
Homo homini monstrum - Victor Hugo, (The Hunchback of Notre-Dame)

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Started by AiRi;), May 12, 2009, 03:55:43 PM

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ive been having nightmares every night for the past week and they are always about dogs and wolves going crazy and attacking me and sometimes they are about ghosts. i wanted to know if anyone else is having dreams like that or any other dreams.

oh and i'm new so i'm kind of shy.   


  I have some strange ones sometimes, but usully cant remember them.

and welcome, hope you like it here, I think its great


Welcome! :)

I wouldn't know much about this topic - I never have nightmares. But a better place to post this thread would be in the dreams section. Good luck finding what you need!
"We're all one race - human" ...Really?


Whenever I have nightmares, they usually make sense to me b/c I can see how they relate to my everyday life, well sort of. :laugh:   and welcome to monstrous, hope u have a howling good time. :wink:
Insanity is a fun state of mind. I can amuse myself and have my friends wanting to get me a straight jacket and a padded room.


dogs in dreams are an easy expression of such aspects of ourself, such as aggression, sexuality, & friendship; our easy flowing natural feeling; devotion.

wolves in dreams in general is just fear.
what doesn't kill you makes you stronger


I hav sp ( sleep paralysis) scares the s**t out of me sometimes. I tend to resort to " artificial" sleep on a bad week better no dreams than bad ones. Welcome to monstrous!
How can you look at me when I can't stare at myself?


ok thanks but they really freak me out


Where has our Muffin gone anyway, I miss her.

Airi, I know it is not much consolatioun, but dont worry, your dreams cant hurt you, they may enlighten you, make you aware of things you didnt think about, fear not, fear is a weakness on the way out.

Dont take my way of helping the wrong way,
many do. I will help any way I can.



well my dreams have not scary but they are weird
i had a dream where some of my friends and I were outside and suddenly everyone turned into dogs and started running including the guy i like...

then another one....where i was running outside at night all by myself...EVERYWHERE....

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