
The irreligious poet is a monster. - Robert Burns

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Ouija board

Started by ravinclaw, July 14, 2009, 04:29:26 PM

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Anyone ever mess with an ouija board?

they work, I was sceptical at first

If anyone has any ouija related stories you can tell them here.


Be VERY careful when using them. This means putting up protective barriers & closing the portal as soon as you are through. Most of the time the entities that come through will be fine but they can be misleading. The fact is, if you aren't experienced in spirits & in all aspects of dealing with them, including removing unwanted ones, don't use the ouija.


The last time I used one I was about 19, Im 28 now, I didnt know they could be dangerous at the time, and I never realy had anything bad happen personaly. But I know for a fact they work.

Me and a few friends used one quiet a bit back then. One of my sisters was very religious, still is, but she hated the thing. My other sister was over one day and talked her into using it.

The next day she was realy sick, she blamed it on the board, I dont know if thats what it was or not but she wouldnt even be in the same room with it after that.

here is what made me believe they work.

One day a couple of my friends were messing with the board, I always thought someone was moving it, even when I was using it, but it was kinda fun so I just went along. We had been playing cards earlier and I still had the deck of cards in my hand, so I had an idea.

I pulled a random card from the deck without looking at it and said ask it what this card is.
they did and it answered corectly. We did this probably about 20 times or so and it was almost always was right.

shortly after that, the damn thing would never work again,
I dont know why, but thats why we quit using it.

I know its not the most interesting story, but it is definantly 100 percent true.


I had the unfortunate privilege of crossing paths with...whatever the hell comes through these things back when I was in high school.  Buddy of mine invited a bunch of us over for drinks and movies, mostly cheesy ones that we'd get drunk and poke fun of MST3K style.  By the time most of us were teetering on being smashed, he decided to pull one of these out.  I was naturally skeptical at the time and went with it.  I forgot most of the questions we asked since none of us took it seriously.  It was mostly a contest to figure out who was moving it.  I remember all of us taking our hands off it with my friend being the last one.  We all laughed and placed the blame on him.

Then for no reason at all, with all of us standing there around it, the pointer piece on the board suddenly shoots across the room and actually knocks an urn off the guys mantle.  Had to have been thrown I'd say fifteen feet off the board on its own accord.  Weirdest part was finding out that the powdery crud that came out of the urn was the ashes of the guys deceased grandmother.  Something I didn't stick around to clean up.

I'm still something of a skeptic when it comes to certain subjects, but I haven't messed with these damn things since and have no intentions of doing so again.
To act human is to give meaning to something meaningless.

Sanity is a matter of perception.


Maybe your friend's grandmother didn't want to be cremated.
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


I suppose that's possible.  We never really discussed it after that since his die-hard catholic pop pretty much booted him out of the house for six months, despite the fact that he actually told him the truth.
To act human is to give meaning to something meaningless.

Sanity is a matter of perception.


After six months was your Friend allowed back inside the house?
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


He managed to take the "mom" road to get back in.  Like me he hasn't tried messing with a Quija board since.
To act human is to give meaning to something meaningless.

Sanity is a matter of perception.


Messed with a one once, nothing happened. Guess mine was broken.:-D
-The shadows connect us all-


I once had an sms talk with Satan. Nothing much. There was a thread about it as someone may recall.
There is I in every person,
Only long asleep...

Andrea Warfare

My mother and I bought one from Toys R us she asked it if her mother was ok and our screen door unhitched itself and slammed open against the house. We waited and then she asked is she would meet a man that she would marry again I farked with her dude I feel like such a jerk and moved it to the yes prt of the board and then she asked for the name and I spelled out Mark. 3 years ago she married Mark. He's the best thing that's ever happened to our family...was this just bs or am I some sort of medium? I can feel presences and have encountered strange things I cannot explain. 
We are all unique.You my dear are uniquely non-unique.


You could be a medium, thats prety weird. cool though.

a friend of mine found a ouija board in this old abandon house, he kept it in his garage because his mom would freak out, "big christian" but he says he walked into the garage one day and the damn thing was floating, when he shut the door, it fell and broke in half, it was made of wood.

Andrea Warfare

Wow,I really wouldn't doubt it because it seems like I'm more susceptible to these experiences. I died for a little when I came out of my mom she had to have an emergency cesarrian and I lost oxygen for a couple of minutes. It in no way parylzed me. In fact,I had an iq test in elementary school that was through the charts and had a reading level of a 12th grader when I was only 8. I wonder if this is significant though?
We are all unique.You my dear are uniquely non-unique.


could be, Ive heard that near death experiences can cause people to have a sencitivaty to that sort of thing.


i have to say i have tried messing with an Ouija board and regretted it ever since.i was at a friends house and we tried it . we were just fooling around. though, after that there have been ,what appears  to be, poltergeist activity in that house. we think that when we used it we somehow called a spirit and it stayed.I'm not too sure if thats even possible. though, i never messed with one of them ever again.
To hate is to love with a deadly passion....

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