
Whoever battles with monsters had better see that it does not turn him into a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche

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Aura Reading

Started by Alayla, March 29, 2009, 11:21:40 AM

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I can read auras to some extent and I was wondering if anyone else had similar abilities and if they could help me with mine. I was also wondering if there was any way I could expand these abilities, as I have heard stories, but I do not know the truth of them all. I have researched aura reading, but many of the sites are different and they do not portray aura-reading the same way as I do. If you know anything about this, your input will be appreciated; thanks.
"We're all one race - human" ...Really?


I got into this stuff years ago but then left it for a long time.
Best way i can think of is to find someone near you who has the same interest and just have fun playing with it.
Books and course are fun but it does seem to be one of thoose things that responds best to lots and lots of experience doing it.
The best way to ensure you get that is find a way of enjoying it.
Put up a little advert somewhere near you see if you can find people who want to play.


Thanks - Do you mind telling me how your experiences went?
"We're all one race - human" ...Really?


i got to the point where i was seeing it pretty much everywhere. This didnt help much at college where i can tell you all about the energy of people but nothing about the actual content of what they said during lectures.

I got quite good at feeling it and projecting it at will. It actually made me quite empathic for a bit.
I did start to feel i was a bit special, which in hindsight was just conceit and spiritual pride i guess.

I remember having the local born agains come around one day praying for me since i was messing with Satan in their eyes.
So we had a little experiment. They prayed and i described their auras second by second.

As they truly connected to what they called God, the auras were stupendously beautiful and i described them in detail. Even when they ebbed and flowed. One guy just burst in to tears as i described it and left soon after.
He was so moved it was nearly too much.


QuoteI remember having the local born agains come around one day praying for me since i was messing with Satan in their eyes.
So we had a little experiment. They prayed and i described their auras second by second.

As they truly connected to what they called God, the auras were stupendously beautiful and i described them in detail. Even when they ebbed and flowed. One guy just burst in to tears as i described it and left soon after.
He was so moved it was nearly too much.

haha that's funny - my mom would probably be one of those - she's actually tried to perform exorcisms on me before

Anyways - do you know much as far as interpreting auras? I need a bit of help in that aspect as well
"We're all one race - human" ...Really?


I've also noticed that there are a great number of people with rosy to pinkish colored auras - has anyone else noticed this or anything similar?
"We're all one race - human" ...Really?


I was talking with my boyfriend the other day and he said that aura colors can be different depending on how people percieve each other - any thoughts on this?
"We're all one race - human" ...Really?


Isn't a pinkish aura meant to be quite rare and show someone who likes to defy convention? (so new to auras I still don't know if I can actually believe them yet).

I guess people's perceptions would affect how you see a person's aura. This takes the old saying 'rose-coloured glasses' wayyy out of it's original context. The 3rd eye chakra, that is said to process aura sight, sits between the throat chakra (centre of expression) and crown chakra centre (higher knowledge, wisdom). I guess, how a person see auras, develops from being mostly influenced by the throat chakra (our energy filtered into the outside world), therefore at first how we percieve other's energy directly links to how we filter our own external energy. Slowly, as we begin to gain understanding and clarity of this ability, it 'ascends' and becomes more influenced by the crown chakra and your perception of other people's auras becomes more based on the truth inherent in the aura and through an understanding of their entire person not just the manifestation of their external energy.

I could be very wrong though.

From an astrological perspective, external energy (what makes a person's aura what it is) could very likely relate to the placement of mars in their natal chart. Mars rules how we express our inner energy in the outside world. This isn't proven yet though but if you'd like to post/pm your birth details, I'd really like to see if I can guess the colours of your aura based on the chart.
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"

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