
The sleep of reason produces monsters (El SueƱo de la Razon Produce Monstruos) - Francisco Goya

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a couple of questions

Started by Nyxus, April 16, 2009, 03:01:33 PM

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hello, i have heard many things regarding vampires and i have a few questions that i would love to be answered so i can get things straight.
1. can vampirism be hereditary?
2. can you be both a psi-vampire and a physical vampire?
3. do you die when you become a vampire(physical), like undead(no heartbeat and such)?
the reason im asking is because a friend of mine, ill call him latuf, is a werewolf and hes telling me all the signs of become a vampire through heredity, strangly enough, im exhibiting all of the signs he mentioned...
please assist me
Fear is Weakness


1. Yes.
2. Yes.
3. No.

-Alexander du Galle
No matter how fast light travels it finds the darkness has always arrived first, and is waiting for it.  -Terry Pratchett


excellent. thank you.
do you speak from personal experience? and what are the signs of hereditary vampirism?
Fear is Weakness


I concur with Alexander's answers; yes, yes, and no. In my case, experience and other things.


what are some or most or all of the signs of hereditary vampirism?
Fear is Weakness


hmm... perhaps you should tell us what the "signs" you think you are showing are?
"Even a dead fish can go with the flow" not to mention an UNdead one, but that's not the point... >!>;;
I am a Were-Raccoon/Dragon, that makes me feel sexy.


insane craving for blood, for no reason, and if i dont get any, then my head hurts really bad.
my cainines are(seem to be) growing at night and shrinkng during the day.
i love the feeling of flesh between my teeth.
i bite people for fun.
i feel energized a hella lot when someone gives me blood.
i prefer night to day.
and lots more
Fear is Weakness


I'm inclined to call 'psychosomatic' on this one....


-The shadows connect us all-


hahaha. it could very well be that too. my life is an emotional s**tload at the moment.
Fear is Weakness


That could be the reason there.  When some people are stessed they can drain to compensate the loss of energy, and that could explain urges like the blood or meat thing, especially if you add in a vitamin or mineral defiancey(spelled that wrong).
-The shadows connect us all-


Actually, I must admit - I cheated.


Fear is Weakness


I checked you out, and was able to 'tell' one way or another. Don't worry, I'm not a voyeur by nature, but I do like knowing for sure. Young people always need guidance, whether they like to admit it or not. Fledgling vampires, werewolves, etc. are no different. In fact, they need more than regular teens and children, or else they may become more easily depressed and even suicidal, falsely believing themselves to be all alone in the world, and without any respite from the retards who fail to appreciate the differences between themselves and others.


AHA! I KNEW SOMEONE WAS WATCHING ME! when exactally was this that you checked me out? and what exactally are you?
im not mad or anything, my werewolf friend has me watched all the time, he doesnt trust me i guess.

to be perfectly honest i realized that i lied about alot of my "symptoms", not on purpose, but out of fear that no one would believe me unless i made up seemingly obvious things. i apologize, but i still am unsure about whether im a vampire or not.
Fear is Weakness

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