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Collected information about shadow people part 2

Started by Cassiel, May 13, 2009, 09:38:36 AM

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I have seen a shadow man with a hat, i was around 7 or 8 and it was fall, there was a tree in our yard but all the leaves were off already, but the shadow of the tree on my wall had leaves around the silloette of a man with a top hat. it really freaked me out.

my second encounter was with a shadow person walking across my mirror and when it got to the end of the mirror the bedroom doors upstairs all slammed shut! everyone said the doors slmammed cause the windows were open but noone could explain the shadow, as i was the only one in my room at the time.

Barek Halfhand

* I wrote this a few years back so some of my views may have changed....

What are Shadow Entities and why are they often linked to sleep paralysis?

Are they ghosts? aliens? demons ? inter-dimensional beings?... Is it possible that they are the earthbound souls trapped in proverbial 'purgatory'? until they can achieve redemption by relieving us of our worldly stresses and daily angst by PSI vamping us in an induced state of immobilization that mimics a natural night time disruption commonly referred to as sleep paralysis? are they simply aliens using our own superstitions against us as a means of covert contact with humans (abduction or house calls)? There have been various types of Shadow Entities entities reported, visually they can bee ranging from 4 feet to as much as 7 feet tall, they have been described as flat and seemingly 2 dimensional, some with glowing red eyes and sometimes wearing a hat and or a hooded cloak, the reports I have read over the last year or so of recreationally researching this subject has enabled me to categorize them into these general titles;

THE SENTINEL- likes to watch

THE ATTACHMENT- "just me and my shadow"

THE PREDATOR-tends to feed off of fear or anxiety that it creates and in turn amplifies

THE RUNNING MAN- zips by out of the corner of your eye (it was fast AND "out of the corner of your eye" BUT you seem to know it was a Shadow)

Of course lets not discount the possibility that this phenomena may be attributed to individuals who are very much alive and are very capable of astral projection and depending on that projected individual,the potential exists for PSI vampirism is well right? My point is this : there are endless reports that filter in to forums like this day after day week after week, month after month and they all seem to have uniformity and consistency in the described encounters, this isn't some sort of pop culture, mass media generated, mass hysteria of "Wars of The Worlds" paranoia principle, this is a quantifiable and record able phenomena that is becoming inescapable as a supernatural subject as of late.

The testimonies I have read just from my limited research on the subject are all frighteningly similar in description ...we all seem to recall a sense malevolence associated with the encounter, my recollection of one of the last few SP/shadow encounters is vivid ....the uniformity of these accountants and diversity of those relating them lead me to believe that there is more to this than just another as an externalized Jungian archetype revealing itself as the classic hooded grim reaper apparition... or as the result of hypnagogic/hypnopompic hallucinations complicated by simple sleep paralysis ...

I remember opening my eyes and seeing a back mist/fog sort of coalescing through the lower left frame of the door... I was completely unable to move, the dream has always included an overwhelming sense of evil that I always feel an instinctual need to shout out at in defiance! confront as a means of vanquishing it... the form was dark and consistent with the size of a man when it fully materialized beside by bed and I could tell it was very dark, like unnaturally dark... I could feel the ominous presence as well as see its outline in my straining peripheral vision ...this one was wearing a cloak of sorts but I could discern no facial features as I was rendered completely immobilized by the imposed paralysis and permitted only straight on vision... the odd thing is I then distinctly remember a pillow floating towards my face and having it make enough contact with my face to jolt me completely awake and free...the other variation involves a recurring dream located an old early 1800's seeming farmhouse with a hatched floor door in one of the outer rooms that lead to a basement/ cellar ...I was completely mobile yet when opening the basement door I looked down to the bottom of the stairs following the narrow sliver of light from above and only ever catching the dark outline of something standing just out of the light but always seeming unnaturally dark...and , I am standing at he top of the stairs but MY VOICE IS CUT OFF FROM YELLING AT THE SEETHING PRESENCE IN THE BASEMENT ... sometimes it's a modern sort of a multi leveled basement plant or facility occasionally I do catch glimpses of them running by in my waking state, but nowadays they seem to leave me alone as its going on over a year now since the last episode....

thanks for your time ...

