
I beheld the wretch - the miserable monster whom I had created. - Mary Shelley, Frankenstein (1818)

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Lycanthropic Help

Started by shadowmere, August 28, 2009, 09:45:00 PM

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I think what i'm going through now is rather odd. I have been reading about lycantheropy, but i'm not sure if this is it, or some form. Here's some strange things happening to me:

Lack of sleep on full moon nights, even with curtains closed.
I am drawn close to meet.
My dog is more attached to me, more than before.
I find myself curled up like a dog and nights.

And I refer to clothes as 'Fur', which is uncontrollable.

Could somebody tell me if this is something strange?

I also have something that looks like a jaw mark on my leg.
No, Edward, real vampires don't sparkle.


let me try to help, if I can.

The moon afects us all, some slightly, they dont even notice it, then others more profoundly,
one thery is that the human body is made primarily af water, so the moon afects us same as it dose the tide.      I dont know if thats true or not, but I read it somewhere and it makes sence to me.

I will give the others a chance to speak if they wish, if not I will be back, we as people tend to wory about things we do not understand, I myself have a strong totem, which hapens to be a wolf, I even feel more at home amoung wolfs than people, sometimes,.... or anything K9.

Im just trying to say that its ok to be diferent, hell I prefer it,
welcome to Monstrous, I hope other members will help with your problem.


Thanks ravinclaw,

I've actually read the tide thing too, somewhere, I forget though  :gun:

No, Edward, real vampires don't sparkle.

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