
Ignorance breeds monsters to fill up the vacancies of the soul that are unoccupied by the verities of knowledge. - Horace Mann

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shadow humans

Started by Azriel, April 09, 2009, 01:38:24 PM

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posted this on the Shadow board but that seemed kind of empty and I wanted some opinions/answers on this.

well I read shadow's interesting thread "everything about shadows" and it kind of hit me that I am displaying almost everything shadow mentioned shadow humans exhibit. So i am wondering if anyone has info on this subject in particular and to save time i will run through everything. I exhibit all of these symptoms which to me before didn't seem to all have a connection

"tend to keep to themselves, will often have 'predatory' eyes, may have supernatural gifts, and will often behave like an adult from an early age, often causing others to feel uncomfotable around them. Many of these Human-Shadows will tend to eat far more meat than vegetables. Shadows can affect the weather with thier emotions. They can also locate people through thier emotions (they are empaths, in a sense). They can be stronger than a natural human, hide much better (blend in with the shadows e.g. very easy to go by unnoticed, ignored or forgotten unless i make an effort) Shadows are not fond of sunlight, and it pains them to look at it. It will weaken them slightly to be out in the sun for a little while.

after reading that to me it sounds like i am one or being haunted by one but then I was born with "predatory eyes" so it seems less likely. all contribution appreciated


I think that could be explained in more logical ways...


thats what i'm after explanations its just that i read that thread and then thought that maybe all these weird things could be connected


look into the autism spectrum, my daughter prefers slightly warmed non lumpy foods, has an aversion to certain materials, bright lights and loud noises, and she'd rather spend time with the animals than deal with people,  along with a slew of other "special gifts"

but she's just your average twelve year old girl...nothing supernatural, just a blessing.
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."


I read that and came to the same conclusion at first, especially with how I don't feel threatened or any bad feeling, just a connection. But, now I don't know.
If you were one you would know with out a doubt.

Autisim, I don't think so, there are mild forms but even those have a big impact on the persons social and communication abilities. So no, if you can grasp a lot of social functions, then no.

Keep looking, you may just have a good empathy ability.     
-The shadows connect us all-


thats actually a little scary...Is there some way to test yourself to see if your one of these shadow humans?
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