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This is a warning to all "mythical" creatures.

Started by Sora Wolf, April 28, 2009, 01:26:00 PM

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I asked my question Sora because I'm originally from Goble MI ( thats between Paw paw and Allegan on M40 )  Mendon is only 30 or so minutes South of my family.  ( and I still have a lot of family living there )
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


Quote from: onishadowolf on May 04, 2009, 01:29:43 PM
I'm sorry what post was that from, with Killfast and the ghost writing?  

No. Im talking about how Killfast swears he has special powers and we should all join him, blah, blah, blah.....
Quote from: Sora Wolf on May 04, 2009, 01:32:45 PM
Wolf Song-I'm not f*****g six, and you what you're doing when you post a dumb ass comment like that, you're just making me mad.

I didnt say you were six, but I'm starting to wonder. Attention to detail little one. I was saying leave the little six year olds alone and stop trying to make a pack full of diaper wearing, booger pickers.

Get angry. Go ahead. I asure you that your little flicker of a match-stik you call your anger is nothing compared to my firestorm.


Besides sora, why are you letting Wolfsong get a rise out of you?
We all are capable of little tantrums(some more than others), believe me i've been pissed off enough at this site and the people in but i can't stay away.

Now reread all you posted. You said it was a demonic force that broke/fractured your shoulder blades and ribs. Now those injuries are extremly painful. Breaking any bone is. You would alot of pain, certianly if you didn't get it taken care of. The force of the blow to break those bones would leave some nasty bruises. Were there any? The healing process of the shoulder blades is complicated i know it is a difficult bone to break because of its position. You would want to remain immobile, thus you typing on the computer(in most opinions) would be painful, even with a morphine drip. Do not post something and expect sympathy from a warning, though muerte's family is in your region. It is curious though.

The rest of us, i highly doubt, would be in any immeidate danger.
There is another world inside of me that you may never see and part of me is fighting this....yet part of me is gone.


Oh dear... Sora, I really doubt you could do anything to harm anyone here, or that your anger could manifest as anything but a long post with lots of exclamation points, swearing, and caps lock on, so please, enough of "don't make me angry!  You'll be sorry!".  Same for the rest of you, there is no need for immature melodrama.
Now: Sora
Quote from: Sora Wolf on May 04, 2009, 01:32:45 PMmy shoulder blades are not broken they are cracked and they only hurt when I hit hard backed chairs.
You said they were broken, and cracked is about the same thing.  It still does not sound anything like a "demonic attack", only you mistaking normal problems for paranormal ones.
QuoteWolf Song-I'm not f*****g six, and you what you're doing when you post a dumb ass comment like that, you're just making me mad.
You don't have to be a "child" to act like one, and your actions define how others treat you.  I am one of the physically youngest members of this site, but I don't run around acting like an attention seeking 13 year old, and so people treat me with some respect.
QuoteGod leave me alone.
Leave you alone?  It is you who insist on posting on this public forum, where everyone can see your immaturity and criticize you.  If you cannot take such criticism, don't post things that people will criticize so much, though really, people will always criticize you for everything so it's better to learn to accept it.  As for me?  I am driven not to leave you alone, and it is not my job to.  It is your job to control what you say and do, and how others respond to you is affected entirely by that, and the way you react to them is also entirely within your control.
"Even a dead fish can go with the flow" not to mention an UNdead one, but that's not the point... >!>;;
I am a Were-Raccoon/Dragon, that makes me feel sexy.


amen to that Angelus. we need a bit more to work with here brother. i'm not all that worried, simply because i know i can handle myself and wreck just about anything that comes my way, but if this thing is beating you as badly as you describe, i only see two options: run, or fight back. there's not much middle ground here. just remember, we're here for you, so let us know if you need anything. and by the way, i really wouldn't worry about Molech if I was you. I'd be hard pressed to find someone more capable of handling themselves, so you really have nothing to worry about.
Don't fight the animal inside you. It only wants to help you thrive...


Quote from: WOLFSONG on May 04, 2009, 12:37:29 PM
3.) Next time you post about letting a "ghostie" speak or write through you, use your damn head. What kind of numnuts is going to willingly (unless your name is Moloch) let a "nice" spirit use them. That could possibly be where your issue started. If you started it, you finish it.

Oh man... my Kingdom for a host of Yahoo smileys so I could use the one I want right now....

Sora... these nice folks have given you wonderful advice; and now... I'm going to give you mine....

Shut up. Plain and simple, shut up. You come onto this site, post a bunch of questions about demons, et. al., then go about making a S.O.S. post claiming to have been attacked by demons. Meanwhile, you also put out information alleging your age to be thirteen, yet on your profile you claim to be seventeen - probably to get around the age requirement Loki put in place to prevent people like you from trashing up the Forum.).

To make matters worse - you have involved a six year old child in your whole 'werewolf' mindgame. This alone, if nothing else, must end. Even the most reviled members of this Forum, indeed anywhere, have not been so irresponsible as to corrupt young children to our ideologies, preferring instead to let them find their own ways.

Also, you have behaved like an attention starved child, and, considering your age alone, I'm inclined to believe that that is exactly what you are. When you make a post in a section devoted to getting the help you need, you accept that help graciously, not with denials and threats when the advice offered is not what you wanted to hear.

Oh, and by the way, be glad it was not me you threatened... I do not take kindly to threats, youngling, and there are a few others here who feel the same. At the very least - you would be banished.

And now, I'd like to request that someone lock this thread. Everyone has had their say and more, and I would rather not allow this child the opportunity to further pollute the space or bandwidth.


Quote from: Nerris on May 06, 2009, 07:22:02 AM
i really wouldn't worry about Molech if I was you. I'd be hard pressed to find someone more capable of handling themselves, so you really have nothing to worry about.



Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope.


Thank you Moloch, I don't think I could have said it better (though I probably should have tried... my stupid... >!>;;).
"Even a dead fish can go with the flow" not to mention an UNdead one, but that's not the point... >!>;;
I am a Were-Raccoon/Dragon, that makes me feel sexy.


This thread was really amusing!  Whatever happened to *Sora*?   :-D  Did nobody else find this even a little bit humorous?  I mean how could a kid of that mental capacity and (im)maturity possibly wrangle the mental focus and clarity to shapeshift?  She was probably just playing make believe with her kid sister.
"The only thing that could spoil a day was people. People were always the limiters of happiness except for the very few that were as good as spring itself" -Ernest Hemingway


According to Sora's profile she was last active on November last year. I faintly remember this conversation. I was still fairly new then. lol. It was funny. That's why I don't do much berating, I was probably just laughing.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope.


Wow... I can't believe she tried to get away with this. I'm also surprised that everyone else kept their calm while she was carrying on like a five year old who wants a lollipop. You guys could have verbally torn her to shreds  :-D
Cause I have nothing better to do.


 Yes, but we save that for the more annoying members. And as annoying as she was, she didn't last long.
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


Enough has been wasted. Let us leave this dirty topic and speak of it no more! *Spits on floor*
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope.

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