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Shadow/Mirror Self

Started by KubeSix, September 15, 2009, 07:34:09 PM

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Well this is unexpected... Confusing, but also interesting. I'd like to know what the hell's going on, though XD

There's this... dark... afterimage following my movements. You know when you move your hand real fast, you can see a blurred afterimage behind it? To day I noticed a shadow-like one. It moves differently from the afterimage, which is still there; like it starts moving after I do, as if it was somehow trying to imitate my movements. Sometimes, out of the corner of my eye, I can see it moving on its own, without following me, mostly around my hands, like when I type. I'm seeing it as I type this out.

Yesterday, I was walking in the mall. It was mostly empty because it was late and only a few shops were still open, like the dentist (I had an appointment, I'm not enough of a psycho to walk around the mall at night... yet.) I passed by a mirror and when I saw my reflection, I looked at it straight in the eye and it was as if I looked at another person. It didn't... feel like my own reflection. I was shocked to say the least.

Anyway, so now there's this weird dark... me...? following my movements and I can feel a presence... There's also something with my reflection.

The best way I could describe this shadow would be a dark aura I think. That's what I thought it was at first because I've been dealing with psionics for some time now...

If anyone knows what this is or thinks they can help find out, I'd appreciate the help.
Seek not beauty in battle. Seek not beauty in death. Consider not your own life. If you wish to protect that which must be protected, then strike when your opponent's back is turned.


Could be a shadow entity attached to you. I dont know what psionics is, if you can elaborate more on that, but that two could be related.


hmm thats very interesting, you could be looking at another plain/dimension. idk ill get back to you on this one


Shadow person is one possibility, human entity attached to you is another, so is interdimensional crossover. Try keeping track of everthing that occurs whenever you experience the phenomenon. I mean everything from time of day,  lighting, type of surroundings, sounds, temp, emotional state, physical state (how you feel physically). This might not give a direct answer but may help understand why the phenomenon is happening & help you be better prepared next time since you'll know what to look for.


Quote from: Banshee on September 16, 2009, 02:22:33 AM
Could be a shadow entity attached to you. I dont know what psionics is, if you can elaborate more on that, but that two could be related.

Psionics is the act of manipulating the world around you (Usually matter, but also energy known as "psi" for the lack of a better name) with the sue of sheer willpower. Things such as staring at a ball for thirty minutes and "will" it into moving. Or creating Tulpas, as mentioned in another thread. Mind constructs or "Thoughtforms" like a Tulpa are created through psionics. Basically, it's achieving similar effects than magick through a different path. It often crosses over to paranormal a little such as spirits and dreams and stuff like that.

@Countess: I didn't know a shadow person can attach to you. :| I've seen one once a few years ago and it just stood there. I think I've seen others, but I can't be sure, since the only one I can say I saw for sure was during the day while the others were during then night. But if one would attach, they wouldn't be seen I guess?

Thanks for the replies, I'll keep track of it as you said, Countess. Thanks, Strife, if you find anything, that would be great. I'll search a little and ask around, but I never heard of such a thing happening... Interdimensional crossover sounds plausible.

PS: Here's another way to describe the 'aura' maybe: It's like a physical shadow or absence of light, but it's not on a surface, it's in the air, as if something was blocking the light from going there, but it still doesn't project a shadow, as if the light moved around it and went back on its path to hit the surface behind it. I'm not sure if that was any clearer than before...

EDIT: By the way, if anyone has info on interdimensional crossovers, I never heard of it before, but I can kind of guess from the name, so any info would be welcome.

EDIT2: As Kadesh suggested in the Possibility thread (Thanks Desh), this might be a conscious Thoughtform or Tulpa. Refer to that thread for more info on them if you haven't read it already. It could be that, since I've been having a conversation similar to the one in that thread on another forum, but I'm really not sure... I've never even done a simple construct with my mind, as I train mostly in the material aspect of psionics, not the energetic part, so I have my doubts about this theory. It's a complex thing and I haven't been able to even create the simplest type yet.
Seek not beauty in battle. Seek not beauty in death. Consider not your own life. If you wish to protect that which must be protected, then strike when your opponent's back is turned.


So, as Countess said, it could be an inter dimensional mix up?


i been doing some research and it sounds like a shadow person, from the info i found on them they can be curious, (such as following you around as you said), they tend to peek around corners and if spotted they tend to run, but another thought could be your just staring at the "aura" your giving off....once again ill come back to this lol im tired right now and dont feel like typing much more, could sound like im ranting (which it probably does)


Quote from: Strife on September 17, 2009, 08:22:45 AM
i been doing some research and it sounds like a shadow person, from the info i found on them they can be curious, (such as following you around as you said), they tend to peek around corners and if spotted they tend to run, but another thought could be your just staring at the "aura" your giving off....once again ill come back to this lol im tired right now and dont feel like typing much more, could sound like im ranting (which it probably does)

Curious shadow people, huh? Never heard of that... The one I saw once just stood there, when I looked back it was gone. (Although that could actually have been it, running away and all)

If you find anything else, any info is much appreciated. I've been searching myself, but nothing much.

As for the circumstances: It happened again last night. It seems to only happen after sunset (When my reflection felt weird int he mirror, it was at night, too) Although I've felt that presence during the day, in the middle of the afternoon. Didn't see it though.
Seek not beauty in battle. Seek not beauty in death. Consider not your own life. If you wish to protect that which must be protected, then strike when your opponent's back is turned.

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