
Tell us, pray, what devil
This melancholy is, which can transform
Men into monsters... - John Ford

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Party Girl and Morning Confusion

Started by Ryobi, May 23, 2009, 11:06:33 PM

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I was at a party with a friend last night and after basically everyone left there was him and me left downstairs because that's where we were sleeping. After a while, I hear him and a girl start to have a conversation so I glance over and there's a girl with dark hair, wrapped in a blanket and sitting on a chair, nothing weird. So I turn back around, start to doze again and join in the conversation partly, agreeing with what she was saying about horses needing to really be prepared before going into the rodeo, you can't just go out there and wing it, the conversation went on for around an hour and a half but horses was only a small part of it, she also talked about herself but other details are fuzzy, my friend was relating what she said to himself.

After a while, my friend sits up and says, 'wait, there was a drawn curtain just there, were'd the curtain go?' and I reply 'uhhh mate, there were never any curtains there' however I'd been dozing, with my eyes closed just listening in and grunting in response, not actually looking. After that he just rolled back over, the girl started talking again and left soon after.

What he saw;

A dark figure with long dark hair came over and wrapped a blanket around herself, sat down and started talking but he doesn't know what about. There was a curtain seperating where I was sleeping from where they were. She sat there and they had a conversation for about an hour and a half, then he turns around, closes his eyes and when he opens them the curtain seperating us was gone and the girl was just sitting there. He asks me about what happened to the curtain and then the girl starts talking again and he hears me going 'mmm, yeah, true that' and starts to doze off again too.

After this we fell asleep and I thought it was just a weird dream until he mentioned it in the morning. So we go upstairs and start talking to our friends mum, apparently she heard Matt talking but only to himself downstairs the entire night and we find out that an old woman reportedly died in that house a while back but she had already told the spirit of the women that she could leave and the girl we saw was our age. No one was downstairs past 2 am and there was no girl at the party with the same kind of hair or the same height/figure as the girl we saw.

It's seems quite a strange coincidence that we both had the same basic hallucination at the same time. What could explain this?
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"


Sounds like you two may have had the same dream.

One question, did any one of you touch her, like shake her hand, brush against her, etc. 
-The shadows connect us all-


Nope, no one touched her.

I was only half asleep but yeh it could have been the same dream, what would that point towards because I'm not that close to the guy...?
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"


  Possibly a spirit simply in search of contact.  And as far as I know, a spirit with enough understanding of itself, can appear as it wishes.  Did you happen to ask the mates mum if the women dealt with horses, or perhapse if she was into occultic practices?
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


Ok, there are very few spirits that can manifest physically, so what happened was. You and your friend both fell asleep and the spirit visited your friend in a dream. It came to you through a weak link. Which is common to have pcychic links with people. She was lonely and wanted some conversation, nothing to fret about. Think of it as a interesting experience, to further your understanding of the paranormal.   
-The shadows connect us all-


  And if it were a physical manifastation?
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


Then, that's a strong ass spirit. Enough said.
-The shadows connect us all-


In a half asleep state it is thought that it is easier to see spirits than in most other states. You are thought to be hovering between worlds. Its just a theory but with you and your friend in that state, a strong enough spirit just looking for someone to talk to and a house full of people and energy the spirit could have used all these things to manifest itself, even after everyone had left, storing the energy like a solar battery until everyone had gone. Spirits are also thought to have a calming radiation that keeps you relaxed and calm even if you are aware that that person shouldn't be there or the appearance of the curtain to your friend, this could lead to the shock of the curtains disappearance rather than its original manifestation.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope.


In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


Okay so.. so far we have:

1) spirit came to friend in dream and I picked up on it through a weak link.

2) strong ass spirit

3) what Angelus said

4) same dream

I'd like to add another one. Due to the spirit sounding like me, having long dark hair, being a girl and obviously being cold, it may have been either myself (long dark hair, damn cold at that point, same voice) or a friend close to both of us. Due to the weak link and being half asleep (hovering between astral plane, material plane), we may have contacted each other somehow and were simply continuing on from conversation we'd had throughout the night.  Seems a hell of a dodgy theory though.

'Strong ass spirit' seems unlikely, so I'll leave it as either spirit on astral plane contacting us when the link to that plane was stronger and having the same dream. I don't know this guy too well but a link seems very possible.

Thanks for the help guys, greatly appreciated.
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"

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