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Started by Shadowling, December 26, 2004, 02:58:45 PM

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Faeries, are sometimes known as 'Good Folk', 'Wee Folk', and 'Little People' in an attempt to appease them. Faerie is really just a general term, and is used to describe an incredible variety of supposedly supernatural beings, whos descriptions vary throughout cultures. The Dark Elves of Germany for example, are said to be wicked and hidious, while in English Folklore, female Elves are often pictured as golden-haired maidens.    
   In earlier times, faeries were viewed with much fear, expecially by mothers, who belived they would steal a child and replace it with a disgusting Changeling child. Another fear factor, was thier presumed powers. 'Faerie' comes from the latin word fata meaning 'fate', and humans presumed that Faeries could controll the very fabric of thier lives. In order to prevent Faeries from entering thier homes, people would hang things made of irion on thier doors, for Faeries were said to hate irion things made by humans. By the mid-sixteenth century however, fear of Faeries gradually dissapated, and was replaced by fear of witches. And from this new, more innocent view of Faeries, came the false, modern image which is commonly featured in books for young children.    

One who is all-powerful should fear everything

"See how your thumb can cover your eye and prevent the entire night sky from being seen? So too, can a small mind hide the truth."

Carpe Nocturnem



Do you personally believe in their existence? Your views on this would interest me.


Well.... I do believe they exist, but not as the stereotyped creatures they are today, and I also believe they are somewhat less old fashioned as we are made to believe. I also believe they live in Tir Na nOg.
One who is all-powerful should fear everything

"See how your thumb can cover your eye and prevent the entire night sky from being seen? So too, can a small mind hide the truth."

Carpe Nocturnem



Tir Na Nog? Is it a relam in the astral plane that faeries are said to exist in?


My post in the 'subterranian' section covers that. It's called 'The Faerie Location'.
One who is all-powerful should fear everything

"See how your thumb can cover your eye and prevent the entire night sky from being seen? So too, can a small mind hide the truth."

Carpe Nocturnem



I dont know; I rather belive in demonic type creatures of many variations.
"How art thou, thou globby bottle of cheap, stinking chip oil? Come and get one in the yarbles, if you have any yarbles, you eunich jelly thou."


Sorry to say but wee folk are not faerys, they are leprechauns. The fog of confusion that surrounds current understandings of the faery folk is no new thing,and it becomes steadily worse as we try and trace the silver thread of faery into the past. There are tales from all over the world dealing with faerys or fays.For example in gual they are called dusii, in gaelic they are called the sidhe, in norse they are called alf, in arabic they are called jinn, in persian they are called peri. Fays or faerys come in all different shapes and sizes,and by most accounts they are creatures of nature.
  In an account published in 1841 reported almost 60 years before,two children watched a long procession of dwarvish figureson small, shaggy ponies ride up a hillside near Glend Eathie, Scotland. One of the children finally asked. What are ye little mannie and where are ye going? The rider was said to have answered. Not of the race of adam. the people of peace shall never more be seen in Scotland. Now weather the story is true is fully up to who ever reads it. Although you all may think that all faerys or fays are all cute and cuddly,they are not, and there is one thing you should never do and that is to cross them!!! No fibbing,cheating,or any underhanded behavior whatsoever. If you think you can not be good .DO NOT venture into faery magick.If you will recall even Tinkerbell had a vicious side,and the faery population in shakespears A Midsummer Nights Dream were not particularly enamored with humans.Sir Arthur Conan Doyal, the famed author of Sherlock Holmes adventures, literally lost his reputation over faerys.
We are the warriors of Light forging into the darkness.


Thats some intriguing information. Thank you.
"How art thou, thou globby bottle of cheap, stinking chip oil? Come and get one in the yarbles, if you have any yarbles, you eunich jelly thou."


Fairies don't like humans, of course, do you know any creature or animal that like our species ?. A specie that kill, pollute, rape, and destroy the very environment it depends from.
The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist." - Charles Baudelaire (French and monstrous poet).


"How art thou, thou globby bottle of cheap, stinking chip oil? Come and get one in the yarbles, if you have any yarbles, you eunich jelly thou."

alastor moon

if anything we're the damn animals.
" 'tis now the witching time of night,
when churchyards yawn and hell itself breaths out contagion to this world,
now, could I drink hot blood, and do such bitter business as the day would quake to look on."


mmmmmmmmmmmaybe they are fairies who are  connecting with you you just dont see them i belive  in fairies  i had always belive and  some of you wonder why well when i was  a girl i remeber passing by the garden of  the father or my mother an it was so peaceful ans so enchanted like full of magic i never forget that day  i did not see fairies  but in some way i felt so  peaceful    and  the air enchated i think i was 8 or 9 years or  so i dont remember  much  i dont know maybe you saw fairies who knows .....? :)  :D  :lol:  8)  :oops:

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