The Notorious Mr Halfhand


Cassiel, please review the following;

3. Copyrighted material: If you quote text from another web site then please properly credit the source. Not doing so constitutes plagiarism, always include a source link with quoted material. Members are asked to copy only as much as is necessary when quoting copyrighted material from other web sites, do not copy and paste entire articles or web pages.

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This is not a warning, but a forewarning. You are coming close to breaching the rules. I do see merit in what you are doing, but please be advised.
Thank you
-The shadows connect us all-


The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist." - Charles Baudelaire (French and monstrous poet).


Quote from: onishadowolf on January 10, 2011, 11:15:34 PM
Cassiel, please review the following;

3. Copyrighted material: If you quote text from another web site then please properly credit the source. Not doing so constitutes plagiarism, always include a source link with quoted material. Members are asked to copy only as much as is necessary when quoting copyrighted material from other web sites, do not copy and paste entire articles or web pages.

6. Advertising: Do not advertise or promote other web sites, books, products, media releases or services without express permission from a member of staff. The site is not a free advertising platform, registering an account solely for the purpose of posting promotional material will result in the suspension of your account. If you maintain a personal or other non-commercial web site you may place a short link to it in your profile signature block.

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8. Agenda posting: Do not use the site to promote an agenda. This often involves the starting of forum threads or making posts which appear to be legitimate in nature but which are aimed at surreptitiously promoting some political view, religious belief or to attack or criticise other members, beliefs or views in an underhand manner which detracts from unbiased and fair discussion.

This is not a warning, but a forewarning. You are coming close to breaching the rules. I do see merit in what you are doing, but please be advised.
Thank you
I apologize plugging another site, as that site is a closed to public admission and for reading only, that was a lapse of judgment on my part and not to contest your advisory but in reference to Article 3. of the site rules- I did in fact co-write this report and possess expressed, written consent of the co-author to re-post it freely.

In reference to Article 8. of the site rules, I am at a loss as to how this falls into the category of:
" surreptitiously promoting some political view, religious belief or to attack or criticize other members, beliefs or views in an underhand manner"
a clarification on this part would be greatly appreciated and perhaps lessen the possibility of a repeat infraction 

thanks  :-)

Barek Halfhand

I can in good conscious claim authorship to my post ...the run-on sentences are proof positive  :-D ....b
The Notorious Mr Halfhand


I'm sure you did, that's why this is a friendly headsup. You haven't made a breach of the rules yet and I gave you a forewarning because you are close.

Article 8 relates only with the first part, the rest are just examples of it, but not all of them.
-The shadows connect us all-


Quote from: onishadowolf on January 11, 2011, 09:04:40 PM
I'm sure you did, that's why this is a friendly headsup. You haven't made a breach of the rules yet and I gave you a forewarning because you are close.

Article 8 relates only with the first part, the rest are just examples of it, but not all of them.
I appreciate the friendly heads-up, I have deleted the reference to another site.


My latest experiences:

From my personal journal:

I'm always intrigued by the voice being cut off, this happened to me the last visit to a home I grew up in that is infested with the shadows and more, it was different than I have ever experienced before; this time I woke up to the pressure of being held down and not being able to speak/scream. I am quite familiar with this type of attack as its happened over and over many times with the exception of this time my voice was cut off. When I woke it was from the pressure of being held down more than anything..I knew some thing was there and it hated me- I could feel it by instinct. I did fight back and I won although it took a few seconds to get up, I still could not talk with my voice but my" will" for lack of a better word seemed fierce as if I instinctively knew to fight it, funny thing... I wanted to fight it.. I could feel my adrenalin rush as I moved without thinking, not even reaching for the light I sat up first, then lightening fast to my feet..that was then end of it; the feeling faded as if the predator did too. I did go back once more not long ago and all along the ceiling I could see the "black snake/worm" looking things going in and out just along where the wall met the ceiling, I do not know what that was...

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