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Dwarf encounter

Started by Mexhomie, June 08, 2009, 12:58:49 PM

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My aunt was paintin her house and she suddenly a big fat short dwarf with a big smile across its face
it didnt do nothin to her...

ya mite think this is BS right?
well its not and this is true

my cuzn once *SON OF THIS SAME AUNT*
saw the colored trolls
the ones that u get on the coin machines
with long hair
baby colored trolls

ya know wat im talkin about now right?

well he was goin to get sumthin on the van
and he saw the fckin trolls about 1-2ft in size runnin around the van and one was even actin like he was driving!

he jus ran away creeped out

OK this is about DEMONS i guess

same cuzn ..
he saw a huge grey 6ft + hairy afro woman  run across the living room to his room..

i think its bcuz he was a crazy ass guy n now convertin to christianity n now HIS DEMONS? are tryin to stop n scare him from doing good stuff now


once i was sleepin and in my dads room i saw a TALL SKINNY GUY JUST STARRIN AT HIM!!
i was reallly scared and i was a ghost or some demon..

i dont wanna c or hear or feel anytin scary! NEVER IN MY LIFE
MAYBE just c a ufo in the air with alot of ppl lol


  O.K. son, we are going to have to get a few things straight here, and none of it has to do with the validity of your post, but it does have everything to do with this communities rules and regulations, which, if you had read them, instead of just hitting "O.K. I agree" you would already be aware of.

Quote1. Shouting: Do not write in all uppercase letters, writing in this manner is considered "shouting" and makes posts difficult to read as well as looking unsightly and being annoying to other visitors.

  If you Capatalize the heading of your post thats fine, but afterwards you need to refrain from Shouting.  Want to make a point, put it ( into brackets ).

Quote5. Spelling and grammar: Do not criticise other members on their spelling, grammar or punctuation. When writing a post it is always a good idea to check your own spelling and grammar before submitting it, make sure that what you've written is clear, makes sense and can be easily understood by others.

  I'm sorry, but very little of what you have written could be called a correct use of grammar, it actually gave me a headache trying to figure out what you wrote.

Quote7. Language: As this is an English speaking site we ask that our members post only in English. Mobile phone shorthand, slangue, fictional languages and "leetspeak" are disallowed.

  If you are going to continue to post at this site, and wish to contribute to the overall good will, you will have to do so by speaking the english you learned in school, not the one you learned from other web sites. ( in other words spell out all of your words )

  I would rewrite your post for you, to show you what it should look like, but I already have the afore mentioned headache, and I do not wish to make it worse.

In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


Treasure trolls Hugh?

Ah, what the hell, Ive heard weirder stuff.
Hell, Ive seen weirder stuff back in the 90s if ya know what i mean.


Quote from: ravinclaw on June 08, 2009, 03:53:07 PM
Treasure trolls Hugh?

Ah, what the hell, Ive heard weirder stuff.
Hell, Ive seen weirder stuff back in the 90s if ya know what i mean.

  Acid trips do not count.   *<:) ( just kidding big guy )
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


HA HA!!  You know me better than I thought!!


Quote from: Muerte on June 08, 2009, 03:13:56 PM
  O.K. son, we are going to have to get a few things straight here, and none of it has to do with the validity of your post, but it does have everything to do with this communities rules and regulations, which, if you had read them, instead of just hitting "O.K. I agree" you would already be aware of.

Quote1. Shouting: Do not write in all uppercase letters, writing in this manner is considered "shouting" and makes posts difficult to read as well as looking unsightly and being annoying to other visitors.

  If you Capatalize the heading of your post thats fine, but afterwards you need to refrain from Shouting.  Want to make a point, put it ( into brackets ).

Quote5. Spelling and grammar: Do not criticise other members on their spelling, grammar or punctuation. When writing a post it is always a good idea to check your own spelling and grammar before submitting it, make sure that what you've written is clear, makes sense and can be easily understood by others.

  I'm sorry, but very little of what you have written could be called a correct use of grammar, it actually gave me a headache trying to figure out what you wrote.

Quote7. Language: As this is an English speaking site we ask that our members post only in English. Mobile phone shorthand, slangue, fictional languages and "leetspeak" are disallowed.

  If you are going to continue to post at this site, and wish to contribute to the overall good will, you will have to do so by speaking the english you learned in school, not the one you learned from other web sites. ( in other words spell out all of your words )

  I would rewrite your post for you, to show you what it should look like, but I already have the afore mentioned headache, and I do not wish to make it worse.

What a bummer..
Ill do wut u say .. I will do what you say


QuoteIll do wut u say .. I will do what you say

  Good, then we won't have a problem, I appreciate that.  And the above two sentences show you know exactly what you are doing, may I recomend you not try to push any limitations with me, my own children have tried and failed.  I recognize a taunt when I see one, do not do it again.
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


Quote from: Mexhomie on June 08, 2009, 06:47:38 PM

What a bummer..
Ill do wut u say .. I will do what you say

Grammar sucks, huh, kiddo?  :roll:  What is our world coming to?  the new generation is making me nervous :doh:
"The only thing that could spoil a day was people. People were always the limiters of happiness except for the very few that were as good as spring itself" -Ernest Hemingway

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