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The Maya and their prophecies about the end of the world.

Started by Rainbow, January 13, 2009, 05:56:04 PM

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Understand the predictions of the Maya means its scientific, religious and spiritual. These prophecies have much of myths and prediciones that may never happen a lot of these myths were created by different generations and do not always adhere reality is that today will discover, I invite you to read and judge and analyze and make use of your free will, I hope you spend a pleasant moment reading this post.


According to this prophecy, 22 December 2012 will receive a Sun Ray cradle of the center of the galaxy with which we will begin a new cycle. It will be the end of the world of materialism and destruction in which we live and the beginning of a new era of respect and harmony. Before that day, humanity will either disappear as a species, thinking it attacks the planet or evolve into a new era of integration with the rest of the universe.


The second prophecy announced that, after the eclipse of August 11, 1999, physical changes in the Sun alter the behavior of men. Some said they lost control of his emotions and enhance your inner peace to synchronize with the rhythms of the galaxy. This will offset the dramatic changes that describe the following prophecies.


logic of man increase the temperature of the Earth and produce geological and climatic imbalances. The lack of synchronicity between our behavior and nature will bring big problems like the evaporation of water from the soil, forest fires and destroying crops. The attitude we take will be crucial to overcome this time of crisis.


Here is predicted a heat wave that will cause the melting of ice at the poles. According to the Maya, this is how the planet is clean and reverdecerá, but it will flood the coastlines and thousands of people living near the sea will face serious dangers.


According to the fifth prophecy, if not sintonizamos our behavior with the rhythms of nature and the galaxy, by 2012 we will fail all the systems on which our civilization is based. There will be a collapse of the network, power, religion and economic system. Based on these facts, people will see the need to reorganize society in a more harmonious and less competitive. and if we add to that the increased activity of the sun, which can cause damage to satellites, the situation is complicated. With solar flares are given an unusual dose of ultraviolet rays that spread to the upper atmosphere of the earth, reducing the pressure that exists on the satellites that are low. This makes its orbit down to a much faster, temporarily lost contact with them in the best case and disrupting all communications on the planet at worst. It is also possible that the 19,000 objects in orbit the earth, upon receiving a high dose of electromagnetism see the sun damaged electronic components and stop working forever.


It talks about the appearance of a comet that will bring very abrupt changes in our physical world. Based on his calculations, the Maya say that there are high chances that the comet collision with Earth. But at the same time, argue that it is possible to divert its course by physical or psychological.


In the seventh prophecy Maya left us a message of hope. They said that from a volunteer effort to achieve inner peace and harmony, we can develop new ways and integrate the operation of the galaxy. This can reduce the harmful effects posted by other prophecies and reborn in a new era, "the Age of Light."

To the Maya cosmic processes are cyclical and never change. What has changed is the consciousness of the man who passes through them, always in the process of perfection. The current cycle will end on Saturday 22 December 2012, then humanity must choose between disappear as a species thinking that threatens to destroy the planet or move towards the harmonious integration with the entire universe in a new era of Light. All of us in one way or another, we feel that we are beginning to live the time of the Apocalypse. We all feel the war. Every day there are more eruptions, the pollution generated by our technology has become alarming. We have weakened the ozone layer that protects us from radiation of the sun We have polluted the planet with our industrial waste and garbage.
The devastation of natural resources is destroying water sources, with the air we breathe. The climate has changed and the temperatures have increased dramatically, and glaciers will melt glaciers, large floods occur throughout the world.
Threatening computer chaos. Widespread poverty by the effects of economic chaos are in almost every country in the world. All seek answers and a blueprint for the times we live. We recognize, from the problems they face daily, we are not living in harmony. and we are the cause of these ills that afflict humanity
Many religions made prophecies about what is happening. The Bible has announced that when all these events happen at the same time be the time of the coming apocalypse. It is said that ancient peoples including the Maya knew this was going to happen so let guides for each of us as individuals to contribute to humanity to the "DAWN OF THE GALAXY, THE SPIRITUAL AWAKENING" to a new era in which there will be more chaos and destruction, when we learn the true meaning of love, when we open our hearts to forgive when we control the ego, which makes us believe that we are important and we forget that we are just a tiny particle in the universe.
It is said that the Maya left us in seven prophecies that speak of their visions of the future. Are based on the conclusions of its scientific and religious studies on the functioning of the universe they had.

