
The irreligious poet is a monster. - Robert Burns

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paranormal ??

Started by ravinclaw, June 05, 2009, 02:55:59 PM

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Ive noticed there is not alot of new threads in this room.

    This is one subject that lead me to monstrous. Ive had some paronormal experiences. Have you? I would like to hear about them. Ill tell mine later.


 I've posted this elsewhere, but I'll put it here as well.

  I'd recently moved back in with my grandparents and was asleep in the bed in the spare room. This bed was at least 48 years old at the time. (It was my grandparent's bed when they were first married.) Maybe that would help to explain this incident. I was in that state where you're almost asleep, in a nice, soft fuzzy state... when out of nowhere four man-sized 'shadows' surrounded my bed. The only thing not human about them was red eyes and what appeared to be small horns.  Three of them held me down while the other one began to choke me. It didn't really feel like there were hands around my throat, but more like a pressure that prevented me from breathing. They wanted answers, but to what I didn't know. They kept telling me they were going to kill me, and the ones that were holding me down were threatening to rape me. I remember trying to fight them off, trying to breathe, but all I could do was choke and gasp. My eyes began to tear and just as everything went black, I attained full consciousness. I sat up in bed with a scream tearing at the back of my throat, gasping for air, and my face was still damp. This happened about 3 years ago and I have had one other similar episode since, but I can't figure out what it might mean. I can't even begin to explain what they were, but every time I try, the word "demons" pops into my head.  All I know is that it scared the hell out of me. As a P.S. to all that: After these dreams, I went to a movie called "White Noise"... in the end scene when the spirits attack him, I had the biggest deja vu in my entire life. I don't remember leaving the theater or the 30 minute drive home. After seeing that, everything was just fuzzy for about an hour. I don't understand why a movie would trigger that reaction.
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


I have had this happen to me a number of times in the past, dating back 10 years or so ago, however, it is happening regularly now. Street lights will go out when I pass under them, then turn back on after I pass?? It is quite unnerving. The last time, (a few weeks ago), I was driving with my son in the car and two went out. We slowed my car down and sure enough they came back on. This has happened 3 times within the last month at the same place. Even when writing this now, the common factor is my son in the car, though past incidents I have been alone and traveling on either a main road or street--there doesn't seem to be any pattern that I can discern, other than it is late at night and no-one is around.

Has this happened to anyone here too? Also, what are your ideas on what could be the cause of this phenomenon---if indeed, that is what it is?? 
To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man. ~William Shakespeare.


Sooooooo, I did a lil research, aka google search on "Street Light Phenomenon"   :doh:

Lesson learned.  :oops:
To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man. ~William Shakespeare.

Bane Bloodfang

Well as a child I was plagued by shadows, disembodied voices and general bumps and such in the night. I didn't have a particually easy childhood so I put it down to that. My Mum ( single parent) would often nip to the neighbours for either a quick coffee and some advise. Or just go the lean on her shoulder, it was a tough time for us both. Now I never really went with her and at times I'd be left alone for an hour or so. Those times were the scariest of my short life, I often hid in the downstairs toilet crying, panicing and often singing very loudly so I couldn't hear the footsteps on the stairs and landing or the voices muttering in the house. I never told my Mum as she had enough on her plate and she suffered terribly from depression. As I got older I'd join my Mum on her neighbourly visits and so my fears settled a little.

However one night when I was about 11 I had my duvet pulled off of me, I mean pulled and not gravity making it fall. My bed had been freshly made and the duvet was nicely tucked in. Something pulled it practically clean off and then I felt a pressure in my back, it was so weird I just froze in fear, closed my eyes real tight and prayed I'd be left alone.

Now lets jump years into the future... When I was 16 I did work experiance in a spiritual gift shop. There was a spiritualist medium who often did readings and one day she asked me to be a test subject for the members of her circle ( where developing clairvoiyants and clairaudients could develope their natural skills). So I went along, thinking it'd be fun, I later was appraoched and I was invited to join as I'd explained my own experiances to the medium and she thought best for me to try and understand and develop what I could do. It was at this circle I'd learn't who my guides were ( I have 3). The most reputable was a shapeshifter- human to stag. I'm mentioning this as it links in to an experiance later.

