
Tell us, pray, what devil
This melancholy is, which can transform
Men into monsters... - John Ford

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Strange large bat thing...any one know what it means?

Started by hlperez, February 04, 2009, 09:56:01 PM

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About a year or so ago, my husband and I were walking in a park close to nightfall, and he and I were having a conversation when he stopped mid sentence with a look of absolute terror on his face. I looked behind us where   my husband, who I will call "R", was staring and there was a man who had just passed us walking in the opposite direction. I didn't know what was wrong, and R didn't want to talk about it until we were in our vehicle. He told me that the man that passed us was being followed by a very large bat creature that was twice as tall as the man or bigger. He said it had wings that were folded up and it carried its weight on its front fists. He said that the bat had been on our side of the path and upon approaching us it crossed never looking at us and after passing it crossed back to its original side. My husband told me several years ago that he can see things not of this world, he told me very reluctantly not sure how I would react, but I was supportive and of course I believe him, he is not one to make something of this nature up. He doesn't see constantly, but every now and then will see a spirit, seemingly most are residual, very few seem to notice him. So, he had never seen anything like this bat and it had him shaken up quite a bit.  Shortly after this incident we were at the local Oktoberfest and there was a group from a local haunted house with some costumes. As we were waiting in line I looked at one of the costumes and my heart stopped, it was exactly as R had described. A person dressed like a bat with short stilts on their feet and long stilts on their arms that went to the ground and "wings" that were folded under. When I saw it I had no words and I could only look at R, when he turned his head toward the costume the smile on his face vanished and he looked at me with the same look of terror. He said, its obvious that its a person in a costume but that's just what I saw, only it was bigger. I didn't have any doubt before, but having a costume exist means that someone else has seen this thing. 

Just the other night, R came home from work and told me that he had seen another one that seemed even bigger than the first one. He said that this one was sitting outside a house and was so tall that it seemed to be looking into the house through the roof. This one wasn't moving, just looking into the house. This time was even stranger because the two houses on either side of the house being watched had what R said looked like shining white men (not sure how big in relation to the bat) that were acting like sentry or guards for the surrounding houses. He has no idea what to make of what he sees, and I am curious if anyone has either seen the same thing or if they know the bat's purpose. It seems to be focused on one being at a time....? I really have no idea, so if anyone has any information.  I looked into mesoamerican and south american myths and legends and found some things that it might be, but nothing really matches.


Insanity is a fun state of mind. I can amuse myself and have my friends wanting to get me a straight jacket and a padded room.


I'm really looking for more of a spiritual answer, because I didn't see the creature when R did. I feel like it doesn't exist in our realm, but rather in a supernatural place.

I'm wondering if perhaps it is a guardian of sorts, but I feel more likely (since R felt negative vibes) that it is there to ensure that a certain persons soul goes to the correct location, but that is only my own speculation.

Mr. Kreepy

Though I find the word supernatural absolutely disgusting, I'll have to agree with you...It may not come from "this" place.
Sounds to me like the typical signs of an encounter with an extradimensional entity, sometimes called a shadow. The things you mention are mentioned in almost all reports of encounters with shadow beings.
In my personal opinion, it's nothing more than a being from another "place" of existence, a place probably very much the same as this place, encountering a weak point in the seperation between the two planes/dimensions/worlds/whatever. All the "negative" feelings are just your natural, instinctual reaction to encountering something that exists on the fringe of human logical and cognitive capabilities..


Thank you for your response. I didn't like using "supernatural" but I lack the vocabulary for a topic of this sort. I like your term much better and feel it much more appropriate for what I have been trying to describe.


Kreepy hit the nail on the head.  You were probably simply in a place where reality is weak, and were either seeing something that exists in another dimension/realm/world/ whatever you want to call it, or it was something that comes out of the shadowlands that exist between different dimensional realities.  If it came out of the shadowlands, then it's probably a nasty piece of work. 

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