NOTE: There is much speculation and sensational in the alleged prophecy of this people, when we were arriving in 2000 is written HUNDREDS OF ITEMS TO THE TERMINATION OF THE EARTH AND remain.
I THINK THE MAN IN YOUR FEAR INVENTS CATASTROPHE is written and then endorsed in non-existent and dead PEOPLES
The first prophecy of the end I fear. It says that our world of hatred and materialism SATURDAY ending 22 December 2012 (personally I think this is just sensationalism and that these people never gave a precise date, usually the prophecies serious, never give exact dates) for that day Humanity must choose between species disappear thinking that threatens to destroy the planet or move towards the harmonious integration with the entire universe, understanding that everything is alive and conscious that we are part of everything that we can exist in a new era of light .
The first prophecy said that since 1999 we have 13 years, only 13 years to make changes of consciousness and attitude of those who speak. Another date arbitrarily and someone wrote to give more credibility or believed that, they endorsed the alleged Mayan prophecies to the people)
The Mayans are supposed to believe that our Sun, which called Kinich Ahau-is a living breathing and each time is synchronized with the huge body in there. Upon receiving a spark of light in the center of the galaxy shines more intensely on their surface to produce what scientists call our solar flares and magnetic changes. They say this happens every 5125 years, the Earth is affected by changes in the sun by a shift in its axis of rotation. Predicted that this movement from major disasters occur. For the Mayans universal processes such as breathing of the galaxy, are cyclical and never change. What has changed is the consciousness of the man who passes through them, always in a process toward more perfection.
It is assumed ago and is highly questionable that the Maya based on their observations, predicted that after the initial date of their civilization, from 4 Ahau 8 Cumku, ie since 3113 a. C., 5125 years in the future, or Saturday, 22 December 2012, the Sun, to receive a strong beam cradle from the center of the galaxy, would change its polarity and produce a huge blaze radiant. By then humanity must be prepared to go through the door that we left the Mayan civilization transformed the current fear based on a much higher vibration of harmony.
Only an individual can pass through the gate to avoid the great cataclysm that will suffer the planet to begin a new era, a sixth round of the Sun claimed that the Mayan civilization was the fifth illuminated by the Sun-Kinich Ahau The fifth great solar cycle. Previously existed on the ground four other civilizations that were destroyed by severe natural disasters. They believed that each civilization is only a step in the rise of the collective consciousness of humanity.
For the Mayans, in the final cataclysm civilization had been destroyed by a great flood that left few survivors of which were their descendants.
They thought that knowing the end of these cycles, many people were preparing for what we would see through it and had managed to preserve the planet on the kind thinking, man. We say that the change of time can climb a step in the evolution of consciousness, we move towards a new civilization that manifest greater harmony and understanding for all human beings.

Sorry for the clumpy english!!! Remenber I translate everything!!!! :-D
All That Is Now, All That Is Gone & All That's To Come!!!


I love this thematic!!!!

My guess is that whatever happens, we shouldnt have fear in us, just relax and give in to the change. We all feel it, it has started, some play blind, some fight to it, but it will get us all! We are children of this Planet after all, and whatever happens to Mother Gaia, it will affect us. Something interesting about that date, I looked the Mayan horoscope for that day, and this is what came up:

Yellow Cosmic Star

I Endure in order to Beautify
Transcending Art
I seal the Store of Elegance
With the Cosmic tone of Presence
I am guided by the power of Free Will

Interesting, isnt it?


wonderful post Rainbow!!
I have not  read the prophecy
of the Maya for about a decade....

It seems obvious to me, being raised as a scientist
as well as one aware of the unseen,
that many of the prophecies
are in fact proceeding to be played out
in our world.

There is little difference between science and "magick"...funny in fact to me,
just the eyes that look at them as conflicting
are just untrained.

Take care


Since our current calendar is technically wrong because the people who made it had no concept of zero then shouldn't this actually happen in 2013? Because 1 A.D is supposed to be 0 A.D.....Hey, it has to be taken into account. I'm just curious being my history buffness self...


Ive been searching and studying this for some time now, and I must say that the date is exact, they calculated all mix ups with gregorian calender and the date is exactly that. Even the time is known, 11:45 am.


In my history class we were talking about this and like Nina say, they calculated everything with a amazing punctality. A lot of events that they had predicted have happen in the last years.
All That Is Now, All That Is Gone & All That's To Come!!!


Alright. Just making sure they took that into account. I personally don't believe most of the end of the world theories because they always turn out to be wrong. I'm not saying that as a generalization either. Then again, I suppose we won't know until it happens.


Telling you the truth Amaya, I really wish that this one doesn't come true. Because it will be so little time, from today to that day  :embarassed: But if it does, we will have to recognize the Mayas knew it, and told us and we just took it like one of to many dumb prophecies. Because, no one is really paying attention to it, no one is realizing that maybe in 3 years, 11 months and 8 days the world will end. And telling you this it made me realize is kind of sad.
All That Is Now, All That Is Gone & All That's To Come!!!


But why are you sad? Is there any certain known fact about what is going to happen? No! For all we know, we can simply shift into another dimension and continue living without even noticing that something big (universe) happened!  :wink:


Well you are right Nina. I just hope that it isn't a tsunami, because Puerto Rico will drown extremely fast, we are a very small island. Lets just think possitive, like Nina does.
All That Is Now, All That Is Gone & All That's To Come!!!


Cool! But....(there is always a "but"), it wouldnt be bad to find a shelter on some mountain (high ground) and hide a stash of food and water (just in case)  :wink:.


Believe me when I say, I really don't think any mountain of Puerto Rico will be safe. I will take a better action plan, I will move to another country before that day is near, and then come back when the danger is gone. :wink:
All That Is Now, All That Is Gone & All That's To Come!!!

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