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Psychic Vampires - Energy Suckers

Started by Rainbow, January 24, 2009, 02:11:02 AM

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I found this info, I think it might be interesting for you guys, I was doing some research in people who attract other people energy, cuz when Im near a person who is angry I get angry with no reason, and it happen with every other emotion. So doing my research I found this.  :-D

Psychic Vampires - beings who steal another's energy either intentionally or unintentionally
   Psychic vampires are not to be completely confused with traditional vampires. While vampires tend to be mere fiction, psychic vampirism can be performed by anyone at any given time.

They Suck Your Energy, Not Your Blood
   Have you ever been around a certain person, only to feel yourself drained of energy? Most people have experienced this on occasion. There may be that certain friend or family member who always brings your energy level down. These people usually show no sign of energy themselves. This can be due to sickness, depression, or just plain laziness. The person in question is often feeding on the energy force of those around them. Usually it is done without their knowing, against their prey's will.

The Unknowing Psychic Vampire
   An example of this could be an elderly, sick aunt who comes to the family get-togethers. Though happy and alert, her body is in need of energy. Those closest to her soon begin to feel tired and sometimes feel sick themselves. The victims will soon leave the woman's side while their energy rebuilds. The more sensitive the victims are to this vampirism, the more they tend to stay away from this person.
   There are many reports of psychics who are able to witness this exchange of energy. The sick aunt will have "tentacles" reaching out from her auric body in all directions, sucking the energy from those around her.

Intentional Energy-Suckers
   Intentional psychic vampires are more frightening than an elderly woman. These can be living or dead. These entities knowingly prey on the helplessness of their victims. It is most often reported as one drifts off into sleep, although, this can quite often be mistaken for what is really the hypnagogic state at the beginning of an out-of-body-experience. (Yes, I took 2 years to figure this out! Read on!)

Vampire or Astral Projection?
   As you drift off into sleep, your body becomes paralysed. Don't be alarmed, this is natural and does not imply the presence of psychic vampires. Again, refer to the section on the hypnagogic state if this is what you came here for. Now, If you begin seeing one or more black figures standing around you (not white spirits, angels, etc. - they're usually good), then you should be alarmed. Another commonly reported phenomanon is the visualisation of that sick, elderly aunt. This could be a strong feeling of them being close, or sometimes the face can be seen - even floating inside of a bubble.

Defending Yourself
   What's the best thing to do when being attacked? Self-defence! The best method of self-defense in this instance is to scare off the vampires. Your astral body can take on any form it pleases, so imagine yourself as plastic-man. Picture yourself large, strong, and intimidating. Now imagine giant spikes covering your body like a mutated porcupine. Let them grow as long as you want. 20 feet long, a hundred strong. You don't have to see them, just "know" that they are there to protect you. This may sound dumb right now, but it has worked, personally for myself, on more than one occasion in different situations.

Scaring off the Psychic Vampire
   With practise, the simple statement, "Come on, spikes!" will become an easy way to ward off anything which threatens you. If the psychic vampires decide to come back, using the same technique will eventually stop them from coming altogether. Whether the spikes can possibly hurt the person/entity, I do not know, but it will usually scare them away. I, personally, would rather scare my sleeping aunt away than stick a giant spike through her astral body...

Note: what I would like to know is that, Iam a Psychic Vampire??? what you guys think???
All That Is Now, All That Is Gone & All That's To Come!!!


Rainbow, you're not a psychic vampire if what you described is all you do. In that case, you're an Empath, totally different creature.


All That Is Now, All That Is Gone & All That's To Come!!!


 <^>your piece on psychic vampires was excellent,i have been been reading about psychic vampires for a long should check out what anton lavey says about psychic vampires in the satanic bible,i dont follow satanism but that section is good old common sense.

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