Now maybe a year later, I was at home whilst my Mum and lil sister were out shopping. Choosing to be helpful I do the housework for my Mum. So there I am hoovering the stairs, when out of the blue I hear very clearly a " shhhh!" followed by quiet sniggers. Now my Mum is the sneaky playful sort and I immediately thought it was her and my sister trying to sneak in and make me jump. Catching on to the "game" I shouted out, "ya know I can hear you. I know you're there". I switch off the hoover and listen carefully. Nothing. Not a peep. So I resume hoovering, only to be met with an even louder " SHHHH!" at this point the stupid game had gone far enough, so I switched off the hoover again shouted," I know you're there~" again I was met with silence. Walking down the stairs I huffed and said" this is stupid, just answer me cus I know you're there". I walked through the front room, opened the kitchen door and expected to be met by them but nothing, the kitchen was empty... So I continue to the door that led to the hall to back door. I was certain they were there but no, the hall was also empty. I was a little freaked by then and to be sure no one was about I even checked our tiny toilet just right of the hall ( even though with the door shut two people just wouldn't fit). Now I knew I really was physically alone, I asked out if anyone was there but I was met with silence. So wanting to finsh the job quickly I hurried back up the stairs and went about switching the hoover on and hoovering the last 5 or so steps when suddenly the voice shouted out in a very aggressive tone " I said be quiet!!!". Not wanting to upset who ever it was anymore I very quickly switched off the hoover, packed it away, apologised profusely to the voice and sat very quiet and still in an armchair. It was the creepiest voice I've ever heard :S.

Now on to the coolest thing ever; one night whilst I slept my Mum got up to go toilet, as she passed my bedroom door she got the urge to check on me- which is unusual as she never does that. Sowith the landing light on she opened my door when she suddenly sees  a shadowy figure stood at the corner of my bed watching me sleep. She said the weirdest part was she saw it but instead of being met with fear she suddenly felt a rush of calmness come over her and peacefulness. So she obliged this shadow man by closing the door and letting him watch over me. My mum has never seen anything like that before and she said what blew her mind was how good she felt when she saw the shadow. The only conclusion we could come to was it was my guide, in his human shape.

I don't know much about shadows or even if it really was my guide but either way he's not been seen since so, go figure ^_^;
~I may be drunk... but I can still beat you in a fight!~

Paranormal Avenues

As a child and young man, I was plagued with paranormal occurrences which led me to recently start my website. Most of these took place on a piece of property my parents bought when I was twelve or so. In 1975, they built a house on this property and we moved in early the following year. Nothing about this new house or property seemed disturbing or foreboding at first, but within several months strange things started to happen. For me, the first thing was hearing my name called, quite clearly, when I was alone in the house. The voice was always that of my mother or father, never a strange voice, so that I would answer, thinking that they had simply returned home when, in fact, they hadn't.  This happened quite often, and it was quite unnerving, though I still wasn't really scared to be in the house alone.
The footsteps started next, and this was experienced by the entire family. We would be downstairs watching TV and would hear, as plain as day, someone walking down the upstairs hallway. This was not the house settling; often I remember my father going upstairs to check it out, only to find nothing.
Both my mother and sister said they saw dark apparitions at various times; my father and I never did. However, when I was sixteen, I was alone in the house on a bright, sunny summer day. I was sitting in the kitchen eating a sandwich, and there was a radio on the counter, which I had tuned to some rock station. As I was watching, the dial moved, slowly and deliberately, from the upper range to the lower range. That was the one time I DID run out of the house, and did not return until I knew my parents were home.
Years later, I separated from my first wife and moved back in with my parents foe a while. I once again experienced the footsteps, only this time I was alone and the steps were more like stomping, as if something was angry that I was back. Also during this time, I awoke one morning to the sensation of having my back and shoulders rubbed in a very erotic manner. This lasted until I jerked up in the bed, then it was gone.
I did see an apparition at my Grandmother's house, and she witnessed it also. I also saw a man, or what I thought at the time was a man, vanish in front of me at an old quarry. But most of the experiences I had were on that one piece of property.


Now, that's one very interesting and vivid story. o.O So did you found out later in life, what was the cause of the happenings on that property? Did it stop?

Welcome to Monstrous. I hope you will enjoy it here ;)

Paranormal Avenues

Thank you.
Sad to say, I never have found out the source behind those events. I believe not knowing is what has fueled my interest in the paranormal over the years. My parents sold the property in 2000, and since then it has gone through six owners. The first owner was a property investor; he never actually lived in the house. He did a little remodeling and resold the house for a profit.
The second owners, to my understanding, lasted little more than a year. The wife became addicted to drugs and was institutionalized for a time; the father lost his job as an administrator at the local hospital. I really haven't heard anything from any of the subsequent owners, but it is a small town and people keep things like that to themselves for fear of being ostracized.
I would give anything  to spend some time back in that house. My personal theory is that at least one presence was demonic; some of the things that happened to my mother and sister were quite worse than what I experienced.

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