
I think you have to know who you are. Get to know the monster that lives in your soul, dive deep into your soul and explore it. - Tori Amos

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Started by Andrea Warfare, August 02, 2009, 10:09:22 PM

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Andrea Warfare

I know my uncle is haunting my mom's house.About a month after he killed himself I was laying on the livingroom couch talking to my friend on the phone around 2 in the am when the dining room dimmer light switch turned from bright to very low almost really frightened me and I sat up in an upright position when my uncle's framed picture slammed face down on the bookshelf from the opposite side of the room right there in the dining room.I found out later that my mom actually kept the white hanes tshirt soaked in blood that he was wearing when he cut his jugular veins and kept it in a platic bag with his suicide letter,and a conspiracy book that he wanted his son to have...what's weird is that he had the common decency to kill himself at a hotel not at our house...could he be following us?
Also,everytime I walk through the door past the dining room the the middle room to go the garage I feel someone just staring at me. I've felt it as has my sister way before my uncle commited suicide. I remember one afternoon I was doing laundry I walked from my room with my dirty laundry basket through the house through the living room then dining room opened the door then middle room then opened the screen door to the garage and put my laundry to wash. Once all my laundry was in I turned around and walked a bit toward the screen door opened it and kept on walking through the middle room when I reached out to open the door leading back into the house to the dining room I turned around because I never heard the screen door close. I turned around and something was propping the door open I turned the middle room light on and discovered that there was this tall heavy wooden rake with thick iron claws prodding the door open upright. I could have never walked through this and I never heard the door shut...strangely enough I confronted my mom and sister about it and my mom asked where I found that rake that she had put it in the shed outside years ago. I showed my sister she believes me to this day. She too has witnessed things. From footsteps in our hallway late at night my mom,sister,and I were all asleep in my moms bedroom when her and I were little and we heard loud footsteps walking in the hallway. My mom woke up,woke us up and made us get under the bed. My mother was so scared she hid with us and waited(later on she would say that she couldn't believe she froze up like that someone could hav e killed us)anyway,we waited and heard nothing more after a couple of loud thuds and heavy footsteps my mom yelled "I have a gun,I'll shoot you!"(She had no gun) she then opened the door while gripping a baseball bat turned on lights. No one was there. No locks unturned.No open doors.Everything was where it was before we went to sleep yet we heard it all.One summer night my mother and I played with a quiji board we bought from Toys R us that same day (milton Bradley ppl nothing serious right?) Well,my mom asked the board if her mother was ok and the metal screen door to our front door to our living room where we were sitting slammed backwards against the house.It really wasn't windy that day. The wind was still at least still enough to NOT knock a hatched screen door flying open slamming open.We jumped up and laughed a little after looking at eachother in shock. Then my mom asked if she would meet a man to marry one day.To be utterly honest and I admitted this to her later I moved the piece to yes and spelled out the name MARK.I felt like a s**thead for a while until she actually married my now step dad Mark. Does this mean anything?
Ok here's one that has made my mother a complete hypocrite she is in COMPLETE denial.
My moms father died when she was 11 her mother died when she was 14. She bounced back and forth between family members moved down to corpus christi and married my father and had 2 kids.I'm Andrea 5 yrs old my mother,Marie is pregnant with my sister,Lauren. She describes awaking one afternoon and getting out of bed when she saw her mother and father standing over me and telling my Mother,Marie that I,Andrea was so beautiful and that they missed her. They said they missed their Moose.That's my moms childhood nickname...since then she blames it on here being pregnant and all and she swears up and down she was seeing things she also talks about how her parents are in heaven and aren't worried about us here on earth. I remember telling my sister,father,and mother there were "aliens" in my room. I remember being scared to turn over in my bed when I a woke because I felt like the aliens were there. Did my grandparents I never met follow me? They both died of emphysema&heart failure except my grandma went psychotic in her ldt years.
By all means,take this with the uttermost seriousness I beg of you. This is extremely personal and I feel like they're trying to contact me for some reason that is unknown to me.Please help me with whatever advice you can give me any sort of insight.Thank you so much...
We are all unique.You my dear are uniquely non-unique.

