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dream entities - a personal view

Started by oldbill4823, February 03, 2009, 03:27:54 PM

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When we dream with any level of awareness we can begin to experience what some people call lucid dreaming. For me this is just where we begin to have a small amount of control in our dreaming attention. Obviously this can be developed. We can train it to become better and better. Eventually we can have lucid control in our dreams.

Dreaming is for me very akin to going for a walk in the wilderness. The further you go, the more chance that you see more and more in the way of birds animals etc. Obviously as we become lucid in our dreams we tend to travel deeper into the wilderness.

Here the wilderness is actually layers of perception that we start to explore. Obviously then at some points we will encounter some of the things that live out there.

It can come as a shock when this happens. Especially as the experiences can be extreme, confusing, repetitive and very powerful.

So what the hell is this wildlife that i am talking about.
Well the best way of describing it is to say that it is stuff that is sentient and alive, but that exists in slightly removed layers of perception that you have started entering.

Its easier to think of these things as dream entities. Its too easy to label it as aliens demons and rubbish like that. They are not. Those are just interpretations made by people who see everything through such filters. Explaining stuff in this way isn't helpful. So lets avoid it okay?

I think you also need to understand a little more about what these things actually do.

Typically they are curious about any awareness that starts to come into their territory. In this case you. They will often instigate interactions which we experience as bizzare dreams of monsters, animals,  or really unusual objects etc.

You have to remember that dreaming at this level they are like fish in water. It is their natural habitat and you have just ventured into it a bit unprepared.
As such they have incredible control over their appearances. Its as if they can create movies for us to be in, their control is that good.

Now the main reason they do this is because they are fascinated by the energy we give off. They can and do engineer dream scenarios with the sole intention of producing emotional reactions from us.

Any raw animal emotion will do. The stronger the better.
Rape murder love fear etc all these are typical. When they find stuff that gets such a reaction they will play it time and time again. Just like kreepy really but on a much more sophisticated level.

Now these interactions can and do go on for years.
We either dim down our awareness and they stop, or we develop our awareness further and the nature of these interactions will change. Instead of being played like an extra in blair witch project these things will actually start to teach you how to navigate this realm.

Of course all this is quite fantastic, and a little difficult to take in for many people. However i offer it here as a view for you to consider. Especially if you have been experiencing powerful dream experiences recently.


Its funny because I can still remember when I was able to gain control of my dreams. It was actually a dream where I and the people around me (in the dream of course) became aware that one of us had to be dreaming, everything going on around us was just too chaotic to be real. After a short discussion we found the flaws in each person and came to the realization that I was the dreamer. After that, they began to advise me on how to take control of my dream. Obviously is was a discussion with myself, but still, it was a hellof a dream.
"Intelligence is the flower of discrimination. There are many examples of the flower blooming but not bearing fruit."

"True warriors are humble men"


Then again it may not have entirely been a discussion with yourself. It may have been the start of what i will call the second level of psychic awareness- awareness of external environment albeit filtered through the stories currently in your head at the time.

My view of your dream that you recount here is that you started to become aware of external psychic environment and something real and external to you started showing you what you needed to do to develop this.

Of course you could not see this directly at the time, it was veiled in, and filtered through, the dream you were waking up from. But IMO it was there interacting with you as your psychic embryo started to wake up to the world outside itself.

IMO this dream was an early encounter with a real dream entity. Something real alive and external to yourself, not just a conversation with your subconcious. I can almost smell these dreams as soon as people start recounting them. There is a dark energy about them that has a unique signature. Such dreams are typically memorable events in our psychic life. They have a deep lingering impact on us. They are like important waymarkers.


That makes sense, and also adds it own touch of creepiness lol. So these entities, if we can travel closer to their plane (in a sense), does that mean they can do the same with us? Theoretically speaking of course. Could they begin to make their way into our own plane of existence? If they did, would they be using as a a "bridge" so to speak? Obviously I don't expect you to have the answers, but it is something that comes into question.

