
Homo homini monstrum - Victor Hugo, (The Hunchback of Notre-Dame)

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The Strangest Dream

Started by Kathlei, June 13, 2009, 10:38:40 PM

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 I had the weirdest dream the other night... I think I was visited by someone( I was thinking of it being a demon or something of such; but nothing major) -The being went by the name of Envy (if I recall correctly) and wanted me to make a pact or deal of some sort with 'him'(I believe it may have been male?)? Through-out the deal I would commit each sin with him and after I did this -I saw him with another person enticing them as well; to do the same as I had. Before --when I had committed these acts ( I can't remember most) I do recall a feeling so wonderful, almost like a gentle but pleasurable touch  :embarassed:.Yet, -how can something feel so good when you don't know what it was? :?

I'm so confused.... :-(
Didn't you see,
the man from before?
He gave you sweet dreams
-terrors to explore.

He'll come back; they always want more.
But what is it that he'll have in store?

Midnight kisses? Sweet lullibies?
Oh dear love --I already hear your cries.


I cant identify the demon, but it seems the demon is enticing you and others into commiting sins with you just a taste and then taking it away. Perhaps curiosity? This dream makes me think of the Story of Adam and Eve for some reason.

-If this anwser did not make sense, I am disoriented atm.
Do not forgive, do not forget.
Wisdom does not always lie in age.


Yet, -how can something feel so good when you don't know what it was?

So if you had a label for it then there would be no confusion?

We encounter the unknown all the time. Everything we percieve was at one time the unkown to us. We learnt descriptions of it all as we grew up. We learnt to label things such as mum ,dad, tree, fire, ice cream etc etc. Some of these things also  give us pleasure. They gave us pleasure before we learnt the labels for them.

What happened in your dream is simple. You are like a child again experiencing a place that you havn't learnt the labels for.
Knowing the label of something can ease the minds anxiety to have everything explained. However your reaction to what happens ie pleasure pain indifference happens way before the label kicks in.

Just remember though that the process you start learning by as a child was naieve. The moon was made of cheese and father xmas brings you presents. The first labels you learn about experiences like this are likely to be the equivalent.  They will be childlike fantasies and stories talking about a world that is infinitely more complex and mysterious than cheese moons.

Such are the things like 'demons' and 'pacts'. These are childlike stories from elsewhere that you are trying to explain it with. In reality you just stumbled into the playground at junior school. 


Quote from: oldbill4823 on June 15, 2009, 12:49:20 AM
Yet, -how can something feel so good when you don't know what it was?

So if you had a label for it then there would be no confusion?

We encounter the unknown all the time. Everything we percieve was at one time the unkown to us. We learnt descriptions of it all as we grew up. We learnt to label things such as mum ,dad, tree, fire, ice cream etc etc. Some of these things also  give us pleasure. They gave us pleasure before we learnt the labels for them.

What happened in your dream is simple. You are like a child again experiencing a place that you havn't learnt the labels for.
Knowing the label of something can ease the minds anxiety to have everything explained. However your reaction to what happens ie pleasure pain indifference happens way before the label kicks in.

Just remember though that the process you start learning by as a child was naieve. The moon was made of cheese and father xmas brings you presents. The first labels you learn about experiences like this are likely to be the equivalent.  They will be childlike fantasies and stories talking about a world that is infinitely more complex and mysterious than cheese moons.

Such are the things like 'demons' and 'pacts'. These are childlike stories from elsewhere that you are trying to explain it with. In reality you just stumbled into the playground at junior school. 

It's just that, wouldn't you find it strange to feel sadness, anger, or any other emotion without  knowing the cause? That's what confuses me; an effect with no cause. I'm usually able to understand things quite easily -things such as this dream or a puzzle. Yet the raw emotion I felt in this was just indescribable and with nothing to point it towards I guess I'm a little unsure... :|
Didn't you see,
the man from before?
He gave you sweet dreams
-terrors to explore.

He'll come back; they always want more.
But what is it that he'll have in store?

Midnight kisses? Sweet lullibies?
Oh dear love --I already hear your cries.


Try watching the Supernatrual series. There's a demon named Envy there.  :-D
Fire in the hole!?



Old post, but hey I got something here.

More like an Incubus to commit sin with you and in that dream too.

No worries, in dreams we dream of having relation with them demons or humans, it's a dream, so go ahead with it. Also called wet dreams for some of them.

But make sure it is real or just a dream.

I had my share of relations with Succubus, smexy witches IMO.

There is nothing here. Move along.


Thank you so much, Dreamer! I know it's been far too long since I've been  here so I'm very sorry I couldn't reply sooner! It does make quite alot of sense now that you say it... :lol:

>Hugs everyone< Thanks for all the advice! I truly appreciate it! :laugh:
Didn't you see,
the man from before?
He gave you sweet dreams
-terrors to explore.

He'll come back; they always want more.
But what is it that he'll have in store?

Midnight kisses? Sweet lullibies?
Oh dear love --I already hear your cries.

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