
What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark. It would be like sleep without dreams. - Werner Herzog

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my birthday

Started by Levinthross, June 27, 2009, 10:10:29 PM

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ok sense the cleebratory recognizal of my birth is nigh ive decided to post up a section of my personal grimoire and excerpts of my thoughts and views
i hpe you guys enjoy them and if you find anything wrong utterly annoying or inconceivable blasphemy post it or pm me and well discuss it because questioning ideas is nothing but good so here yall go.

Fae are the progeny of higher spiritual beings and collective offshoots of evolution which resulted in many mythological beasts. Thus they have a wide range of abilities, skill sets and personalities which can all be grouped on a general bases.

The first true fae are beings from the veil, the dimensional divide between the physical reality and the spiritual realms were concept is the base for existence. They were made up of fragments of the veil itself, like tru pixies are today, although because they were merely condensed particles of the veil they ceased to exist in any realm. Because they had no purpose in the real world that could embody a concept in the spiritual one, so they could not leave the veil because they merely did not exist outside of it. However these spirits found ways into this world through a loophole of sorts called glamour.

Glamour is the somewhat world renowned innate magical ability of fae and their kin which not only let them live in this world but let them get here in the first place. The simplified explanation of glamour is the concept of illusion, the spiritual realm works on concepts and meanings were as the physical realm operates on facts and the physical embodiment of those meanings. The concept of illusion specifically imagination allows a concept to exist without a set physical state or in other words allows for the idea of something to exist or be (in the literal sense) without a provable existence in the physical realm. Now with a being from the veil able to become a concept they were able to "attach" or associate themselves with other concepts at that time which were probably base concepts like shifting seasons, tides or even droughts. When the fey reached this point they were able, to enter the physical world through there associations with other concepts. So not only were they mere concepts made of veil particles but spiritual beings who embodied  the concepts of natural events such as storms, lightning, earthquakes. These first fey could have been considered gods or at least very high spirits, because they "ruled" over such profound events.

Glamour or Seeming
Now for glamour the miracle that is fey magic works on the same principal as the one that enables them to exist. As stated before the concept of illusion allows things to have concept without physical existence. The art of Glamoury as it is referred to allow the same "backdoor" method or "Harlequin method" that allowed fey to exist in the physical realm but in reverse. Glamoury works on the base principal of the harlequin method as follows. By being in the physical world a fae being is merely a ghost of somewhat a concept or being able to live in the physical world by having a strong association with a "real action" or event that has a concept. (Where as in ghost they are kept in the physical realm by their own will or some kind of physical tie which they are attached to by some means).Fae use this by being able to bring forth concepts into the physical world. For example a fey that embodies a concept such as, frost may bring forth the concept of frost into the physical plain, allowing them to produce a concept upon the physical realm which in turn recreates the intended effect. In this case the fey would be able to bring forth frost or thin layers of ice used to their discretion. As seen with their physical illusion glamour's, the act of glamour does not actually create the effect but merely allows the idea of the effect to become real .for example the idea of sleep. When a fae intends to incapacitate a being through sleep while they are on the physical plain, they cannot summon forth sleep itself. Because sleep has no physical form, but when the "idea" or concepts of sleep reaches the intended target such as a human. There physical body cannot comprehend or in other terms process, a concept or (idea)without a physical effect(the idea actually being carried out and operating by the rules of the physical plane)so the humans body compensates for this lack of a physical effect by compensation, forcing the person in question to fall into a catatonic state of unconsciousness.

Fae are being originally from the veil between the realms and thus think  quiet  differently than other entities. Firstly in relation to humans they do not believe for the most part in dogma or see the correlation between action and reaction. Which is partly de to their innate ability to circumvent that law which most seem to abide to when making social interactions i.e. you punch someone they become angry. They usually take part in the activities they enjoy usually something correlating to their specific nature or associated concept. Their views of enjoyment by taking part in there natures activities like causing things to grow are used without restriction due to their lack of grasping the notion of action and reaction. For example a fairy may make a beautiful rose bush bloom in winter this may cause joy for the fairy but likewise kills the rosebush for expending such energy at the wrong time of year. Likewise a fairy responsible may set your home and objects on fire for fun because not only do they not understand that loss of your property will cause you emotional upset but they don't exactly understand emotions in the same sense as a human may have. They see love as deep attraction between two people however the people in question see their love as a spiritual and mental bond, which the fae can never truly emulate or understand. This is shown often in fae culture not only with the common bisexuality found amongst fae but. The seemingly chaotic things they derive enjoyment from.

