gone & All That's To Come!!!

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