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Started by Whitedrake, March 16, 2009, 07:08:20 PM

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Hello lads and lasses, time once again for the mysteries of the nether...yea. Ok so maybe im being dramatic but i want a fresh start tell me your experinces, your feelings anything on the subject. Also if you will read my old post in haunted woods part deux, this will make more sense. The thing is still following me, staying just out of my "sight" but close enough to know hes there, he wants something, but he cant get it now, it makes him very very angry.
Too weird to live....too rare to die


Many possibilities.

1) Figment of your imagination.  Honestly, if I were in your situation I would prefer for this to be the case. 

2) Are you sure it's a "he?"  If I kept getting referred to as male I would haunt you too.

3) Well, have you bought anything that may have belonged to someone else that either has a strong imprint left on it?  It could happen.

Just a few thoughts.


good thoughts, but its not in my head, kreepy had to stop my panic when it came after me, whatever it is its very very real, more than id like to admit. and as for the he thing, idk it just feels masculine, but who knows.
Too weird to live....too rare to die


Wait, when did this happen??  Good grief, no one tells me anything anymore...

Yeah, whatever you do don't bring that thing up here when you visit...  I'll kick some butt if you do.

Back to topic though, can you give a timeline or something so we can see a sequence of events from the beginning of activity to now?


ok, well the first incident you already know about, the second incident happened when i moved back into my parents place,but there was only one at that particular attack and thats while i was talkin to our lovely kreepy friend, he says its some kinda predatory spirit. idk.
Too weird to live....too rare to die


Have any dates?  Times... months even.  That would help a bit more.

I may know about it already, but others don't.  To be honest, seeing times as in month, day, as close as you can get to that, would help a lot more. 


i honestly have no idea about the dates, which is a bummer but yea, not a lot more i can do about it, all i can say it was started about june of 2008, began again in August of 08 i think and has continued ever since
Too weird to live....too rare to die


Do you know if it was near the beginning of the months... middle... end...?

Oh well.  This has been going on for a while.  Did anything significant happen in June that may have caused it?  Attaining a new item, visiting a new place, something?


Not particularly, i justwent down to an area i usually go to smoke, and this thing just watched me and followed me, when i got home two more showed up around my house, but only one is really aggressive
Too weird to live....too rare to die


sounds good kreeper, like the new avie btw
Too weird to live....too rare to die

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