
It is perfectly monstrous the way people go about nowadays saying things against one, behind one's back, that are absolutely and entirely true. - Oscar Wilde

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What's going on?

Started by Ryobi, August 09, 2009, 04:12:13 AM

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I just had the strangest week and it's going to be quite hard to articulate so bear with me;

I woke up on friday with deja-vu. It was sports day, I knew that I wouldn't make the 150cm bar on high jump, that we'd mess up shotput and only get 6m tops, that the house banner would be a painting of Dionysus holding some grapes, that the guys would be idiots and bring beer and that I'd hang out with some new people after school for the first time, (I already knew what the house would look like and how to get to it).

Actually, to tell the truth the feeling of deja-vu had been getting more frequent throughout the week because thats how I got the idea to paint Dionysus on the banner and to support the idea to make the day themed. I'd had a dream a few nights back where I was an outdoors carnival of some kind, I knew because everyone was in togas and people kept on coming up and asking who it was on the banner and commenting on the demented hand and I would answer, Dionysus. 

So not only did I find myself re-enacting a nearly complete dream sequence but it also got weirder. I slept over at a friends house that night and while there I saw the girl again, the same one from the party a few months back. Dark brown hair but more detail this time because I could hear and see the corner of her dress dripping with water. I was partly asleep, we talked more about horses then got onto the topic of the Bunyip, which is a myth I grew up with;

Pretty mediocre, small-talk style conversation, she was pretty against the whole idea that the Bunyip exists or at least she was against the Bunyip but then she rose her voice and let slip that 'the monsters that came with the immigrants are defiling the sanctuary that for me is Australia' or something similar (hazy). Bit too extremist for my liking anyway. Then she picks up this little person from behind her chair and puts 'him' on my bed and leaves. Then there are many and they are walking all over the bed cleaning up things I can see. At first I was so worried they'd wake up everyone else but they didn't seem to, so I drifted off again.

The next day, the deja-vu was still there, not as strong thank goodness but it left a lot of questions and my legs really, really hurt. Much more than they should after a sports day. I spent the last 2 days obsessing over a series that I swear I've seen before (Big Love) which personally I find ridiculous. I've also been gardening a lot however I'm thinking of stopping mostly because my legs hurt so much but also because I keep seeing flashes out of the corner of my eye and things move when they shouldn't, that's normal but the frequency of those kinds of events isn't.

Last night, the little people turned up again, they don't talk, they just look at me a bit then get on with their 'work'. The woman didn't show up.

I need to know what's going on, who is this woman? What has she done? Who are these people? What's going on?
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"


Ok first let me say two things.

First. Your friend wouldn't last a day during dreamtime.

second. you are psychic and clairvoyant.


Have you ever tried to stray from the script?

The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


At times, yes I have stopped the chain of events. I'd say something when I was meant to say something else, go somewhere when I'm not meant to be there. The feeling of deja-vu is still there but I can't tell what's going to happen exactly anymore. Then I start to feel anxious because I have no idea what is going to happen next and yet feel like I do. So usually, I stick to the script.

When I was younger I remember believing that it was gods will and that I had to do these things, however apparently that's what school councellors label OCD.

Also, I've been thinking and maybe the little men and woman are just a re-occuring dream. It's seems sort of ludicrous that they would exist outside dreamtime.

PS: If you were joking before Raz please tell me now.
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"


No. I was serious and wish for our relationship to develop into something more.... I love you, and i want to spend the rest of my life with you forsaking all others because you make me feel whole. You make every moment with you worth living and nothing can change that. Each time i look in your eyes the i can see the rest of my life.
And in my life, i am happy, content,  at peace, and with you.

*takes your hand in mine tenderly and stares deeply into your eyes*

Please. Will you stay with me tonight.

* and moves in for a kiss*


*wakes you up from what must have been a very pleasant if rather badly written dream about your truly*
Ahem. But seriously speaking Just go with the flow for now. its better to know what should happen than going around blindly.... just less fun.
It seems to me the more this feeling of deja-vu the better you're grasp of the future is.

1)When you have free time try to sit down and recreate the newest dream you get.  then at certain points try to deviate from the script before returning to a preceding point.