Modify  I also wonder now, speaking as if this realm is its own plane of existence, would it also be valid to consider not all of these "entities" would just be curious? Could they possses their own individual personalities and thoughts, different from other "entities"? Of course, I say this thinking I understand what you're talking about. I could be way off. And no, I'm not trying to label any of these entities. Simply trying to understand whether they are just curious, or if there is more to it.

Modify 2  It also occurs to me now that it should have been obvious to me it wasn't my subconcious, obviously working off that possibility. The flaws that were present in the people around me were things I should never have gotten wrong, things that didn't define them butthat anyone who knew them should have gotten right.
"Intelligence is the flower of discrimination. There are many examples of the flower blooming but not bearing fruit."

"True warriors are humble men"


Under certain circumstances yes they can start to approach our layer of reality. It is pretty rare though. There are some very real boundaries between such layers.  Like fish out of water is a good analogy.

Yes 'out there' is very real. What we call reality is merely one energetic band of something much much vaster. All our ideas about space, time, universe, planes of existance,  God, are human interpretations from this singular band of reality. They are flimsy 2d skimmings of very real things that exist in more dimensions than is knowable. Start to move between bands of reality and many of those ideas become obsolete. Human ideas are naive. We actually live surrounded by infinity. Dreaming as you did is to start to wake up and percieve the first areas outside what we know. An embryo wakes up in infinity.

The creepiness you describe is a perceptual skimming of another order of reality that you are sensing. It is an interpretation of becoming aware of this infinity. It is a typical reaction to sensing the 'deep'. Why do you think things are spooky, creepy, alien, strange or weird? These are feelings we have when our awareness starts to look outwards and encounters what is happening at a deeper level around us. Most of the time our awareness is focussed inwards on self, gazing at our self reflection. We are comfortable with this. It feels secure. I would say it is the ultimate sense of false security. Learning to change the direction of our awareness is a huge evolutionary step for us as individuals. This is why our experiences of anything wierd are so poignant and difficult to shake off. Metaphorically speaking such poignant experiences are like cracks in our shell before hatching.

Yes they can posses what we might approximate to be characteristics of personality. But they really are outside of most of what we know. All our ideas about other beings are human ideas. Follow? These things are not human in any way. If they were they would be bundled in to this layer along with us. 
The aspects of reality that we share in common are what allow any communication between us. What we call dreaming is an aspect of reality that they also have access to. Obviously it is very very very different for them. Dreaming is a shared area. If you really follow this so far then you will start to appreciate just how different these things are. When i concentrate my awareness on this i have a 'chilling' sensation. This is just human reaction to sensing the depths of the unknown.

Just for a moment lets imagine that you continued to wake up in the dream that you describe. Lets imagine that your awareness of external reality started to stabilise. You might have started to percieve this enitity as a definate fixed form. Arbitrarily lets say it appeared as a dark human like shape with no eyes. (For complex energetic reasons they can never truly replicate the image of eyes at this level) Had you started to percieve it in this way what you would have been witnessing is akin to its dreaming projection. Fully aware and much more capable than our own, but a projection none the less. It has a reality much much more distant again from this shared area of dream communication. With continued exposure to such communication it is even possible to travel to such places. But that is another story!


That makes a lot of sense, but to be honest, the reason I said "creepiness" was because this brings into light that even in our dreams we are never alone, and also the fact that this is thefirstI've heard of these things. And yeah, I can understand that with individual personalities it wouldn't be things we ourselves could classify. I was simply wondering if these things were capable of free form thought. Glad you caught the whole reason for the coming to our plane, and to me it seems a bit reasonable. I mean, it would always start making its way to her, inside the dream and out. Still, if all of this is real (which I am believing more and more that it is) then I think I'd like to attempt to percieve them in their true forms. Obviously I won't necessarily be able to, I imagine like beings here they choose how much of their form to show us. And it might be hard to tell if I am seeing its true form or if I am just creating a new form myself. But if I can maintain enough control in my dream, maybe it will be possible. I mean, I have been able to stop myself from unknowing altering the dream.
"Intelligence is the flower of discrimination. There are many examples of the flower blooming but not bearing fruit."

"True warriors are humble men"

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