
The sleep of reason produces monsters (El Sueño de la Razon Produce Monstruos) - Francisco Goya

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Nightmares & Reality... Help!!

Started by Kadesh, September 11, 2009, 09:15:24 PM

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 I had originally posted this in "Lucid Dreaming" but I haven't gotten any feedback to date, so I'm going to put it here. I haven't had an episode in awhile now, but I still would like some help with this. As I stated at the end of the quote, I'm very afraid that one day I won't snap out of it and know the nightmare from reality. I had a friend call me and wake me up in the middle of a particularly nasty dream and he said I sounded terrified when I answered, but I don't remember the entire conversation.. that lasted for over an hour. Anything anyone might know about this sort of thing would be immensely helpful. Thanks everyone.

Quote from: Kadesh on September 01, 2009, 07:01:24 AM
Ok... I seriously need some help here. I had another series of nightmares that I couldn't wake up from early this morning. I woke up for a split second, only to fall right into another one.

The first one I can't seem to remember at all. It's just the feeling of having a nightmare.. an unknown evil, so to speak. And the second..(I'm trying hard to remember details, so bear with me, please.) I was in a car crash on a 6 lane highway. My car was a modified highchair and the vehicle in front of me was an open-air box truck. It had PVC pipe around the back and I got close as I was 'driving' so I could see in the back, but when I got up there, I started to slip out of the front of my high-chair 'car', so I grabbed the PVC pipe to push myself back up, but somehow that made the truck in front of me flip. It went back over front and flung me through the air. Afterward, I remember looking for traffic and trying like crazy to get the guy that was driving off of the road. I took my coat off and put him on it and slid him over. Then all these people that have been or are mean to me and dislike me, started showing up and poking and prodding at me and blaming me for everything. They said I was in pain because my toes were broken and needed straightened out, so I pulled on both of them to fix them. What I remember most about this, was all the pain. Two of my toes were sideways, not as in snapped, but twisted, and my ankle was swelling up really badly. I also remember in my dream that my bf wasn't anywhere near me because I was on my way to see him. His parents showed up at the crash, though. And then, so did he. He pretty much told everyone to get the hell away from me and then he helped me up and let me lean on him as he took me over to a recliner. We sat down and he cuddled me until the ambulance got there. But all through this, I remember the pain. So much so that when I finally woke up for real, I expected my toes and ankle to be hurt. I kept rubbing them across the end of my bed and when I got up to let my dog out, I still had to look down and see that they were normal.

I can't keep doing this... it's so hard for me to come back to reality after one of these episodes... I'm really afraid that one day I won't be able to.
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


im not a proffessional by anymeans, but it sounds to me like you have some unresovled or reccuring issues with someone. clean the slate and id think youd be ok
Too weird to live....too rare to die


 It's been this way for at least 9 years. I know I have issues, but not that many!! :-P
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...

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