2)Then follow through with the dream until you reach another point where you wish to create a small change. Repeat parts of dream changing parts as needed to see how it reacts.

3)When you get back to RL. Do the same unless you decide you like the day your psychic powers have shown you and decide to go on along with it.

Whaever the case, keep a diary of the predictions and the occurrences to ensure consistency and easy comparison.

Lastly up date us with your progress if you wish for more opinions.

Another suggestion. If possible try to contact oldbill. he's our dream specialist. and he's the mod in charge of dreams so he's at least sorta responsible for stuff like this.
find the psychic phenomena for clairvoiance stuff, although OB's got that part rather well explored too.

Whatever our oppinions and suggestions, you're in control so I must ask you to try to stay objective ok?

The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


Thx for the suggestions Raz, it's been a great help.

Objectivity isn't one of my strong points but I'll try, just for you. It's very true that it isn't as fun, in fact I'd much rather be surprised by life than believing I have false control over it.

I'll start a dream journal because I have a tendency to forget dreams until this feeling of deja-vu appears. It would be good to have a source of information, maybe in a check box format, when an event described in my diary happens in real life, I can tick it off and write about the real life experience.

Might find some kind of pattern that way and give me a more realistic idea of how consistent and frequent these 'true dreams' are.

I'll definitely get in touch with OldBill once I've gathered some more information using this journal idea. That way I've got more to sit down and talk about.

Do you have any ideas surrounding whos these little men are or who the woman with the wet dress is? Or do you think I'm right in thinking it's just a reoccuring dream?

Anyway, for now...

*goes back to sleep*
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"


Should i feel happy that she took my advice or sad that she ignored my proclamation of love? :?
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


I didn't ignore it, you should look more closely at things...  :wink:
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"


Since you say you forget the dreams until they come true, I'm a bit sceptical about how accurate your memory of the dreams are. It's possible you remembered something vaguely similar, and your subconcious filled in the gaps - sort of like change blindness or inattention blindness. It's also possible the deja-vu was just a feeling, and not actually indicative of any memory of a premonition at all. Definitely try the dream journal though, that should be interesting.


Quote from: Fatass on August 16, 2009, 08:17:08 AM
Since you say you forget the dreams until they come true, I'm a bit sceptical about how accurate your memory of the dreams are. It's possible you remembered something vaguely similar, and your subconcious filled in the gaps - sort of like change blindness or inattention blindness. It's also possible the deja-vu was just a feeling, and not actually indicative of any memory of a premonition at all. Definitely try the dream journal though, that should be interesting.

No, the reason I think it may be premonition is because I was able to recall exact things people said or did, even if that recollection came minutes/seconds before it hapened. A lot of it before now has been simple deja vu or like you said, remembering something similar. The reason these events worried me was because they were different.

Anyway, I thought I'd make an update. I've been keeping a dream journal and it's been helping me with remembering dreams and also with recording and checking to see what was deja-vu or actually was dreamed. So far, I have sorted it into 3 categories of 'premonition';

1) dreamed images that trigger vision

2) dreamed visions

3) deja-vu feeling followed by vision (never dreamed)

I've found that most of these events fall into category 1 and the minority into category 3. Right now, recorded images I have my eye on are;

'hand passes over keyboard I don't own, it's mid afternoon and I'm about the get up to turn on the radio'

'sitting in bed, feeling very, very, very dissapointed, it's night and around 9:30'

'the clock has just passed 3:15 in what I think is a library and I'm thinking about a notebook that I've never owned or seen. A friend of mine walks in and I'm very tired, I ask her about getting some water and then she says 'yeah its gonna be a bit cos he's late' and I go 'looks like we'll have to improvise until then' and we sit down'.   

I believe the first two are possible triggers and the third is a future event. Just waiting to see now so I'll let you guys know, I'm probably wrong about the third one though, it confuses me, the conversation doesn't make sense at all.

Something I have noticed is that, if the memory/dream has a connection to time; there is a clock, it's at an easily identifiable time of the day, like night or early morning and I am thoroughly aware of the time during the dream, then it usually ends up leading to a trigger or 'vision'.
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"

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