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Dracula Hammer Horror Films

Started by RevNaomiHps, January 08, 2005, 03:08:08 AM

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I just wanted to let you know that all of the Dracula Hammer Horror films are just out of this world...If I could I would go live then...and meet Dracula on purpose...Christopher Lee...Oh my God he is one hell of a man when he played Dracula...God I totaly wanted to be right there with his breath right there on my neck...



I know what you mean... he sets my mind on fire the way he played  Dracula... sorry just getting that out
I felt like putting a diffrent Signature so I decide to just say this...


hi, I'm new here. but personaly, Christopher Lee isn't that appealing, I like Bela Lugosi! HE ROCKS!!! Maby it's the Romanian accent, that always interested me..... :D

Evil By Nature


I am a big fan of Dracula and I love the Dracula movies Hammer studios made with and without Christopher Lee. Here is a list of movies
1 Horror of Dracula 1958
2 Brides of Dracula 1960
3 Dracula Prince of Darkness 1965
4 Dracula Rises from the Grave 1968
5 Taste the Blood of Dracula 1969
6 Scars of Dracula 1970
7 Dracula AD 1972
8 Satanic Rights of Dracula 1973
9 Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires 1974
The 2 movies Christopher Lee is not in are Brides of Dracula that movie seems to be about Draculas son not Dracula.
The 2nd movie that Christopher Lee is not in is Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires that movie was a co production movie HongKong and Hammer studios both made the movie.
David Nunez Gojira11354
David Nunez Gojira11354


Dear Dracula Hammer viewer, I totally agree with you i also think christopher lee and of course his film best friend the late peter cushing i believe they are the best masters of horror since boris karloff and bela lugosi horror days  how would you like to be my penpal if you do here is my e-mail addresses or :D  :lol:  8)  :P  :o  :)


the question is not that the glass is either half empty or half full..but more like 'WHO DRANK MY BEER?'

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