
The irreligious poet is a monster. - Robert Burns

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A story about Shadow people.

Started by onishadowolf, May 28, 2009, 10:41:20 AM

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See if ya'll can make sense of this one.
When I was a child(6 or 7 years old)I really wasn't afraid of the dark. Until I started noticing things, it started slowly at first. As I would lay in bed waiting for sleep to come, I would watch the shadows on the wall. Now, you see the neighborhood sidewalk lights shone in through the blinds on the window and the flickers would eventually lull me to sleep. One night as I was watching the flickering on the wall, I noticed in the darker parts of the shadows there was movements. Now, even as a child I had pretty good deductive reasoning, so I checked the window for movement outside and there was none. The light was low and didn't shine through any tree branches and the azalea bushes weren't moving one bit. So, marked it off as a overactive imagination, but the next night they were back and they were darker then the rest of surrounding shadows. And of course I checked the window again, after I did I became curious and watching them became my new pastime to lull me to sleep. After a few months I noticed more of them, under the bed, in the closet and I started becoming uncomfortable. A couple of months later, human sized ones started showing up, this is when I became afraid. I started sleeping with a night light on, I would close the closet door, check under my bed, jump from pool of light to pool of light to get to my bed, and switch on the night light. I would even make sure no parts of my body would be near the edge of the bed by sleeping in a ball. One night the night light went out and woke up(first let explain my bed, it was a trundle bed and it was against a wall in a corner, no side bars and it can fold down to go under a full size bed or queen size) to being poke while I was leaned against the wall, I got so fed up with the poking I made the bed fold down. It stopped after that. I had a few more incidents like that, including waking up to the closet door slowly opening. One night woke up to use the bathroom and instead of taking the short way through the walk-in closet, I went around through the hallway. As I was making my way out the room I stubbed my toe, when I got into the hallway I noticed a figure at the end of it, directly in front of bathroom. I slowly inched myself closer and noticed more details, it was about four feet tall, had powdery and clay colored skin, and it's eyes were bright around the pupils, except it's pupils were the darkest of dark and it was looking down. When I got even closer, I noticed it was smiling and it's smile was bigger than it's head. When I got in front of it, it slowly started looking up at me and it's smile got even bigger. Once it looked directly at me everything went blank, nothing to recall afterwards. I woke up in the morning on top of my covers, still needing go to the bathroom and my toe I stubbed was throbbing. Can't recall a thing after it looked directly at me. That was a point of change for me. I wasn't afraid of the shadow things anymore or shadow people, I started having clairvoyant dreams, I became more intuitive, the shadow things and shadow people became a little leery of me.
I noticed they kind of stay back and didn't mess with me anymore. They probably became sorta like reclusive friends. They helped me find my way out of the woods, they crack up by darting by a friend or acquaintance and having them say to me "Did you see that?", it was funny and proved to me I wasn't crazy. Ok, maybe in the sense that I find them friendly and funny now.
When I moved to a rural area at the age of eighteen , I saw a lot more of them. I even saw really big ones, maybe eight feet tall, in the cane fields. After my friends figured I could see them full on, unlike out the corner of the eyes like them. They took me out with them to the cane fields to find one and corner it. My friends figured out that the shadow people stayed back from me(except for my friend that ran home before that realization, when he saw a shadow with red eyes), it became a hunt for the big one. We soon found out they don't like being chased. It was fun times, when I was around they didn't get a bad feeling from the shadow people, they did when I wasn't. We all realized these were real one day previous to the cane field events, when we stopped talking outside and followed the lurking shadow being with our heads until it noticed we were watching it and it fled. We turned back to each other and one of my friends said "I'm not even going to ask if ya'll saw that too, instead I'm going to ask how many times have ya'll seen those?". Then we discussed it, they said that the full frontal was rare. I said not for me and that's when I told all about it. Each of my friends have seen the shadow man with the hat, I have yet to see that one. I'm twenty-two now and I see them, but only in certain places. Not in my apartment, I noticed there is a certain vibe to a place where you can see these things.

The cane fields were near a historic road. Used in the civil war, by one of the armies( north or south I do not remember). There is a plaque near it telling about it.

-The shadows connect us all-


Well spit it out. Crap, I used one of my posts.
-The shadows connect us all-


A friend of mine can see these people full-frontal as well however he doesn't feel the same way as you do about them, he seems to see them more as threatening and dangerous. Possibly because he doesn't understand what or who they are.

Strange guy, the amount of times he's turned up at my door late at night running away from them is obscene. Another friend can see the skeletons of people out of the corner of his eyes.

It's interesting the things people can percieve when they're not looking. His this ability and the connection you have to shadow people ever helped you significantly?
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"


No, not really. Just when I'm bored, they help out by giving me something to chase.
-The shadows connect us all-


Oh, forgot it has helped with the ones with the red eyes. They stay clear of me, they maintain a 8 foot radius.
They try to not bother me, and anyone with me. Those are the ones that do mess with you, so it is kinda strange to have them not do it to you ever but, mess with everyone else.
-The shadows connect us all-


Red eyes? What would these red-eyes do if they got close...?

It's a very lucky blessing to have by the sound of it, it's good to know you use it to protect others as well.
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"


Have you or any of your friends tried photographing these entities to see if they show up on film?  As for the entity with the hat, did your friends describe what kind of hat it was?  Was it more like a top hat or a kepi?
To act human is to give meaning to something meaningless.

Sanity is a matter of perception.


Oh, I wouldn't call it a blessing. I would want to know, why they stay back from me. I could be a mass murderer of their kin, or something along those lines.

Those eyes don't do anything to me, but I have heard they give a frightening and harmful experiance.

I believe it was an old time hat, like a top hat or old gangster hat. Photos, that would be difficult, if my theory is correct about seeing them in the  realm between and not just them coming into this plane.
That would also mean my friends have a-
-The shadows connect us all-


little of the sight too. But I will see if something shows on film though.
-The shadows connect us all-


I call it a blessing because I've seen red-eyes but only in the morning, or early night. You know that time period from when you start to go to sleep until after the morning shower  :wink: and you don't know wether you're really awake or asleep still and you start to see things that really aren't there. That's when and you're right, they are quite frightening, so in a way I wish they would leave me alone like they do you. Even if it's because I've massacred half their kin.

Maybe these entities are attracted to certain places, that you are drawn to as well and thats why you see so many? It would be interesting to see those pictures, even if nothing turns up in them, just to see if there's a connection or pattern between the areas.
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"


I see now, curses to some, are blessings to others. You have to forgive me, I don't get very positive responses to my abilities.

I would share the photos, but I need to know what equipment to use for the best results.

I hate those half asleep moments.:-D
-The shadows connect us all-


What about one of those older cameras that aren't digital, or something with flash. They tend to pick up any real dust, or smaller particles and they come up as specs on the photos. It's just a mechanical fault but still pretty useful.

But that may work more efficiently with fae, or other beings of light, the reason they pick up so much dust is because the light from the flash bounces off the particles directly in front of it. Being of light = already sending light back to the camera.

Don't know enough about cameras to really say...
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"


I see Shadow People every night almost. I always talk to them. But when I wake up I forget what was said. Sometimes I try to follow them when they disappear. And then wake up when I can't.

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