Andrea Warfare

Ok so that was just my boyfriends grandma passed away about 6 months ago. Exactly 1 week after her painful passing we both encountered something. We were in bed holding eachother asleep he woke me up and was asking hey did you hear that? I replied no. He said he heard a loud thud. I said it was probably just the neighbor(we live in an apartment complex)We woke up in the morning together. I started making breakfast my boyfriend set the table and poured milk I was just about to serve when he left out of the room and returned with a light bulb in his hand and just looking at it like wth is this? At the end where there normally is the crew in part there was a clean cut around the diameter it was hollow on the inside I folled him to the living room he pointed toward the ceiling fan where the copper wire and screw in part was still screwed in the socket. We didn't take it out for a couple of days. Job thinks it was his grandma saying goodbye. What do you think? I trie to rationalize that it could have been a power surge. ???
We are all unique.You my dear are uniquely non-unique.


Wow, that's really weird. I don't know much about ghosts, but similar things have happened to me before, lights switching off and all. Sometimes even the TV changing channels or witching on. My house is fairly old, though, and the thing with your uncle's picture could be a pretty clear indication... Sorry I can't help...
Seek not beauty in battle. Seek not beauty in death. Consider not your own life. If you wish to protect that which must be protected, then strike when your opponent's back is turned.


QuoteI feel someone just staring at me. I've felt it as has my sister way before my uncle commited suicide

This, is what makes me think that this isn't to do with your uncle. Maybe your grandparents were ashamed that their son commited suicide or they were still upset that after so many years trying to make their presence known, they still have next to no 'power'.

Don't quite understand what you want us to answer? It would be nearly impossible to tell you why they are contacting you, as you said this is a very personal situation and even you don't know the answer to that question...
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"

Andrea Warfare

My grandparents appeared before my uncle killed himself. I just need help understanding what's going on and why all of these spirits are messing with me in particular. I feel particularly vulnerable to them.
We are all unique.You my dear are uniquely non-unique.


some people are more sensitive to spirit activaty than others, like my sisterinlaw, she is very sensitive to it. mabey they target you simply because they know you can see or feal them.

I would say that mabey you have a gift,


First off, get rid of the shirt & suicide note. Your mother experience with seeing her parents spirits is not uncommon nor is her response to it. As was said before, you may have abilities that others don't which is why the spirits seem to "mess" with you more than anyone else. When you feel someone watching you how does it make you feel? Do you feel fear, anger, comfort, sorrow? Try standing in that spot for a moment & focusing on the energy there which may help you understand if it is a benign presence or not. Since your uncle did not die in the house, it is most likely that he is attached to the shirt unless he lived in the house in which case he is simply returning to the place he knew best. Is this the same house you used the Ouija in? If so, even though you faked the answers from it you may still have opened a doorway especially if you do in fact have abilities which naturally draw spirits to you.  The lightbulb may simply have been poorly put together. A power surge would not cause a neat clean cut, it would more likely explode the bulb.

Andrea Warfare

First off, get rid of the shirt & suicide note. Your mother experience with seeing her parents spirits is not uncommon nor is her response to it. As was said before, you may have abilities that others don't which is why the spirits seem to "mess" with you more than anyone else. When you feel someone watching you how does it make you feel? Do you feel fear, anger, comfort, sorrow? Try standing in that spot for a moment & focusing on the energy there which may help you understand if it is a benign presence or not. Since your uncle did not die in the house, it is most likely that he is attached to the shirt unless he lived in the house in which case he is simply returning to the place he knew best. Is this the same house you used the Ouija in? If so, even though you faked the answers from it you may still have opened a doorway especially if you do in fact have abilities which naturally draw spirits to you.  The lightbulb may simply have been poorly put together. A power surge would not cause a neat clean cut, it would more likely explode the bulb.

Oh thank you so much for taking the time to read and respond to this. This makes sense and yes my uncle lived with us before he killed himself I think it was his last wish to mend his relationship with his youngest sister,my mom. Yes,I understand her response to a certain degree but I've never lost both of my parents like that so I know that really haunts her to this day.I feel different things when I feel these things staring at me. I feel scared,complete sadness I've never felt,and warmth allmost like someones hugging me and I feel really good all over.Oh ok so you think the lightbul was faulty? Strange...the others never did that and it wasn't really new or old. Oh well.
We are all unique.You my dear are uniquely non-unique.

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