
Tell us, pray, what devil
This melancholy is, which can transform
Men into monsters... - John Ford

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If you were possesed? and headaches

Started by adamn, July 21, 2009, 07:27:30 AM

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This mayday section said that it could help if you were possesed by a demon.
I was wondering if you were possesed by a demon could you use a computer?
Because I would like to see a demon's reaction to spam e-mail.
Anyway. back to the main issue. :focus:

I'm not sure if this is in the right place but I believe I have claircognisense (or however it is spelt) and the sense of de javu has been hitting me a lot harder and regular then before. I've also started getting headaches and my heart starts to hurt. I'm not suggesting they are connected but any thoughts would be helpful.
If it is the claircognisense then I'd like to know if there are any other side-effects.

Thanks for the help.


  I think you refer to clairvoyance, but since that is a term to encompace a wide range of psychic abilities.  I am going to assume that since you mention de javu you are either refering to an uncontroled form of either pre/postcognisance (uncontroled because you only reconize the feeling when teh foreseen event occures, and then only by a feeling, and not a true knowing of cercumstances )  Head aches and other bodyaches are to be expected in such cases, as you are not controling a talent, but letting the talent control you.  If you are in possession of such talent then you need to get control of it, because if it is putting strain on your heart, then it could come to cause you great physical harm in the future.
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


Just to be on the safe side, get checked by a doctor for the headaches linked with heart/chest pain since they can be indicators of serious health issues. Once that is cleared up start looking into trying to control your talent. Especially if your talent is very strong not controlling it can have serious consequences for you. You can start by coaching yourself to stay calm when you get a vision staying calm will relax your body & make the experience more tolerable & help you get more information from the vision.


I agree with murete,it might be like that movie with nicholas cage where he could see like 5 seconds into the future.Remember to be careful with things like this,their usually unstable.

off subject:People hear that I am a horror writer and they think that I must be a monster, but actually I have the heart of a small child - I keep it in a jar on my desk. - Robert it bad to think thats hilarious?lol
New Signature


Quote from: adamn on July 21, 2009, 07:27:30 AM
This mayday section said that it could help if you were possesed by a demon.
I was wondering if you were possesed by a demon could you use a computer?
Because I would like to see a demon's reaction to spam e-mail.
Anyway. back to the main issue. :focus:

I'm not sure if this is in the right place but I believe I have claircognisense (or however it is spelt) and the sense of de javu has been hitting me a lot harder and regular then before. I've also started getting headaches and my heart starts to hurt. I'm not suggesting they are connected but any thoughts would be helpful.
If it is the claircognisense then I'd like to know if there are any other side-effects.

Thanks for the help.

If you want me to send you some protection practice, send me a pm.



Sure I- you can still use a comp all depending upon the state of the possession.  As long as the demon/ hasnt tried to fully possess you and your still within the first two of the five steps of possession than yah sure. I myself dont exactly now the level of my own possession but am guessing its around- Infestation or Oppression.  They have tried to scare or make small attacks here or there. But for the last year or so, have really seemed to be more at bay unless I get really mad.   
I don't make sense - I got my pride
Don't need no meaning
I feel no shame - I will not believe
I got no choice - I'm out of control
And I love it


To address the actual issue at the heart of this thread, yes, a wild talent can in some cases produce sufficient psycho-emotional stress that physical maladies begin to manifest. That's what it sounds like is happening here. If this is the case, then getting a handle on your talent would help. However, you could have a legitimate and separate condition rather than a co-morbidity. Go see a properly credentialed and trained health practitioner about these. If that professional declares you fit and healthy, then it's time to address the psychic issues.


Quote from: ArroganceNLust on September 23, 2009, 08:46:24 AM
Sure I- you can still use a comp all depending upon the state of the possession.  As long as the demon/ hasnt tried to fully possess you and your still within the first two of the five steps of possession than yah sure. I myself dont exactly now the level of my own possession but am guessing its around- Infestation or Oppression.  They have tried to scare or make small attacks here or there. But for the last year or so, have really seemed to be more at bay unless I get really mad.   

there's stages?
New Signature


(Hope you don't mind that I corrected some spelling in the quotes!)

Quote from: adamn on July 21, 2009, 07:27:30 AM
This mayday section said that it could help if you were possessed by a demon.
I was wondering if you were possessed by a demon could you use a computer?

I personally have been able to use the computer in such a state. From what I could hear and what was told to me when I was like that, it kind of went: 'What the hell is this?' proceeded to mess around with it while talking to someone, then leached off my knowledge of how to type and such. Now, they like to use it.

Quote from: adamn on July 21, 2009, 07:27:30 AM
I'm not sure if this is in the right place but I believe I have clairvoyance (or however it is spelled) and the sense of Déjà Vu has been hitting me a lot harder and regular then before. I've also started getting headaches and my heart starts to hurt. I'm not suggesting they are connected but any thoughts would be helpful.
If it is the clairvoyance then I'd like to know if there are any other side-effects.

Personally, when I have a déjà vu moment, my head hurts cause I am trying too hard to remember why it feels that way. I've never had heart pains but there has been a time when negative energies have come at me and the pain flooded my body. But like they said, talk to a doctor before you jump to magick/spiritual reasons.

If you want any tips of how I deal with me, hit me up with a private message!


"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."

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