
The sleep of reason produces monsters (El SueƱo de la Razon Produce Monstruos) - Francisco Goya

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funny dreamwalking

Started by bluebabe, July 20, 2009, 02:39:15 AM

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Quote from: KubeSix on July 31, 2009, 10:22:16 PM
Not physically damaged, but it's just extremely shocking. You know, you wake up standing upright far from your bed, you start panicking. Then you run, or do some other stupid thing and bang your foot, fall down, hit your head and end up in the hospital. That's why it's so dangerous. also, 'cause if they're having a nightmare, you never know how they might react when they get woken up. (I can testify on that, I had a nightmare the other morning and my mom walked in my room and put freshly washed clothes next to my feet. I woke up, snapped to a sitting position, ready to punch whoever that was. I was lucky to realize soon enough it was just a nightmare and it was my mom standing there :-o)

About the dreamtalking.. It depends what they're talking about... If they're asking a question, whatever the answer is, they'll most likely go back to sleep. "What time is it?" .. "It's Dinosaur PM. go back to sleep or the table will drown." .. "Oh, okay... :)zzz:-D I love turning my brothers' dreams into absurd results of my crazy imagination :3 <^>

yeah it is true!And it is so funny, I like that "dinosaur PM" haha, it's cute!it made all my roommates laughed!

And you guys have so many funny things to share!I just kept laughing from the beginning to the end:D I have never heard someone would do that before!that "weese" stuff is funny,too!sometimes people in their dreams are just cute like babies!!


Here's a good one:

My parents were away this weekend and there was only me and my older brother at home. So it's like 4:30 AM, I go to bed. Soon after, I hear him coming back from a party and going off to bed, too.

I wake up yesterday morning and when I go down to the kitchen to grab breakfast he says: "Hey did you hear loud noises last night coming from my room?"
"No, why?"
"Just wondering... 'Cause there's a foot-wide hole in my wall and I don't remember anything after going to bed."

Now our parents want to know why we had a party at our place while they were gone... which we didn't... Also here's the weird thing: The solid part of the wall that was punched through is like an inch thick and there are fist marks imprinted on the pieces that were left behind. It would've taken repeated punches to get that hole done and the one who did it would obviously feel some kind of pain in their hand the next day. Plus, why did no one wake up? So either I got up (I don't sleepwalk, so that's unlikely), went down to his room, pushed his alarm clock aside and punched a hole in his wall (without waking him up). Or he did it without making any noise...
Seek not beauty in battle. Seek not beauty in death. Consider not your own life. If you wish to protect that which must be protected, then strike when your opponent's back is turned.


ant,rat or something moving behind the wall...

or maybe the thief...:p

or maybe a little earthquake...haha...-_-!!

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