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Haunted Houses

Started by ravinclaw, July 18, 2009, 05:39:27 PM

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There are all sorts of stories about haunted houses in my area,

if anyone is interested, I will relay a few a bit later

if you have a story about a haunted house tell us, dosent matter if its a first hand experience or not, could be a story a friend has told you or anything related to hauntings.

or hell, you can make one up if you waunt, but be sure to tell if its true or not.

any takers?


 A buddy of mine used to live in this house with roommates. It was him and his fiance and his sister and her fiance. They had to move out because every morning around 6 AM they would start hearing a little boy screaming and crying, begging someone for help. It was coming from under the house in the crawl space. He went down there to try and help the boy, but got no response.
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


What the... That's freaky, Kadesh!

And... yup, that's about all I have to add to the thread... :-P
Seek not beauty in battle. Seek not beauty in death. Consider not your own life. If you wish to protect that which must be protected, then strike when your opponent's back is turned.


 There was another house he lived in with these people that had a ghost that would make him or them breakfast. They would get up and there it would be. He said the only thing it didn't do was dishes....... that means the ghost is male, right?  :-P
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


Really? Wouldn't it be a guy if it did the dishes for them? That's how it goes 'round here anyways :P
Seek not beauty in battle. Seek not beauty in death. Consider not your own life. If you wish to protect that which must be protected, then strike when your opponent's back is turned.


 My dad and my bf are the only guys I know that do the dishes. All the others I know just leave 'em til they rot.  *<:)
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...

Andrea Warfare

Kadesh: "There was another house he lived in with these people that had a ghost that would make him or them breakfast. They would get up and there it would be. He said the only thing it didn't do was dishes....... that means the ghost is male, right?  :-P"

Oh wow,this is hillarious and amazing. I'd say the ghost is female because if the ghost was male he would wash the dishes very poorly,lol. I'm terrible with dishes!
We are all unique.You my dear are uniquely non-unique.


 Tell us your story, ravin. I don't have any haunted house stories of my own. Mine never really happened in a house, lol.

I do have one more from a friend. He said that him and some buddies snuck into an old abandoned house that was supposed to be haunted. He told me that he didn't really believe in that stuff... until he saw his name written on the wall in blood.
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


well i stayed at a friends place recently, and theyve just started renting it, there is one bedroom where everyone who goes there gets a very strange vibe, and everyone who stays there has nightmares. i slept in this room nd had what im still not certain was a dream, i got up out of bed and opened the door, and a wolf runs into the room, grabs my hand in its teeth and drags me to the bed, then somehow theres a blonde girl about 17 years old id say in the bed with me. the room was furnished in a kind of modern decor, but when i went to sleep the only thing in the room was a mattress. i look to the door which is wide open after having locked it. so i get up and jiggle the handle, and its still locked. not sure if thats a haunting or not but it kinda freaked me out.
Too weird to live....too rare to die


 Strange..... Anything else you remember??
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


just that she smeeled like lavender, only reason i know that is she snuggled up to me. not exactly what id call a nightmare but different for sure.
Too weird to live....too rare to die

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