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Started by Muerte, May 22, 2009, 11:18:53 AM

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Are the infected actually zombies, or rage infect humans who feed/destroy everything that they see?

3 (23.1%)
The Rage Infected
9 (69.2%)
1 (7.7%)

Total Members Voted: 11


  You have the post, you have the question, now do the deed.  Oh, and if you want , leave us a reason as to why you think they are what they are.
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


anything that dies and then comes back to life is a xzombie in my book, even though some didnt die others did and came back and thats what is scary


I would to say other. Because they are kinda a mixture of both, without being one or the other.
-The shadows connect us all-




Even though they are something like Zombies they're still somewhat human, so have to vote for the rage infection.


I think they're zombies!  :evil: I mean, they spreads the decease through bodyfluids (most often when they bite someone) which means it's a virus. Zombies nowadays are 99 times out of 100 born through a virus *cough cough Resident Evil cough* that is spread somehow. The point is that these zombies in these movies are driven by the instinct to eat and nothing else, which means they have no concrete brainactivity... With this theory it comes down to only one conclusion: they are not human! which means that the theory of raging humans is nonexistent in my head... But thats what I think... I mean, they don't drool like they have rabies, so it cant be that...!? O.o

Hope you understand my English... Please tell me if you don't, it's not my mother language...
Kill the Zombies!!!  :gun:
Kärlek är som en vässad kniv
I onda händer tar den liv
Du blev blek som döden när du förstod
Att det mörka röda du ser är hjärteblod


Oh how I love this discussion  :lol:

Let's see, diving in to my knowledge of zombies.  The 28 series causes a stir, of "are they zombie?" quite a lot.  To be quite frank in my own beliefs, no they aren't zombies, at all.  It is not even a virus I don't think.  Because never at any point do you see or are introduced to direct input of a virus to a monkey, you only see it watching cruel reality, thus causing it to be inflicted with rage.

Rage, is an emotion and a feeling, that everyone has built up inside them.  If there was a gene that we all had dedicated to that, was introduced to a more enchanced one, then that could trigger a violent explosion. 

The Infected
A Reason I don't believe they are zombies is that they have feelings, breaking the number one rule of a zombie.  They can speak.  In one case shown, they show sympathy towards a human.  I mean, if you let a zombie out of a cage, they aren't going to thank you, they're going to eat you.  What I have noticed, and not a lot of people discuss, is their ability to understand that others around them are infected.  We never see them fighting with each other.  And lastly, when they change someone, they know it.  For example, whenever someone is changed by an infected in that movie, be it those animal lovers at the start, or the soldiers at the end, the infected know that the person is going to change thus leading them to chase another target.

Well, thats what I think :)



There has been a trend in the horror movie industry of late to not refer to zombies.

In Shaun of the Dead they even put in a joke about it. Shaun tells Ed his lovably simple friend they are not going to use the "Zed word".

In Planet Terror they are also a diseased group of people and are referred to as "freaks", "crazies" and other terms to denote them as rabid lunatics.

You will find it actually very uncommon these days that they are straight out called ZOMBIES.

I think in the 28 series they are zombie achetypes that use the rage infection as the explanation for their existence.

However the writers made it clear they are "the infected" and we must take them for their word. Though the infection seems to just turn people into zombies.

I answered the infected, but wished there was an option for both.
I forgot to spend some time thinking of a cool signature.


Quote from: shenanigoat on June 22, 2010, 04:54:15 PM
There has been a trend in the horror movie industry of late to not refer to zombies.

In Shaun of the Dead they even put in a joke about it. Shaun tells Ed his lovably simple friend they are not going to use the "Zed word".

In Planet Terror they are also a diseased group of people and are referred to as "freaks", "crazies" and other terms to denote them as rabid lunatics.

You will find it actually very uncommon these days that they are straight out called ZOMBIES.

I think in the 28 series they are zombie achetypes that use the rage infection as the explanation for their existence.

However the writers made it clear they are "the infected" and we must take them for their word. Though the infection seems to just turn people into zombies.

I answered the infected, but wished there was an option for both.

  That would be the Other option with a simple explanation for why you chose the Other option.
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


28 Days Infected I don't recall an infected getting up after being killed.  Of couse then there's Zombieland, whose "Zombies" are not undead but infeceted with a mutaion of Mad Cow Disease.  Point is they are creepy, hungry and look at you like you are an entre.

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