The Unseelie court or The Court of Night and Dusk
The Unseelie court seems to some as the encompassment of fae who enjoy macabre, or embody death, destruction, and general unkindness. Although this is not true merely there view on how the world is. Fae from the unseelie court embody negative concepts and principals or all things and events which are introverted.    
The Winter court is a high court and sub court of the Unseelie court and host to all fae who share the concepts of water, night and death. Some More prominent fae here are Banshees, Redcaps, and Drow. Not only do they embody the cold distant qualities of ice but the darker half of the year that the winter season represents. They grow more powerful during the winter and especially at night when there natures reign.
Whereas The court of Autumn, is the other sub court of the unseelie. It hosts those that preside over earth and fauna. The most famous fae in this court are Dryads, Brownies, Bogart and Oreads. They embody the stable, unrelenting times of winter and the transition from summer to winter. There power likewise grows with the approach of sunset and during the reign of all.
Although the Unseelie court may seem cold, tactile and distant they see the negative as the necessary part of life it is to make room for new life and give rest to the spirits of light. They operate with liquid structure and there royalty the princes, princesses, Queens, Kings, Dukes and duchesses who embody storms and the like may take their approach of death for new life over enthusiastically although necessary for there to be new growth at all times this infuriates the Seelie court.

The Seelie Court or Court of Day and Morn
Fae who find themselves in rule of the Seelie court, often enjoy the heat, aggression, and encompass life, warmth and a shared feeling of justice. However they usually take things way to literally which is their way and cause many incidents. The Seelie court embodies the extroverted principalities and elements.
The Summer court which is the high court of, and a subdivision of the Seelie court. Encompass all fey who represent the concepts of Day, fire, heat and life. There most prominent fey are those of mirages, fire, and light/electricity. Who embody the ideals of the warmth and life of summer and prosperity for all. There members are stronger during the day and rally their energies during the summer months to become even more forceful.
The Court of Spring is the lesser court of the Seelie people but very numerous. The court of spring encompasses the spirits of air and some fauna they believe in life, freedom and sheer vitality. Most know of their members like cherubs, spirits of the wind and air. They believe in freedom of mind and body to discover the secrets of the world. Likened to the other courts there members grow strong in spring and during the morning.
The Seelie court can be seen as taking the motto live and let live to far often not allowing the prosperity of other things by prospering so much and refusal to let winter and death have its way. They are usually the instigators of any Seelie to unseelie quarreling.

The Twilight court or The court of Balance
Also known as the starstruck court, are those old fae who still reside in the veil or those who embody non physical concepts or those that aren't understandable. Often acting upon means neither human, or fae Seelie or unseelie understand or comprehend. They are usually those higher beings who have moved past the realms of concept and physical. Who only appear during times were all veils are thin or when the stars align. They gather there power from the unknown, misunderstood, or even the concept which allows entities to realize what the veil is.

Unseeming or Undreaming
Fairies have multiple weaknesses which cause one dire effect that literally makes them cease to and ever have exist.Unseeming is the occurnce of when a fairy or fae  is hurt by undoing a faes association with a specific base concept. For example This happens when a water fae such as a siren is captured and forced to live on land without there principal or natural concept around there association to that concept unravels. In most fae which this causes either horrible death as there essence is ripped apart by reality or the loss of a spirits abilities and function as a fairy these beings often live as glamour themselves to seem like humans and unfortunately like humans this way they may die of natural causes.This likewise undoes there magic by dissolving the concepts that were on the physical plane which had no physical representation. This is the only way to truly harm a fae to the point of death through non magical means to severe there connection with the concept that allows them to exist outside the veil.

As said before the only no magical means to harm a fairy is through unseeming or unstitching the ties that allow them to live on this plane. Iron however has a introverted very heavy spirit, which is the source of its bane toward fairies. Irons energy attempts to ground the concepts that make up fairies (make them real) however sense the fairies themselves have no true physical body and merely exist through the harlequin method of associating with existing concepts. Their original concept which bonds with base concepts to make them "real" is forced onto the physical plain allowing them to be hurt. This also occurs when they have been poisoned with iron in their food which can either kill them, incapacitate them or bind there powers.

Within the veil is a land crafted by the fae themselves, each part being created by one fairy or another. All fae are most powerful in fairyland and have somewhat the reign of a god. Every fae may create their own territory a pocket dimension merely linked to the rest of fairy land by woven parts of the veil. supported by imposed concepts who are able to function within the veil a place were neither concept or physical can pass by operating through abstract and often loosely associated means. Some fae live here where the Seelie and Unseelie war holds no ground. It is a place were mere thought takes form and shape.

the wind that chills the night, the fire's golden light
the oceans call to you, the earthen fated tune,
I am the ivy binding tight i hold the spells all through the night, i am
nightshade's fated swoon of deaths kiss and witches broom


Cool man - when's your birthday? I'll bring the cake, and I hope you'll like what's inside of it.
There is I in every person,
Only long asleep...


two words

the wind that chills the night, the fire's golden light
the oceans call to you, the earthen fated tune,
I am the ivy binding tight i hold the spells all through the night, i am
nightshade's fated swoon of deaths kiss and witches broom


There is I in every person,
Only long asleep...


Well this explains why when people ceased to believe that Queen Mab existed, she no longer did.

Oh and happy b-day man may the wishes roll freely for day.   :-D
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"


There is I in every person,
Only long asleep...

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